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Show WOMAN TELLS OUR DESIGNS At the age of about 40 years, I was attacked with hemorrhage of the kidneys or bladder which continued for several years without a check. I finally took advantage of your generous offer and procured a sample bottle of Swamp-RooBelieving botit helped me, I purchased a fifty-cetle, which convinced me that it was helping me. Three other bottles cured me. In two or three years, k brought my ailment back, but one pottle stopped it. I feel as if I owe my life to you for the great blessing Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t has been to me. I recommend it to all huover-wor- man beings suffering as I was. You have my permission to publish this letter and if any person doubts it, if they will write me, enclosing stamp, I will give full parYours very trulv, ticulars. MRS. T. B. THELPS, Rocky, Ark. Personally appeared before me this 31st day of August, 1909, Mrs. T. B. Phelps who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. L. P. PURVIS, J. P. LmutM To spend a few weeks or a few months during the fall or winter months in Cw B., lltanr Blnyhwtoo , H, T. . Prove What Swamp-RoWill Do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton, K. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price and ot CALIFORNIA A TREAT The Salt Lake Route fifty-cent- B It the direct line to the Pacific Coast, also to Goldfield and Tonopah. Three Daily Trains. Electric Lighted. Observation Cart. For rates and full information see your local agent or address J. H. Manderfield, A. G. P. A., 1 69 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah r. You Can Tell by Faces. Cheerful Pesslsmist Well, hows things these days? Dolorous Optimist All right. Lots of work, money coming in hand over fist! Cant complain a bit! Cheerful Pessimist Well, thats certainly good news! Now with mo things are simply rotten! Puck. A POSITIVE and PERMANENT CURE FOR Drunkenness and Opium Diseases. Hows This? Tkire is m publicity, m aeckMes. Udise trwtsd as rivtlolv as ia their awa home. THE ItEELEY IN' STITUTb, 334 W. Saatb TtmpU Straat, Salt Laka City. SEALS, STENCILS, N A DOES, TRADE CHECKS. Etc. Full line Rubber Type Outfits and supplies In stock. Mail orders receive prompt attention. ALT LAKE STAMP CO., Salt Lake City SUMPS RUBBER Too Much for the Bird. A trained ostrich recently its exhibitor at a music hall by We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for ant Mm o! Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. We. the under timed, have known F. J. Cheney few tbe last 15 year, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buaineie transact Iona and financially able to carry out any obltratkma made by bla firm. Waloinq. Kinnam A Marvin. Wholesale Drucctsts, Toledo. O. Halt Catarrh Cure It taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surface of the tent tree. Price 75 cent pec Testimonial system. bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Take Hall Family Pills for eonstlpattoa. discon-oerte- d continually endeavoring to break away from all restraint and to climb over the footlights into the orchestra. The widely advertised act came to a ludden the professor end, and emerged from behind the curtain and apologized for the actions of his pet in about these words: Lydies and gentlemen HI ham very sorry to disappoint you this hevening. We are competed to ceaso our hengagement until the management hengages a new horchestra leader. "The one at present hemployed ere 'as no air on top of Ts ead, and my bird takes it for a hegg. Detroit Supreme Test I thought you said this bathing suit was In fast colors, said Binks, Indignantly, to the bathing master of whom he had bought his dollar suit that morning. Yes, thats what I said, returned the bathing master. Well, every biassed stripe on the blooming thing has come off on my back, retorted Binks. Ah, but wait until you try to get em off your back, smiled the bathThen you'll ing master, suavely. eee. Harper's Weekly. SHOULD think people would know enough to stay at home on ThanksAny one of giving! sense would know families like to be alone one day in the year. Elizabeth threw down the letter she had been reading. "Why, Elizabeth, whats this aU about? asked her husband. I suppose you wont think It is anything, but it just spoils our day together. We werent going to have any one here tomorrow except the family, and now Gertrude Allison has written that she will be out In the afternoon. Here comes Don. Perhaps he can suggest a way out of your troubles," said her husband with evident relief. Hello, sis, whats the matter? You look as black as a thunder cloud. I see, had a quarrel with Tom, and the first year, too. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Leonard. his sister "Dont be silly, Don, I suppose you will disagree pouted. with me just as Tom did. Here's a letter from Gertrude saying she will be here on Thanksgiving. Well, sister mine, may I ask tbe cause of your displeasure?" "The cause! That's just like a man. Cant you see, either, that we want to be alone on that day? , "Poor Betsy! Shall I telegraph, 'Only the family wanted. Others will please stay at home and T , "Do stop your nonsense, Don. I suppose I am foolish, but I thought wed have such a good time together. Elizabeth sighed. About an hour before dinner time the telephone rang and was answered by Elizabeth. Hello! Who is It? O, Gertruae! Well, well, old girl, are you actually there? Glad? I guess I am. Just wait until I get you at arms length. Oh,' thats Coming out to dinner? 'ovely. And stay all night, can't you? Good! You neednt think Ill let you go tomorrow. Youve got to give me a week at least. Wont we have a good time talking over old times? But you must stay. Dont be a minute late. Ooodby. Oh, for heavens sake, whatll 1 do? asked Elizabeth, as she hung up the receiver with a nervous bang and faced her husband. Where am I going to put her, Pd like to know. There's nothing to do but make Don give up his room and go to the hotel. And, oh Ill have to clean that room at once! It's tbe worst looking place I ever saw. Half an hour later as Don mounted the stairs be was surprised to find hi special sanctum undergoing an unusual process. he exclaimed. Impossible! Dont you dare to come In here! his sister commanded.-Certalnlnot If you dont wish. an Go down and tell Nora to put-oextra plate. Gertrude Is coming to Elizabeth added in a tone dinner, that left no room for comments. And Don obeyed, speechless for once. Dinner was ready, but there was no sign of Gertrude. Lets sit down and eat, suggested Don. The bell rang. "There she Is now, sis, said Don. "Go and give her a Bisters welcome. I can't understand it, said Eliza Looking After the Eggs. Lady Betty, who is 4 years old and never misses a trick, was taken the other evening to a restaurant for her A Local Advantage. Supper, and with all the Importance of her years Waiter, grumbled a customer, 1 and sprightly dignity should like to know the meaning of calmly ordered poached eggs on toast. was this. Yesterday I was served with a While the little family group its service the kiddle awaiting size. this twice of portion pudding amused herself by looking out of the Indeed, sir!" rejoined the waiter, window, pressing against a screen to Where did you sit? get a closer view of something below. By the window. She was warned by her mother that Oh, that accounts for it. We al- the screen might give way and let her window large fall to the sidewalk, perhaps injuring ways give people by the portions. Its an advert! sment. her terribly. She drew away, thought a minute, and then said naively: Would I fall If the screen went out? Whats the Use. You certainly would, was her mothNervous Passenger (during fog) "And would I get awful But surely youre not leaving the ers reply. Then what hurted? likely. Very bridge, are you officer? would the man do with the eggs? Officer (who has just been relieved) Oh, yes. Its no good stopping up In the Grand Stand. there; you cant see anything. baseStella Do you understand Punch. ball? News to Her. Bella Perfectly; but why does that He "Concerning love, everything man run so hard with nobody after him? possible has been said and thought. But not to me. She (coyly) Fliegende Blatter. beth, as she returned in a few minDRINK WATER TO CURE utes with an open letter In her hand. New. In Pastures KIDNEYS AND RHEUMATISM Cant understand what?" she was The receiving teller was examining, asked. The People Do Not Drink Enough ( with a magnifying glass, a suspicious-lookinWhy, heres a special delivery from j! Water to Keep Healthy, bill that just came in. Gertrude saying she will not be In tbe n ( Says I wonder what that fellow Is trycity until tomorrow. What does It 5 ;! Authority. mean? She just telephoned me an ing to do? said one microbe on the bill. hour ago that she would be here to Dont be alarmed," said an old The numerous cases of kidney and dinner. Don threw up both hands and hes probably only one of bladder diseases and rheumatism are microbe; those comic bug artists hunting for mainly due to the fact that the drink- laughed. Ha! Ha! Betsy, Betsy! I'll bet on new subjects. ing of water, natures greatest mediHe threw himevery time! Betsy has been cine, neglected. Knew What He Was Ordering. Stop loading your system with med- self on the lounge and smothered his but get on the face In the pillows. Order Clerk (In large wholesale icines and cure-alls- ; 8top rolling round that way and sick, drug house There must be some water wagon. If you are really meditell me what the matter Is! Elizabeth why, of course, take the proper mistake in this order. cines plain, common vegetable treat- commanded. The Boss In what way? "You're a great girl! But then Order Clerk Druggist wants four ment, which will not shatter the are all alike. women or stomach. ruin tbe Serves laudanum. and barrels of arnica me this Instant what you Tell must make cure Rheumatism To you The Boss Oh, thats all right. Hes are mean. the do their work; kidneys they town. In a located college Don rose from the couch, and dropthe filters of the blood. They must be made to strain out of the blood the ping upon one knee before the offendClock was Fast. waste matter and acids that cause ed mistress of the house he said : The electric ventilating fan on the rheumatism; the urine must be neu- "Sister, mine, forgive me If you can, wall of the restaurant was whizzing tralized so it will no longer b a but I couldnt resist the temptation. round. A gentleman who had dined source of irritation to the bladder, and, "Get up! Get up, I say! Do you extremely well sat looking at It for most of all, you must keep these acids mean, to tell me that you played that Walter," he complained from forming in the stomach. This trick on me? some time. Is the cause of stomach trouble and at last, "that clocks fast Betsy, you made such a fuss about Gertrudes these conditions For coming that I thought Id digestion. poor Willing to Oblige. can do no better than take the like to see how you would act If the you I understand that youve been following prescription: Fluid Extract lady herself should happen to anf boasting at the club that you are en- Dandelion, ounce; Compound nounce such a mad possibility, so I gaged to me. You are the last to Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup went to the corner telephone and whom I would give that honor! Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by found out! "Donald Warner, you are a mean "O, very well, very well! Ill wait shaking well in bottle and take in Le Sourire. my turn! teaspoonful doses after each meal and thing the meanest thing on earth! at bedtime, but dont forget the His sister dropped Into a chair and Naturally. covered her face with her hands. water. Drink plenty and often. "Poor dear, It was a shame a "Yes, she murmured, "I did love This valuable information and simhim. He was not worthy, but I felt I ple prescription should be posted up base trick! Don admitted contritely couldnt give him up. So my parents In each household and used at the as he patted her head and deferred to But first sign of an attack of rheumatism, the faces of the smiling group. took me across the ocean." backache or urinary trouble, no mat just think, sister, my room is cleaned. "And then? he whispered for her ear alone. ter how slight Then, I gave up everything. News-Tribun- Example of Scottish Humor Remark Made by Railroad In e. -- Tit-Bit- s. g i1 Well-Know- i1 - one-hal- TAKE ing Information from the former resident who Is home from the city for a few days. Not until after I have eaten them, wearily responds the unwilling victim. Judge. Porter. t. IS Good OF INTENSE SUFFERING In ailverwue thin year ue very beautiful. 4J There it no finer tilverwue anywhere. 4J There it no place where you can buy fine tilver for lett than our prices. Q Your Thanksgiving table would look all the better for a few pieces. Taking Hlz Meal Out. "And do you take your meals out? asks the village probe, who is garner- WANTED SATAN SENT NORTH STORY The first dose often astonishes the Invalid giving elasticity of mind, buoyancy of body Scottish humor is dry rather than boisterous, and I always think there Is exquisite drollery In the story of the Stonehaven railway porter and the Mr. Winnow toothing Ryiup. Salvation Army captain. To catch roucvln-m-.nnwnhiug. ofiHioguiuii, Wind fluiiti. UolLlO. the hang of a little yarn readers must Forchiulreo laliixw remember that Stonehaven lies to the Fortunate is the man who wants south of Aberdeen. The London train had drawn up at Stonehaven on ac- only what he can get. count of a slight mishap a mile or two ahead, and Andra, the old porter, had got Into conversation with a Salvation Army officer who had popped his head out of the compartment to ask the reason for the delay. Aye, aye, mused Andra, after giving the desired Information, yell be for Aiberdeen, Im thlnkln? Yes, my man," was the reply; "Im bound for Aberdeen a very wicked place. I'm told! What micht ye be goln to dae there, sir. If Its as bad as a that? asked Andra, rather amused at the visitor's words. ' was the pious answer, "Im "Ah, going to drive the devil out of Aber- GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowels ami solid flesh. Price, 25 RELIABLE i cts PROMPT Gold, Too; Gold end Mirer, ll.OOj Gold, Hllrer and Copier. Gold end 81 Ivor ictined and bought. Vrlte for free mulling sack. ASSAY CO 1530 Court FUt'i 0fK Denver Colorado, W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 10. deen" Like lightning came from the old porter the pawky retort: See an drive him north, chiel; Exhaud him well to the north! change. ALL THERE. Visitor Do you Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound? We can furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable, cures after all other means had failed. Women who are suffering with some form of female illness should consider this. As such evidence read, these two unsolicited testimonial letters. We guarantee tney are genuine and honest state' ments of facts. Five yean ago I had a had fall, and hurt Cresson, Pa. myself inwardly. I was under a doctors care for nine weeks, and when I stopped I grew worse again. I sent for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, took it as directed, Mrs. Ella E. Alkey, and now I am a stout, hearty woman. Cresson, Pa. Baird, Wash. M A year ago I was sick with kidney and bladder troubles and female weakness. The doctors gave me up. All they could do was to just let mego as easily as possible. I was advised by friends to take Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my Mrs. Sarah Leighton, ills, and I am nearly sixty year old. think that Baird, Wash. mosqui- toes carry malaria? Farmer I dunno; they never took any away from here. BABY WASTED TO SKELETON My little son, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores come out on his face. I had a physician treat him, but the Bores grew worse. Then they began to come out on his arms, then on other psrte of his body, and then one came on his chest, worse than tbe others. Then I called another physician. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad that I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try Cutl-cur- a Soap and Cuticura Ointment. I sent to a drug store and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed directions. At the end of two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. I can sincerely say that only for Cuticura my child would have died. I used .only one cake of Cuticura Soap and about three boxes of Ointment I am a nurse and my profession brings me Into many different families and It is always a pleasure for me to tell my story and recommend Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon, Litchfield, Conn., Oct 23, 1909. Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds of miserable feelings and whicn ordinary practice does not cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged to try this wonderfully helpful remedy. For 80 years Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Blade exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to it credit, I .n Mrs. Ptnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has Ls guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, in Usffitmn hih The Rajro Lamp U grade lamp, sold at a low Thor re lamp that oost mom. bat theroi no better lamp mad price. at anv price. Constructed of solid brass; nlrkel plated easily kept clean ornament to any room in any bouse. There Is nothing known to the br of lamp-makitbateao add to tbe value of tbe RAY& Lamp as a light giving devloe. Hr cry dealer everywhere. If oot at yonr, writ fog deecnptive circular to t be nearest agency of th CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY OncerporatW) STZAOV WMITZ LIGHT' Little Myra Explains. Little Myra Lee had been in school but a few days when her mother had occasion to write a note to the teacher, and signed herself Mrs. Kent. Thinking she might have misunderstood the childs name, the teacher asked an explanation. Oh, said Myra, with a charmingly confidential air, you see, my mamma got married again but i didnt Llpplncotts. Not Even Mother. Little Bob was much distressed because the birthdays of his sister Adelaide and his baby brother were going to arrive before his did. All the burfdays before mine," he mourned. "Couldnt you make mine come first, muvver? "No, Interposed Adelaide, decisively, nobody can change your birthday not even mother! W. L. 3 3.50 DOUGLAS & 4 SHOES $3.00. BcsTinthz Worlo. Bovs Shoes, $2.00, $2.50 AWOMKN A Dr& Isa that my shoes have The Limit John, I want to buy some gloves will you give me a check? "Sure how much can you do with? "How much have you got In the bank?" been the "standard for over 30 years, that I make and sell more 13.00. (3.f0 and $4.00 ahoe, than any other manufacturer in tbe U.N., and that DOSLA K r'OR DOLLAR, I GUARANTEE MV SHOES to hold their haj, look and fit better, and wear longer than any other (3.00, (3.fi0 or (4.00 shoes you can buy ? Quality counts. It has made my shoes THE LEADERS OF THE WORLD. You will be pleased when yon bny my shoes because of the fit and appearance, and when it comes time for yon to purchase another pair, you will be more than pleased because the last ones wore so well, and gave you so much comfort. SUBSTITUTE CAUTION! name snSmWampidonVhehoUom.TAKE NO Order If your dealer cannot supply you with W. W. L. Stiff neck! Doesnt amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. Youve no idea how quickly a little Hamlins Wizard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you Doitgla I A stubborn desire to get even baa brought about man a man's down-fal- J an Maas. Keeps the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. Continental Oil Co (Incorporated! L 1b Catalog. AXLE GREASE comfortable again. The man who deceives himself easy mark for others. Khoe. write for Hail llUlbLAS. UaSwwk M.,llrwkUM, ifiFMTC Iw RULE 1 ell Nothin JARVO MACtllNH TWIST. Ilk, It. Particular, tree. Hm- - I I fltto. Shaker Thread CL Pawtucket. K.I. TOUR IDEAS. They may bring yow Book Free. fc.st.lcsQ. wealth. Vltigerahl ACk..iakAttra, Box K. Washington. D.1 DITPHT I till sR PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mere (oo4o brighter end faster color then ny ether dye. One 10c package colors all (bare. Tee can dye any garment without ripping apart Write ler free booklet Hew to Dye, Bleach end Mia Cetera. They dye In cold water better then any ether dye, ttQHROE OttOO OO., OwAiey, lllinmm. |