Show CHARGED WITH AWFUL CRIME ex convict accused of beating aged mother to death and leaving body on vacant lot san francisco francis co bea beaten ten beyond se semblance bla ne 1 to a human form tho the body att of an aged woman mrs sophia knapp w was as on monday found in a vacant lot next to tho the savoy theater in the center of the business district of this city her son john knapp an ex convict Is in jail charged with murder on his big way to work monday frank smith a teamster found what appeared to be a bundle of clothing behind a bill board and on investigation discovered the mutilated body detectives detailed on the case found knapp standing in front of a stable where he Is employed not more than fifty feet from tho the place where the body lay lie ile was placed under arrest a and d in his room in tho the stable the officers found a window weight smeared with blood and knotted gray hair some of knapps discarded garments were covered with blood and the collar and vest vast he abre wore when arrested were spattered with bloody finger prints |