Show LAW APPLIES TO WEALTHY WEALTH y I 1 rich nw new york borkert era are required ta tell what education their children are getting giffing Gif ting wealthy residents of the fifth ave arc nue section of new york are receiving I 1 ng calls calle these days from polite 10 po linemen in uniform abo inquire how bow many children they have and wilt what educational advantages the youngsters eire receiving it the reply Is that the YO young ng are studying at home under un der the direction or private teachers the policeman makes a note of that on a white card within a few da days y a a special inspector I 1 n ot of the board of education calls lie asks asha UK tile governess or tutor what at algernon and ami genevieve are studying what fraulein or Ma mademoiselle demol Is teaching and if the course of 1 instruction 12 1 equivalent to that required in the common schools 10 r 0 far the authorities have been george 11 coilfield coalfield Co alfield who Ruper viges the collecting of statistics about the children of school ag age under the lie aegis of the perma census hoard board said that the pol leemen ind inspectors are received by parents anil and guardians throughout the residental districts with imich courtesy and had nil all their questions ius llon answered new york herald |