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Show CITY IMPROVING ROADS a week ago, and prohibition has HATTIE MCNEIL CALLED closed all drink dispensaries. David ' T. Pack and George Johnson have finished a nice cut Bountiful City Extending Culverts, stone home for Mrs. Buokand Filling in Hollows and Making and have now gore to Milo to finish a church, which they Other Valuable Improvements started last spring, and which Bountiful city is making quite a number of improvements on the roads in the city, this fall. The culvert at ohris Nelsons has been extended clear across the street to the fence line and Mr. Bamberger is furnishing dirt to cover the culvert. The old Rock hall culvert has been extended to the property line on both sides of the street. At Orson Sessions the culvert has been lengthened out at both ends. It is now sixty-fou- r feet long, with a twenty foot wing on one side. The hollow at Joseph Boyntons and the one at Joseph Hepworths have been nearly filled in. The bridge at Richard Sedgwick's has been lengthened out twenty feet on the south. The city is also going to put in a culvert at the old Heber c. Kimball grist mill. Upwards of $1500 has already been expended this fall on the highways. Nine-Year-O- Daughter of Mr. ar.d Me Neil Passed Mrs. Joseph away of Typhoid-Pneumoni- a. will no doubt keep them busy until Christmas. Miss Hattie McNeil, the I beg to remain sincerely your daughter of Mr. and old friend, Mrs. Joseph McNeil, passed a G. P. Pack, away this morning of and other complicaSunny Dell. Idaho. tions, after but a few days sickness. She had suffered some Thanksgiving Day Rates Via Oregon Short Line Rail- from apoplexy since last March. It was just two months to the road. Tickets on sale November 23rd and 24th., limited to Novem- day since her grandma. Mrs. ber 28th. , See agents for rates Mary Jane McNeil, was buried. and further particulars. Deceased was born iu Bountiful, Aug. 5, 1901. and was a Good Results Always Follow bright and sympathetic girl. She is the second eldest in the famiThe use of Foley Kidney pills. They are upbuilding, strengthen- lyFuneral services will be held in ing, soothing. Tonic in action, H. C. in results the East Bountiful Tabernacle, Rampton quick & Co. Sunday at 2 p. m. nine-year-ol- typhoid-pneumoni- 11-2- d WOODS CROSS. Mrs. Annie Reed left Sunday for Carter, Wyoming. John Parkin returned thin inori.ing from a trip to Wall sateh, where he had spent the summer, to remain here this win ter. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Fackrell passed away. Saturday. Judson Mabey left Tuesday for his ranch in Bancroft, Idaho. He moved his family down here recently for the winter and will make his home here this winter. Fine Business Proposition New 2 story store building 24x 44 ft with shelves, counters, wagon scales, granary 15,000 bu. capacity; good location for mercantile business; room for residence on same lot; on railroad; about 2,000 population to draw from; only one competitor; good schools, etc.; prosperous com, munity. Arthur Stayner, Ma-lad- t Idaho. Election Returns of Davis County, November 8, 1910. FORM AN ORGANIVATION Captain Cook waded Members of the Bountiful Silver Band and their wives had a very nice social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Hardy, last Wednesday evening. During a rehearsal of some fav orite selections, the hostess announced that a matter of much importance awaited them in another apartment. Upon enterroom another the sight ing which met the gaze of the windjammers was equal, if not surpassing, the eclipse of the moon a few hours earlier. A large table spread with the good things of the land had been prepared by the good wives of the band members. During the repast much merriment was made by relating amusing incidents at the ex pense of some of the members who, during their membeiship with the band, had been made innocent victims of practical jokes, all of which was taken in good humor. After the luncheon, the mem- Operators of Home Telephone Co. Organize Miss Annie Fearn-leChosen President. y goat-Capta- in s Nine of the fifteen operators of the Home Telephone company in avis county met at the home of iss Edith Wood in Farmington, Wednesday evening and formed an organization for social and One of business purposes. the objects of the organization is to bring the operators together that they might become better acquainted with each other. Miss Annie Fearnley of Bounti-l- l was chosen president and Miss Sarah B. Layton of Layton secretary and treasurer. Meetings will be held every two weeks at the home of one of the members in the different towns. The young ladies attended the picture show, after which lunch was served by Miss Wood at her lome. A very enjoyable time was had. ra-tio- nava-gatin- g bers returned to the rehearsal room and formulated a plan for the winters work. The decision was to hold regular rehearsals and to produce a number of dramas in connection with other Stoddard-Daytons- entertainments. The public may expect to,hear from the band again this winter VOTE FOR PRECINCT OFFICERS OFFICIAL and be royally entertained by of them. Really, the members W. Rose, R. 144; L. H. Oviatt, D. Clearfield Precinct. Souih Bountiful Precinct.. the Bountiful Silver Baud, when Justice of the Peace W. c. Justice of the Peace Guy At- 179. they get together,are the jolliest kinson, R. 112; Charles Chris-man- , constable Alonzo Pierce, R. Smith, R. 53; I. H. Barlow, D. boys alive. 102; Jonathan Hughes, D. 156. D. 56. 55. Precinct. constable Ephraim Mantle, R. Kaysville Constable Fred c. Walker, Ii. of the Peace Samuel 58; D. S. Justice D. 42. Idaho in 129; Much Warren, D. 62. Page, George Appreciated Clipper B. Rushforth, Ii. 191; O. A. WilCLINTON PRECINCT. Editor Clipper: Will you West Bountiful Precinct. liams, D. 182. Justice of the Peace. - Bens, of Justice of the Peace Edward your please send me a copy Constable Ernest C. Blood, li. 36; toFrazier, D. 35. most appreciated paper of H. Mitchell, R. 75; James Fack- R.' 178; Robert Blamires, D. South Hooper Precinct. 197. days issue and greatly oblige? rell. D. 51. Justice of the Peace By bee. B. constable of Mann, Idaho George Up here in the wilds Layton Precinct. 29. R. D. D. 49. c. Lee, it would seem just like a vacation Ii. 75; Justice of the Peace Henry constablePaice, D. 27. to get to read the good old Davis Bountiful Precinct. Ellis, R. 230; Philo Dibble, D. Justice of the Peace Joseph 109. County Clipper again It is next Vote on the Amendments to the to being home to read it, no mat- T. Mabey, R. 234; James E. Constable John Hodgson, Ii Constitution of the State ter where you may be. 186; A. K. Green, ). 149. Burns D. 241. All Precincts. I am spending a few weeks 'constable William H. KnighSouth Weber Precinct. with Mrs. Silas Buckland at ton, R. 216; W. A. Burningham, 453 Justice of the Peace James For Amendment No. 1 to am I 1 then H. C. No. A. R. .327 254. going Amendment D. . 42; Fernelius, Against Cook, present, Blackfoot to vfsit L. W. Pack and D. 28. 2 For 37 No. Amendment CENTERVILLE PRECINCT. Ross Buckland before returning constable Allen, li No. George Amendment 2.. 257 Against Justice of the Peace J. N. D. to Salt Lake. 28. Matt 42; Bambrough, 383 For Amendment No. 3 R. 100; J. E. Williams, D. The crops in this part of the Ford, Syracuse Precinct. 3 .261 No. . . 128. Amendment Against state are good, notwithstanding Justice of the Peace Thomas For R. constable Earl, Amendment No. 4 George 25 E. Williams, R. 68; W. H. Wilcox, the fact that it has been exceedD ILL. 12. 300 104; No. Smith, Amendment 4... Against D. 00 ingly dry this season, as there 5 266 No. Constable John F. Robinson. For Amendment has not been a rain for the past Farmington Precinct. R. William the Peace. of 64; AlmaO- Stoker, D, 70. Justice one about Against Amendment No. 5... 306 three months, except - in l. Sharman says that the first mate always did remind him off Robinson,Crusoe and that th pelicans must have got his Cook declared that thee boat was alright for mud-flatand would be fine for the lake iff it would only float. He said he would take the first train for Salt Lake City and is expected in this afternoon with full details of the shipwreck. Sharman and his friends are busy organizing relief parties- To the best of their knowledge First Mate Muldoon is on Antelope Island, safe, but short of and perhaps somewhat drenched with salt water Upta . ' the middle of Bear river hajr there is one guide still piling tui-li- es up and sending a flame up into the clear sky to attract the ship that will never reach port, while Captain Cook is on his way to Salt Lake with the harrowing: details. Sharman says that the boas did not have a speedometer and i he expects the crew were ex-- , ceeding the speed limit, or all would have been well Telegram-- . Nov. II. Shipwreck on Great Salt Lake The distress signal flashed over the telephone wires from Bountiful to Salt Lake City this morning, with Sam Sharman on the receiving end of the message The sender was Captain Cook, not the famous Dr. Cook, but bis story was equally as weird as the north fiole pipes related by the latter. It told of a shipwreck on the Great Salt Lake, a marooned Robinson Crusoe, who will have to content hi tn self with a pelican instead of a parrot for a companion until the rescue party reaches him. It also has proven to a party of local shipbuilders that wireless is very much in need while waters in these parts. Sam Sharman became possessed of an idea. It was to build a boat along the lines of an automobile and ply between Salt Lake and the duck shooting grounds along Bear river bay. He confided his scheme to Harry Finch, Bert Bailey, W. T. Benson and Dick Rogers and they fell for it. Sam proposed to put an automobile engine into bis boat, and build it along the lines of one of the latest torpedo Bountiful Silver Band Entertained towards-Bountifu- UTAH. Guy Servoss sold his place to Herbert E. Smith a few daya ago. Mr. and Mrs. Smith hare CLEARFIELD, been living there ever since they were married. O. H. Brewer and son, cassius. returned. Sunday morning from Texas, where they had been to look after the harvesting of their cotton crop. The father had. been away about two months and the son about half that time. Elder Jesse II. Barlow left on his mission on Wednesday ot . . last week. Brewer was made teacher in the parents class and Gladys Hanks a teacher in the kindergarten class, Sunday. E. M. Whitesides of the Stake Sunday school superintendent and John S. White and Miss Mattie Barnes,. Sunday school aids, and the stake organist, visited our Sabbath school, San--da- y. O. II. Home missionary Fred Tree and A. O. Stoker of Syracuse and Elder Thomas F. Howell, principal of our schools here, oc- - cupied the time in meeting, . He guaranteed that the boat would negotiate the heavy water of the Great Salt lake, the River Jordan mud flats, a well irrigated patch of alfalfa, and a heavy dew on a grass meadow. Oh, Sam was enthusiastic. The boat was built according to bis instructions aud last night was sent on its trial trip under com maud of First Mate Muldoon. Sealed orders were given to gasoline down the Jordan to the .lake, up the lake to the Bear river bay, and watch for a sig- nal light, and there cast anchor. One of the guides of the Duck-villGun club was telephoned to build a huge fire in the tullies e about fifteen miles from the shore so the daring navagators could find it. The plans were carefully laid, according to Sharman, without a chance of failure, but this morning brought the news of the disaster. Captain Cook phoned in from Bountiful that the strange craft ran amuck in midlake last night and quickly, went to the bottom. A mutiny followed among the crew. First Mate Muldoon started for Antelope Island and League Games of Basket Ball- - commencing with Thanksgiving night, at the Alberta hall and each week thereafter until Jan. 27th, there will' be a league game of basket ball played in one of the towns in end of the county. Ordinarily each association will play two practice games each week, making three games-the-sout- h a week in all. The league is made up of teams: Farmington, Centerville, East, West and South Bountiful. Each team will play fou r games at home and four games away. Both senior and junior teams play at each game. The object of these games is-tpromote interest in the Mutual Improvement work, provide physical exercise aud to provide entertainment for the young men to keep them from loafing the the-followin- , DAVIS COUNTY -- Married Folks Dance. The married folks of Kaysville and Layton will hold their next dance at the Farmers Union hall, Friday evening, Nov. 25th, - a to: -- saloons, etc. e. Address all communications o streets, frequenting pool halls, Advertise your Real Estate in this paper as many buyers are now visiting our county looking for property. It costs you PRACTICALLY NOTHING as compared to other mediums of finding a buyer. The same is true if you want to buy property. If you have horses, cattle or any live stock, second hand vehicles, implements, or in fact anything you wish to sell you will be surprised how quickly they will be converted into money if ADVERTISED AND HOW LITTLE AN AD WILL COST YOU. x . CLIPPER, BOUNTIFUL UTAH. i |