Show for business gid J S 4 S A INIE was when the business woman TIME tan took no thought as to where with all she should be clothed attractively the tailored shirtwaist the he stiff linen collar and the well fitting tailored skirt for the office with a jacket or coat and the plainest of hate hata for or the street made the limits of her choice very circumscribed such an outfit of 0 good material good tailoring and le as to condition Is hard to improve Jui prove upon but a too steady diet of the best of 0 things gets geta tiresome especially to women and along came the business girl in w whom hom the eternal feminine longing f or pre pretty att clothes was not to be repressed the business girl tastefully dressed Is still tailor made but with varla eions among her first discoveries was that of 0 the extravagance of the immaculate shirt waist aist it had tobe to be rush fresh as a rose or its charm was gone thiv this meant a change every other day with a longing for or a dally daily clean waist which went intensified in the mul ot of cases for laundry bills lieve to be reckoned with the business girl took up the dainy lingerie waist with a little embroidery and a little ano lace for decoration with three quarter length sleeves and removable collars she achieved economy in the matter of laundry bills and prettier dressing at the same time the daily fresh collar is a joy and an inspiration the black silk waists of messaline mess allne or other sort soft satin finished silks Is a boon to the business girl gill they are prettiest made with yoke and collar of white net lace or initiate batiste these yokes are easily washed and dried over night or a set of three will provide tor for the week many of the wal waists ats have high collars with which tur turnovers novera are worn they are not quito quite as p retty pretty as aa those with yokes black skirts well fitted and tailored are worn with these waists the effect is dignified and charming other dark colors such as navy and dark brown are made up in the same way but black never grows tiresome the largo large retail establishments require their salespeople to wear black be cause it is the best choice in colors but it la Is much improved by th tha e touch of white near the face in yoke or collar yokes ot of black net are worn by the way ot of variety now that the one piece dress to Is ED BO much in vogue a black serge it well tailored and fitted will give ghe the bustness business girl greater satisfaction atter after this a dark rich blue Is the best choice the plainest of 0 shapely coats coata to match worn with white collar and jabot at the neck and a smart hat make the costume all that say any one could ask it la Is in the matter of hats hata that the business girl Is most liable to tall in her attempts to get both practical and pretty things this Is probably because she Is laboring under some delusions delus fons as to what la Is Is what Is durable and becoming very large hats lose their shape with much wear are difficult to manage on windy days get in the way in elevators and cars and become much battered and dilapidated before their days are all numbered therefore I 1 beseech you little business girl buy a email smart hat made ot of good material and in a simple design beav ers era and beaver cloth felts in good quality ityl velvet and spite of its fragile appearance good chiffon will stand constant wear dont consider oa do feathers or flowers but pin your faith to wings quills or fancy feathers bows bowa and rosettes of ribbon or silk waterproof malanes mall nes or chiffon in selecting trimmings shapes are good this fall ir fact millinery Is the best beat we have had tor for many a year I 1 advocate the things that make tor for a dainty neat well set up appearance in business or anywhere else the clean yoke and collar the well fitting and well fastened dress the carefully arranged hair smooth and shining in putt puff or curl and the smart and trig street hat make up an en ea that have frills and furbelows fur belows badly beaten when it comes to real permanent charm if she sha only knew it the clothes appropriately tor for the business girl are the best ever JULIA JULIA BOTTOMLEY |