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Show Thanksgiving Wants! Just Received Our line is complete everything Direct from the factory a full line of Roasters, Bake Pans, Carving Sets, Cutlery, Dinner Sets, Glassware Hot In fact everything for the kitchen and dining room. . Prices right Keep your eye open if you are looking for a good range. Tl e Peninsula is the name of the Water Bottles quality also and Co. Richardson-Hun- t Ogden. The Crockery People BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. DURING A SERMON SHAVED Uberto Eld red ge and Miss Eva Old General McClellan Didnt Want tc Hepworth were married WednesHear lt,So He Went to the Barbers. day. They are expecting to leave for Los Angeles this week, last Democratic attorney genwhere Mr. Eldredge will engage eralThe of the state of Maine, old Genin the automobile business. eral McClellan, the old resident said, Fountain Syringes Pure gum and guaranteed by the brand the Bountiful Lumber yard is going to carry. Mrs. Wilford Barlow, mother of Bishop Barlow, who underwent a surgical operation at the Holy cross hospital two weeks ago, is expecting to have recovered sufficiently by the latter part of this week to leave that institution. She will, however, remain in Salt Lake with her daughters, Mrs. Dr. Waddell, and Mrs. George Briggs, for some time after leaving the hospital.; IGNORANCE OF OUR BANKERS tt Has Resulted Bountiful Drug Co. See our windw all this week. bUtf HOT TIME FOR THE TURKEY I about this season, How about your preparations for the great feast? Remeniber you cannot have a hot time in a cold house. Does your heating apparatus hang paper and do painting LITTHE PLUMBING? and us on well fix matters call be as warm as will so you up at lowest NEED A prices. Don't put the matter off either. About this season people are apt to all want us in a hurry and at the same time. toast. Phone 19-Bell or 422 D. C. I. DEANS Davis County Plumbing & Electric Supply Co. Kaysville PlllS I. phone 3781. FOLEY KIDNEY UTAH. Fob Baokach Kiombvs and Bladder BOUNTIFUL, D. C. Red Riding. Hoods Rescue An Operetta in Five Acts wiU be given at the Bountiful Opera House, MATT QQ V Wednesday Eveng, ll U . (J 0 ' Id the last five years $28,000,000 have been embezzled from the banks and trust companies of the United States." The speaker was H. C. Dalton, a capitalist of San Francisco. He returned : The loss of this vast sum is due to the ignorance of our bankers. They don't employ the checks and safeguards in use in Europe. They seem, tn fact, as Ignorant of the value of these checks and safeguards as Bill Smith was ignorant of medicine. Bill Smith a friend in a sa EAGLE AND n-- et DOG BATTLE IN loon. 'Hello, Joe! he said. Wot's the Scotch Game Had Exciting Keeps trouble? Ye're lookin down in the With Great Bird BeExperience mouth. fore It Was Vanquished. Trouble? Gee, I'm up to tne chin in trouble, Joe answered. It is usually difficult to get into How so, old man. How so? said close contact with an eagle, but an in Bill. cident reported by the Westminster Oh, everything's goin wrong, was Gazette is to a different effect. Not The first thing was me the reply. long ago, it seems, when a keeper was dog run over by a taxicab last Mon proceeding through Glen Laragan. day week. Arter buryin the dog I near Banavie, to inspect the moor, his took 30 or 40 beers to cheer me up attention was attracted by the pecu bit, and the upshot was that a cop liar movements of a grouse. run me in. Of course, I didnt have Passing him in close proximity and no money to pay the fine, so I got ten flying low, the bird dropped between , I morn-tn'days. Well, only got out this him and his dog, and the keeper right and when I got home I found that ly judged that it had been pursued my wife had gone off to her mother's Glancing behind, he saw a fine speciwith peritonitis.' men of the golden eagle, which, how'Wot?! said Bill, in a tone, of horon being observed, swept away ever, ror. That Dago fruitstand Wpt ! the air across the Sheangan through man up Snag Alley? Oh, poor old valley. Joe! Poor feller. After marking the spot where the grouse had fallen, Fraser proceeded The Penknife in Hiatory. on his journey, returning through the Nowadays we use penknives princi- same pass in about two hours time pally for sharpening pencils. There As he neared the place where he had was a time, however, when they were seen the eagle, rain commenced tc used, primarily, for doing something fall, and whistling to his dog. Fraser else. They used to be just what their took shelter. He had not been sit name would Indicate. They were ting long before he was considerably e A used to startled by the swish of pinions be just what its name would indicate coupled with an almost simultaneous . a The ancients used sharp pain in his ankle. A glance round showed that the made of goose quills, just as our pens own forefathers did up to about a eagle and his dog were in combat, hundred years ago. The quill pen was and in swooping, the eagle had seized made by hand, of course, and when- upon Fraser's leg just as the dog and ever the point of one would break bird got to close quarters. The fight or lose its elasticity it was up to the was a fierce one, but ultimately vie penman to put a new point or nib tory lay with the dog. So firmly had on the quill. This was done with a the eagle fixed his talons into the email knife, and hence we have the keepers ankle that the bird's leg had word that has outlived the quill pen to 'be severed. The claws are being In the retained as a memento of the inci a hundred years e was a nec- dent. olden times the essary accessory of the writing desk. came in, the When the clasp-knifCats in Bakeries. smaller sizes took their name from the A cat is a necessary adjunct to a while ones the bigger little desk knife, bakery, according to the decision were called "jack sig- reached by the license committee of nifying anything masculine or big and the city council of Chicago. strong. Chlftf Sanitary Inspector Bail protested, and, quotii-f- reports from LivLAW APPLIES TO WEALTHY erpool and other European cities, declared nine out of ten cats are not any good, in that they never catch a Rich New Yorkers Are Required t rat. Tell What Education Their ChiTats get so fat in bakeries," said ldren Are Getting. Ball, they couldnt catch a rat if sat down and waited for it. Wealthy residents of the Fifth ave- they After one hour of argument on both nue section of New York are receivaides the committee adopted the secing calls these days from polite po- tion of the bakery ordinance which allicemen in uniform, who inquire how lows cats in bakeries. All other domany children they have and what mestic animals are prohibited In baeducational advantages the youngsters j are receiving. If the reply Is that the keries. young persons are studying at home under the direction of private teachers the policeman makes a note of Is the name of a German chemthat on a white card. Within a few days a special inspector of the board ical, one of the many valuable inof education calls. of Foleys Kidney He asks the governess or tutor gredients what Algernon and Genevieve aie remedy. Hexamethylenetetra studying, what Fraulein or Mademoi- mine is recognized by medical selle is teaching, and if the course of books and authorities as a instruction is equivalent to that re text acid solvent and anti septic uric in common the schools. quired So far the authorities have been satisfied fortheurine. TakeFoleys Kidney George H. Cbatfieid, who supervises at the first the collecting of statistics about the remedy promptly and avoid trouble of children of school age under the sign kidney of C. ihe H. census aegis board, a serious malady. permanent Rampsaid that the policemen and inspectors & Co. ton are received by parents and guardians throughout the fashionable residents! Was Bound to Come. districts with much courtesy and had a Esmeralda What deliciously all their questions answered. New affair that is! fluffy, airy York Herald. ight, Gwendolin Yes, this is lqr aviation costume; my going up gown, you ' pen-knive- under the direction of the Embezzlement Last In of $28,000,000 in the Five Years. "once lived here in Kansas City. He came west Just after the Republicans had gained control of the state, which disgusted him with affairs in New England. The general was a religious man, hut he preferred his own method of worship to that of any church. But in spite of his pet aversion his wife persuaded him to accompany her one Sunday morning to hear a preach er who at that time was noted in Kansas City for his vociferous ora tory. The McClellans had a pew close tc N the front of the church, and as the general strode down the aisle his long, snow white beard flowing far down on bis chest, he made a most imposing The preacher ascended the figure. pulpit, read a verse from the Bible and uttered the first words of his sermon. But he had progressed only a little way when he paused in dismay. The old general, realizing that the part oi the service which he most disliked the preaching had begun, picked up his hat, walked down the aisle with a stride as imposing as that with which he had entered, and left the church. After a pause the preacher contin ued with a rather frenzied address He finished with an imposing, well rounded sentence. The organist be gan to play, when back into' the church stalked General McClellan, but without his beard! He had made nse of his time to have his face clean shaven, a change that he had been Kan contemplating for some time. sas City Times. Stewart and Garland Stoves, Ranges, and Heaters Best by Test. A nice new line just arrived. For a limited time only we are going to give you 20 per cent Discountjjon the entire line. Bountiful I Merc. Inst. Co-o- p WHY WORRY The safety of this bank will remove the worry question forever if you bank with us. YOU KNOW US We are close in, you know to I whom your money is loaned, and who makes the loans. This, is absolutely impossible when you bank in Salt Lake City. I Bountiful State Bank Bountiful, Utah. BIG MILLINERY SALE AT THE TCHELL BUILDING pen-knif- Bountiful 1 "pen-knife- MRS. JOHN STAHLE, Jr. - Red Riding Hood Mama Grandma Hugh, Woodman. . CAST Mildred ivesler Miss Pearl S medley Miss CumorahCall . . .L. M. Mitehell Vera Holbrook ...Porter Jones, Jr. Artel Robinson Wilda Rampton .... Rose. ty0f Robin Butter-Cu- p : CHORUS , Lula Tripp, Mercy Stayner, Eldora Rampton, Jovera Mitchell, Dorothy Ball, Golda S medley, Naomi Barlow, Welthy Call, Edith Midgley, Artel Robinson, Thelma Holbrook, Minnie Tolman, Avdeal Smedley, Derral Burningham, Elva Holbrook, Porter Jones, Mildred Jones, Louise Ball and Virginia Midgley. BLUE BELLS (From Three to Seven Years Old) VildaThurgood. Mabel Stoker, Louise Ball, Leona Smedley, Edna Holbrook Ardel Ball, LaVaun Tripp, Afton Holbrook, Delila Call, Prue Smedley and Dee Gilroy. SYNOPSIS ACT I Outside of Riding Hoods Home Children at play Mama sends Riding Hood to Grandmas Mamas solo, Dream of Children Return. Childhood No Place is Half so Dear to ACT II Grandmas Cottage How Like a Spell Me--Cannot Sing the Old Songs Lulled as of Old., Spare the Old Homestead T p Great goods. Styles and prices to suit all classes'. Call and see us. pen-knif- Mary Morgan e Jack-knives- " c Thanksgiving Special Thanksgiving day brings with it a great many things and it is indeed an unfortunate mortal who on this day can find nothing for which to be thankful. This store is thankful to you for the patronage you have given us and we hope to show our appreciation in our efforts to always serve you better, both in point of quality of merchandise and in courteous treatment when buying at our store. Large shipments of shoes, winter underwear and outings have all arrived and everything has been marked to a low p rice, and in visiting our store you will stand amazed at the low prices that confront you. min-imu- m Our heavy 121 and 13c outing 10c Our heavy 10c outing 3c Our heavy 8lc outing 6c Grocery Department Equally as Good Prices. Bran and Shorts, $1.00 cwt. Flour, $1.95 cwt. Ham, 5c We have a complete lineof fruits and vegetables, oranges, apples, cranberries, sweet potatoes, bananas, celery, etc. . Hor-ror-t-Th- 3 ,J child-ren?Th- - Doors open 7:30. Curtain 8 oclock. reduction on our entire line of millinery. New and up - to - date pen-knif- SPANISH DANCE Lula Tripp, Mercy Stayner, Eldora Rampton, Golda Smedley, .Dorothy Ball and Naomi Barlow. ACT III Woods Riding Hood ou Her Way to Grandmas aud Blue Bells The Warning Greeted by the Flowers, Butter-Cuof the Rose Riding Hood Encounters the Wolf The Race The Happy Woodman ACT IV Same as Act II Spinning Song Grandmas Fright Wolf Impersonates Grandma Riding Hoods Surprise The ExThe Hard Hearted citing Chase The Woodman to the Rescue .Wolf. DANCE OF THE SCENTED ROSES cumorah call, Lila Mitchell, Pearl Smedley, May Stayner and . Leone call. , Know'. Act V Same as Act I O, Happy are We 0, Tale of Thanksgiving Day Rates. e childrens Sorrow Roses solo, Fear Not, Little Via Oregou Short Line RailProvidential. Mother- Why should we make WilSafe Return Good Night. road. Tickets on sale November lie a doctor when there are so many 23 and 24, limited to November new doctors every year? Admission, Reserved Seats, 35c, 25c; Children, 15c 28th. See agent for rates and Father But think of all the new ail- farther particulars, r 11-2- ments! I Capital Mercantile Company I Meggendorfer Blaetter. i |