Show THE KAYSVILLE CLUB name of new organization launched in kaysville Kays ville for advancement of the town and davis county A company has been in corpor abed known us as the llie club the incorporators rotors are garrett E clow W A layton Layt william flint jesso layton and geo W terrill garrett E clowis clow is president and a director W V A layton vice president and director and william A flint secre secretary iary and treasurer the tha articles state that the club is incorporated for twenty five live years that the club proposes to own and control club rooms for the entertainment of club members and to awn and control such p property us its may bo allowed by bylaw law also to promote any and all things which may bo be for the improvement pro arid and up building of kaysville Kays ville and davis county to lend aid aia to every object having baving in view tho the bettering of conditi conditions ons locally and generally to make it possible for the business men in that vicinity to meet and act as a unit in a all matters affecting that locality so as to obtain the advantages of joint action over individual effort on ort and to get them to meet in a social asocial as well as a business way |