Show UTAH STATE NEWS denver lueaver city Is soon to be ba connected ty by rail with milford Ml lford john mcnally one of the first sa loru keepers in salt lake city died on an thursday from pneumonia while attempting to light ar an oil all a tove love mrs birs anna johnson agod 60 ot at salt bait lake C city ty was waa seve severely roly burned about the hands and arms 3 A aged 30 committed sale suicide de at his bis home in salt sal lake city in the presence ot of his efel shooting himself in the mouth despondency led to the deed W I 1 allam jeffress Jet fress who shot and tilled william coslett in a salt lake saloon baloon last lant august has won bound 0 over to the district court on a charge of t murder in we the first degree preparations are being made by t the be oregon short line to send an exhibit ex of at products to the irrigation cv position tion to be held in the coliseum in chicago november 19 to december 4 an effort Is to be made to put the salt cult clubs in salt lake city out ot of business on the ground that the scheme conducted by several ahma 1101 in selling belling clothes to customers is a lot tery despite the fact act that tha t tho the dairy products ot of the state ot of utah are increasing lne rapidly they are still insufficient 11 fici ent it to is claimed to supply the demands of 0 a more rapidly growing population ul ula tion As a result ot of the falling oft off in de da mand for or repair work a reduction la in the hours ot of work has gone into et ef feci eel at the southern pacific car shops at ogden aitu a proportionate reduction in pay john A jones on trial in salt lake city for or the murder of arthur F shepard on july 19 was waa acquitted by a jury jones shot shepard when he be found him registered at a hotel with mrs jones mrs tina hamilton ot of salt lake city died four days after taking laudanum with suicidal intent lira 11 hamilton amilton was 65 55 years of age and a widow it Is believed she was temporarily pora rily insane that death from heart disease was brought on by excessive cigarette smoking was the verdict ot of physicians in the case of charles aged 37 who dropped dead in salt bait lake city herbert staggers and J T singleton who found n trunk check in salt lake city which had been lost uy a woman went to the depot and claimed the trunk have been sentenced to six months imprisonment ogden city has won in the first test cases to decide the constitutionality of the merchants license ordinance tho the court having decided that two secondhand second hand storo store men on trial must pay the special tax on this class ot of business the engineer in charge of the strawberry tunnel reports feet 0 of tunnel kunnel driven in october which is the greatest distance driven in any one month since the work started this makes a total of feet ot of tunnel work done doile george duquette buquette need aged 32 an iron worker who ft bo was injured at trenton trento n utah has disappeared from a S salt alt lake hospital and so BO tar far all efforts to locate him have hava proved futile it to la feared eared hla his injuries have in weakening ME his mind because they applied a shoe blacking mixture to the tace face ot at young floyd leloyd shupe carl ford and IL II II Il alver son BOB of 0 ogden were tined fined 25 each by judge murphy of 0 the police court the tha polish used on the boys face con tanned some kind ol of acid which caused the lad considerable plain deo dee brackenbury Bracken hury sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder ot of warton warren richardson at clear creek cox box elder county on march 28 1910 la Is dead orlet grief over his conviction of 0 the murder and self belt starvation are given alven as the causes for his bis death Gover governor hor S spry pry has issued a proclamation to the people of the state ot of utah urging them to observe thursday november 24 as thanksgiving day a day la in which they shall turn their thoughts to the creator of all things and the giver ot of all god gifts and return thanks for the blessings received an 8 year old boy playing with matches set alre to the ot of levi taylor jr at starting ing a conflagration that for a time threatened the destruction of the barn and adjoining out buildings the was destroyed after a three years battle to saie sava his life alte forfeited im asder der the conviction of having murdered his wit i mary vance thomas vance will escape execution pe ec ution the jury on saturday returning a verdict of guilty of assault with intent to kill C V anderson superintended super intended of the salt lake county infirmary was stricken with ptomaine poisoning early sunday morning as the result of eating a cold tonie sandwich in a restaurant tau rant and come near losing his life lle he la now out of danger 11 II agde aade 26 and elmer peterson aged 17 have been arrested in salt lake city charged with reproducing paychecks pay chacks of the chicago BuT burlington lIngton ft quincy railroad peterson was employed by an engraving company and Rcck meyer Is said eald to ta be a tramp printer |