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Show THE MORGAN POST EXPECTS HOME RULE John Stahle Jr., Editor MORGAN - - A Proprietor - UTAH BELIEVES THAT LONG CHERISHED DREAM OF IRISHMEN WILL TOME TRUE. REDMOND UTAH STATE NEWS Beaver City Is soon to be connected Ay rail with Milford. John McNally, one of the first sa loonkeepers In Salt Lake City, died aa Thursday, from pneumonia. While attempting to light an oil tove, Mrs. Anna Johnson, aged 60, of Salt Lake City, was severely burned about the hands and arms. J. A. Lleichter, aged 30, committed euicide at hi3 home in Salt Lake City, tn the presence of his wife, shooting himself in the mouth. Despondency led to the deed. William Jeffress, who shot and hilled William Coslett in a Salt Lake saloon last August, has been bound over to the district court on a charge at murder in the first degree. Preparations are being made by the Oregon Short Line to send an exhibit at Utah's products to the irrigation exposition to be held in the Coliseum In Chicago, November 19 to December 4. An effort is to be made to put the nit clubs in Salt Lake City out of Business, on the ground that the scheme conducted by several firms In oiling clothes to customers is a lot- tery. Despite the fact that the dairy products of the state of Utah are Increasing rapidly, they are still it is claimed, to supply the demands of a more rapidly growing population. As a result of the falling off in demand for repair work, a reduction in the hours of work has gone into effect at the Southern Pacific car shops at Ogden wiiu a proportionate reduction in pay. John A. Jones, on trial in Salt Lake City for the murder of Arthur P. Shepard, on July 19, was acquitted by a insuf-flclen- t, Srleh Leaders Will Grasp Opportunity, and Will Exact the Best Terms Possible for Ireland Out of the Necessitites of the English Statesmen. Dublin. John E. Redmond, chairman of the Irish parliamentary, returning from a tour of the United States, received ovations at Cork and Dublin on Sunday. He addressed meetings at both cities. Mr. Redmond protested against the attempts of the OBrienites to divide the Nationalist party. Never in the lifetime of the people, he said, had such an opportunity arisen, and he was going to London immediately with the single purpose to exact the best terms possible for Ireland out of the necessities of the English states-mea-. He believed the struggle would be short and would result in the removal of the only obstacle to Ireland attaining nalonal liberty. London Mr. Redmonds triumphant homecoming dominates the political stage. His declaration that he was going to the British statesmen is seized on by the Conservatives to rouse the electors of the country to a tense of the danger threatening the anion should they return a ministry tied to the heels of an Irish dictator. SENATOR CLAY DEAD. Georgia Statesman Passes Away Suddenly From Heart Disease. Atlanta, Ga. Alexander Stephens Clay, United States senator from Jury. Jones shot Shepard when be Georgia, died of heart disease at the found him registered at a hotel with Robertson sanitarium here Sunday afternoon after a long illness. Mrs. Jones. Senator Clay was 67 years old and Mrs. Tina Hamilton of Salt Lake was serving his third term in the lauddied four after taking days City anum with suicidal intent Mrs. United States senate. He is survived Hamilton was 65 years of age and a widow. It is believed she was temporarily Insane. That death from heart disease was brought on by excessive cigarette Woking was the verdict of physicians in the case of Charles Whitten-berg- , aged 37, who dropped dead in 8alt Lake City. Herbert Staggers and J. T. Single-ton- , who found & trunk check in Salt Lake City, which bad been lost by a woman, went to the depot and claimed the trunk, have been sentenced to six months imprisonment Ogden City has won in the first test eases to decide the constitutionality of the merchants' license ordinance, the court having decided that two second-han- d store men on trial must $100 the special tax on this class pay of business. The engineer in charge of the Strawberry tunnel reports 492 feet of ALEXANDER 8. CLAY. tunnel driven in October, which is the United States Senator from Georgia. greatest distance driven in any one month since the work started. This makes a total of 9,700 feet of tunnel by a widow, five sons and a daughter, besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. work doqe. J. Clay of Cobb county. iron an 32, George Duquette, aged In all Georgias 121 years as a state, worker who was Injured at Trenton, Utah, has disappeared from a Salt Senator Clay is the first man, except Lake hospital, and so far all efforts his colleague, Senator Bacon, to be to locate him have proved futile. It returned to the senate for three sucis feared his injuries have resutled in ceeding terms. weakening his mind. Black Murders Girl. Because they applied a shoe blackPark, N. J. The body of Asbury ing mixture to the face of young little Marie Smith, 10 years old, who R. Halverand Ford Carl Floyd Shupe, had been since Wednesday missing son, of Ogden, were fined $25 each was found at dusk Sunday in the by Judge Murphy of the police court The polish used on the boys face con- woods near her home. The child had tained some kind of acid which caused been brutally murdered, and a negre named Williams has been arrested, the lad considerable plain. Dee Brackenbury, sentenced to life charged with the crime. Imprisonment for the murder of WarHunting for Mexican Murderer. ren Richardson, at Clear Creek, Box Okla. Though Anadarko, posses Elder county, on March 28, 1910, is have searched in all directions for the dead. Grief over his conviction of Mexican who shot and killed Chief ot are the murder and Police Temple here Saturday night as causes his for death. the given he has not been found. The hunt foi Governor Spry has issued a procla-matio- the man, Oscar Opet, is being kept up to the people of the state of by a large number of deputies and Utah, urging them to observe Thurs- oltlzens. c Mayor Plum of this place day, November 24, as Thanksgiving has offered a reward of $500 for the day, a day in which they shall turn arrest of the Mexican, and it is said their thoughts to the Creator of all Governor Haskell will offer an addithings and the giver of all god gifts tional $300. It has developed that and return thanks for the blessings Opet did not call Chief Temple to hie door as was at first stated. received. An boy, playing with Postoffice Burglar to be Punished. matches, set fire to the strawstack of Washington. Having sent Frank Levi Taylor, Jr., at Haysvllle, starting a conflagration that for a time Wayne to the penitentiary for three threatened the destruction of the barn years for the alleged burglary of the and adjoining outbuildings. The straw-stac- Sellwood postoffice in Portland, Ore., the department of justice probably was destroyed. After a three years battle to save wil appeal to the supreme court of the his life, forfeited under the convic- United States to keep him there fot out ot the tion of having murdered his wife, Mary alleged larceny, growing same transaction. The government Vance, Thomas Vance will escape ex- wants Wayne imprisoned two mors ecution, the jury on Saturday returnthe alleged larceny of postfor years ing a verdict of guilty of assult with age stamps at the time, it is alleged, to kill. intent he broke into the o trice. C. V. Anderson, superintended of Cooked to Death. the Salt Lake county infirmary, was Glenns Falls, N. Y. Immersed in stricken with ptomaine poisoning early Sunday morning, as the result of eat- boiling sulphite, a pasty material ing a cold tonie sandwich in a res- from which news print paper is made, taurant, and come near losing his life. Peter Christian was cooked to death at the paper mill at Port Edward on He is now out of danger. H. Reckmeyer, agde 26, and Elmer Sunday. r"' Peterson, aged 17, have been arrestRioting In Italy. ed in Salt Lake City, charged with Modena, Italy. Catholics and Socireproducing paychecks of the Chica- alists came into collision here Sunday. go, Burlington & Quincy railroad. A serious fight ensued and police dePeterson was employed by an engrav- tachments had difficulty in restoring ing company and Reckmeyer is said order. Several persons were badly to be a tramp printer. tainted n n k n"1- t DEFENDED HOME WITH EXPOSURE BROUGHT IT ON. For Business Girl RIFLE Thousands of Soldiers Contracted Kidney Trouble In the Civil War. John T. Jones, Pauls Valley, Okla. says: The hardships and exposure I endured In the Civil War and vphen serving as a scout under Bill Cody brought on my kidney trouble, i was confined to bed for days and the pain through back my and limbs was the worst I ever The y secretions were profuse, flu. ed with blood and burned terribly, j became wreak and debilitated. Soon aft-e- r I began taking Doans Kidney Pills. I Improved and It was not long before I was a well man. Remember the name Doans. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milbur- n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. American Resists Mob of Mexicans and Kills Boy While Defending His Family. Mexico. Charles B. Guadalajara, Carothers, a local real estate agent, shot and killed Jesus Loza, a Mexican, and wounded Prudencio Chavez, a gendarme, in defending his home against an attack by Mexicans Friday night. Carothers surrendered to the authorities at the first opportunity and was lodged in the state penitentiary, where he will be held pending trial. Carothers, who declared at the police station that hets a Mexican born at Saltillo, state of Coahuila, but whose parents were Louisianians, was guarding bis borne in the western part of the city, the windows and doors of which had been broken during not ing on the night previous, when the mob approached. At the first alarm he took his fam lly to the roof for safety, he said From that point he opened fire with a rifle as the crowd attempted to enter and wreck his home. The quick action of the police and soldiers prevented the mob from seizing Carothers and wreaking ven geance upon bim. TOLSTOI kid-ne- Mass Play Modified. Editor Any radical changes for the better in football this season? Sporting Writer Verily. In understand that not more than one ticket City speculator will be allowed to tackle a single patron at the same time. Puck. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eye andGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesnt Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, Murine Eye Salve in 50c, $1.00. Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. MAY BE PRISONER. Friends of Aged Count Do Not Believe He Dicappeared Voluntarily. St. Petersburg. Sinister reports are current in this city concerning the mysterious disappearance of Count Tolstoi from his home at Yasnaya, Poliana, While It is publicly given out that the famous writer and social reformer has voluntarily gone away to pass his remaining days in solitiffle and peace, and a letter purporting to have been written by the aged novelist to his wife explaining his departure, has been made public, there ts a persis tent report that his exile is not voluntary. His friends fear the aged Count has been confined in some monastry, by orders of the head of the Russian church, and that he will never come out alive. A private message received here from Tula says that Countess ToUtoi twice attempted to commit suicide on Friday by drowning through a hole In the Ice. Plan Religious Reform. Philadelphia. From November there will be In session here the most convention of men interested in the Christian principles of civic government and the practical application of these principles ever held In the worlds history. It is estimated that three thousand delegates will be present' from every country In the world, speaking 458 These men languages and dialects. come In answer to the call sent out by the National Reform association, 18-2- 0 Ballinger Makes Proposition. Washington. In order to prevent further criticism of the Interior department for its handling of the Cunningham Alaskan coal claims, which inprecipitated the Balllnger-Pincho- t vestigation, Secretary Ballinger will recommend in his annual report that congress authorize the placing of these cases under the jurisdiction of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia. expe-rience- Pie. You Americans, said the London man, are very fond of what you call pie. But properly speaking a pie was when the business no thought as to where-wlth-a- ll she should be clothed The tailored shirtwaist, attractively. the stiff linen collar and the well fitting tailored skirt for the office, with a jacket or coat, and the plainest of hats for the street, made the limits of her choice very circumscribed. Such an outfit, of good material, good tailoring and immaculate aa to condition, la hard to improve upon. But a too steady diet of the best of things gets tiresome, especially to women, and along came the business girl, in whom the eternal feminine longing for pretty clothes was not to be repressed. The business girl, tastefully dressed, is still tailor-madbut with variations. Among her first discoveries was that of the extravagance of the immaculate shirt w&lat It had to be fresh aa a rose, or its charm was This meant & change every othgone. er day, with a longing for a dally clean waist which went intensified in the majority of caaes. For laundry bills have to be reckoned with. The business girl took up the dainy lingerie waist, with a little embroidery and a little fine lace for decoration. With three-quartlength sleeves and removable collars, she achieved economy In the matter of laundry bills and prettier dressing at the same time. The daily fresh collar Is a Joy and an Inspiration. The black silk waists of messaline or other soft d silks, is a boon to the business girl. They are prettiest made with yoke and collar of white net, lace or batiste. .These yokes are easily washed and dried over night, or a set of three will provide for the week. Many of the waists have high collars, with which turnovers are worn. They are not quite as pretty as those with yokes. Black skirts well fitted and tailored, are worn with these waists. The effect Is dignified and charming. Other dark colors, such as navy and dark brown, are made up in the same way, but black never grows tiresome. The large retail establishments require their salespeople to wear black, be- - TIME took e, satin-finishe- cause It is the best choice In colors, but It is much Improved by the touch of white near the face in yoke or collar. Yokes of black net are worn by the w$y of variety. e dress Is so Now that the much In vogue, a black serge, if well tailored and fitted, will give the business girl greater satisfaction. After this, a dark, rich blue is the best choice. The plainest of shapely coats to match, worn with white collar and jabot at the neck, and a smart hat, make the costume all that any one could ask. It is in the matter of hats that the business girl is most liable to fail In her attempts to get both practical and pretty things. This is probably because she is laboring under some delusions as to what is practical, that is what Is durable and becoming. Very large hats lose their shape with much wear, are difficult to manage on windy days, get in the way In elevators and cars and become much battered and dilapidated before their days are all numbered. Therefore, I beseech you little business girl, buy a small, smart hat, made of good material and in a simple design. Beavers and beaver cloth, felts (in good quality! velvet and (spite of Its fragile appearance) good chiffon will stand constant wear. Dont consider ostrich feathers or flowers, but pin your faith to wings, quills or fancy bows and rosettes of feathers, ribbon or silk, waterproof malines or chiffon, In selecting trimmings. Shapes are good this fall. In fact, millinery Is the best we have had for many a year. I advocate the things that make for a dainty, neat, appearance, In business or anywhere else. The clean yoke and collar, the well fitting and well fastened dress, the carefully arranged hair, smooth and shining in puff of curl, and the smart and trig street hat make up an ensemble that have frills and furbelows badly beaten, when it comes to real charm. If permanent she only knew it, the clothes appropriately for the business girl are the best ever. one-piec- well-set-u- should have meat in it. But the beef packers Perhaps. compel us to economize. A Very Good Guess. Foote Lighte I understand there were several dozen bad eggs In the possession of persons in the audience last night and not one was thrown. Miss Sue Brette Because the author of the piece refused to show himself, I guess. What the Editor Hat to Stand. Indignant Caller Your paper, sir, refers to the man charged with entering my bouse as the alleged diamond thief. Well, sir. Well, I want you to understand that I had no alleged diamonds on my premises; they were all genuine. Boston Evening Transcript. Editor I. C. CHANGED HIS MIND. p Reciprocity With Canada. Washington. A general reciprocity agreement between the United States and Canada, covering all tariff schedules, as the immediate result of the conference which took place last week before special commissioners representing the two countries, is not expected by the officials here. However, it was not supposed when the negotiaJULIA BOTTOMLEY. tions were begun that complete reciprocity on all products could be reached at the outset. REALLY SMART LITTLE DRESS with a band of foulard spotted with dark blue; the band on Editor Wins Toga. Blue 8hantung Probably Is Best Ma- bodice is continued to edge of Des Iowa. Moines, Lafayette and cord loops form a further terial for the Design Given Young, editor and publisher of the trimming. The tucked yoke and Here. Des Moines Capital, has been apof silk muslin. Materials required: 5 yards Shan-tun- g pointed by Governor Corolla to be Nattier blue Shantung Is used for United States senator, succeeding the thla smart little dress; it has a loose 34 Inches wide, yard silk mus-Ji-n late Senator Dolliver. Senator Young and rather 44 inches wide, bodice fasten- foulard 24 yard will serve until the next legislature Inches wide, 18 buttons. meets, January 8. Senator Young was born in Iowa in 1848, and most of feta DAINTINESS IN SERVING life has been devoted to the newspaTEA per profession. He is an orator of Small Thing. That Count For national reputation, and In politics a Much In Thla Mott Pleasant vigorous supported of President Taft AfterHe nominated Theodore Roosevelt for noon Function. at the Philadelphia As young women are so convention. often asked to pour tea for their friends who are Pinchot Again Takea a Hand. entertaining, they should realize what a difference It makes how Washington. Expressing tuu iear the tea la that the Interior department will served. If this Is done In a careless manner the patenting of the Cunthe guests have always the ningham Alaskan land claims which feeling that something may at any moment be upset, and the he believes to be fraudulent, Gifford quiet and repose, which is an essential Plachot, former forester of the United in most that has to the States, appealed peaceful president, R is well for the person whopXs In a letter written o November 7, to the tea to rearrange the allow him to submit a brief before before the arrival of the guests, sotray any such action is given executive that each piece is just where she is approval. to have it, otherwise she Is accustomed to fum Robbers Make Big Haul. ble and move the things apt about. Great Mass. While far as possible reaching over the As Barrington, t ble should be avoided and in Paymaster Hines and an escort wer the the the china care should be taken money comprising carrying never to touch the rims of the payroll for a construction gang, they cups were set upon by tbree hold-up- s and e We Points makes relieved of $5,000. the difference between an impression of daintiness and the Rumors Were Untrue. for which some guests wouldreverse, care me.I Alberta. Calgary, than for the flavor of the tea. Investigation by the royal northwest mounted police lng at the side, both skirt and bodice to the same waistattached being shows there is no truth in the storj The gown in one piece which circulated from Alix, Alberta, thai band. fascut The the of tens neck, square edge up front or back 1. m excellent Belle Elmore, wife of Dr. Harvey II and are sleeveB finished side, right style. CrlDDen, was there. d skirt-button- s under- -sleeves long-walste- d T5 CXjomJ Mrs. Ferndale We havent any eggs, but I can get some if you want them very bad! Summerbord Never mind, I dont care for that kind. ' PUTS STOMACHS IN ORDER. No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness or Dys- pepsia Five Minutes After Taking a Little Diapepain. There should not be a case of Indigestion, dyspepsia or gastritis here if readers who are subject to Stomach trouble knew the tremendous and digestive virtue contained In anti-ferme- This harmless preparation digest a heavy meal without the slightest fuss or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, acid stomach In will five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, nauseous odors from the breath. If your stomach Is sour and full of gas, or yeur food doesnt digest, and your meal dont seem to fit, why not case of Papes Diapepsin get a from any druggist here in town, and make life worth living. Absolute relief from Stomach misery and perfect digestion of anything you eat is sure to follow five minutes after, and becase is sufficient sides, one flfty-cen- t to cure a whole family of such trouble. Surely, a harmless, Inexpensive preparation like Papes "Diapepsin, which will always either at daytime or during night, relieve your sick, sour, gassy, upset stomach and digest your meals, is about as handy and valuable a thing as you could have in the house. Easy Marks. "Talk erbout yore easy marks, said Uncle Silas Geehaw, who had been passing a week In the city, us rubes aint in' it with them air teown chaps. Did yew sell em enny gold bricks, Silas? queried old Daddy Squash-nec- k. "Naw, I didnt, answered Uncl Silas, "but I seed a feller peddln artificial, ice hed th sign right on hi wagon an blamed ef th chumps didnt buy it fer th real thing, by grass! |