Show CITY IMPROVING ROADS bountiful city extending culverts Cu lverts riling filling in hollows and making other valuable improvements bountiful city is making quite a number of improve me rits on the roads in tho the elty this fall the culvert at chris nelsons belsons Nel sons has been extended tended ov cleur clear across tho the street to the lenco fence lino line and mr bambarger Bam bamber borger or is furnishing furni shing dirt to cover t tha 1 ie culvert tile old rock hall culvert has been extended to the tha property line on both sides aides of the street at orson sessions the culvert has been lengthened out at both ends it is now cow sixty four feet long with a twenty foot wing win 11 on one ado the hollow at joseph Boyn tons and a nd the one at joseph Hep have been nearly tilled in the brid bridge 11 e at richard sed 11 wicks has been lengthened d out twenty feet on the south the city is also going to put in a culvert at the old heber c kimball grist enill mill upwards of 1500 has already been expended this abis fall on the bl highways eways |