Show SHAVED DURING A SERMON old general mcclellan want to hear it atso so he ha went to the harbers barbers the last democratic attorney gen rat of the state of Ala maine ille old gen rat mcclellan McClell Rn the old resident said bald once lived here in kansas city lie came west just after the republicans had gained control of the state which disgusted him with affairs in new E england the general was a religious man iaan but he be preferred hla his own method of 0 worship to that of any church hut in spite of his pet aversion tile his wife 1 fe persuaded him to accompany her one sunday morning to hear a preach er who at that time was noted in kansas city for his vociferous orn ora tory s the McClel lans had a pew close tc the front of 0 the church and as the general strode down the state aisle hla his long snow white beard flowing far down on his bis chest he made a most imposing figure the preacher ascended the pulpit read a verse from the bible and uttered the first words of his hi ser sermon on hut but he had progressed only a little way when be paused in dismay the old general realizing that the part ol of the service which he most moat disliked the preaching had begun picked up his hat wal walked ed down the aisle with a 3 OWL stride as J imposing as that with which he be had bad entered and left the church after a pause the preacher contin lied with a rather frenzied address lie he finished with an imposing well rounded sentence the organist began to play when back into the church stalked general mcclellan but without his beard lie had bad m made ile use of his time to have bis big f face ac e c clean iea n shaven a change that he had been contemplating for some time kan sas city times |