Show SUMMONS in ili thu tho district court of the I 1 second judicial district of the state of utah county of davis i thomas curios carlos plaintiff Plaint lIT ver sus us elleu ellen colomore Col omere admina istra trix of tho the estate of thomas garlos carlos deceased Tho thomas titas H carlos joseph 11 carlos ellen 0 Co colemere lemore alvaretto Alv Alve rotto C bone william carlos maria C hill eugene carlos theodore P carlos carry C beesley fred W carlos maud 0 walker chari chad ty M C oscar M carlos heber 11 1 carlos and gil bort H carlos defendants th tho 0 9 t a t 0 of utah to th tho 0 said d defendants 0 f e libants lid ants you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and lit in case of your failure so to do judgement jud gement will be rendered til against you ac cording to the demand of the complaint which will be filed with the clerk of thi this s court wit within hinten ten days after the service of this summons upon you this action Is brought to recover a judgment to cancel and set as aside id 0 th the 00 order rd e r 0 of f the pro bate court of davis county ap al pointing ellen colemere administratrix of the estate of thomas carlos deceased and to set aside and cancel the order or decree of d distribution I 1 str dis distributing tribu ting the property hereinafter described to the defendants and to set aside the clio order of the probate court of davis county confirming the report of commissioners partitioning fionin said estate to the said do de fon fondants fond dauts ants and to oust defendants from the possession and to re store plaintiff plaint lIT to the possession of the following described prom prem aises in davis county utah beginning 1005 chains ost from the center of see sec 31 township 4 north range 1 west salt lake meridian bhend 6 north 23 de derees degrees rees 30 minutes east chains to the north a certain or street thence north 50 degrees and 15 minutes east dast 1000 chains to east line of said northwest quarter thence north on said line 2810 28 10 chains to north line of said section thence west 2000 chains thence south 40 00 chains thence east chains to beginning con ta ining 73 acres i i more or less ALSO be beginning igniting at the na northwest rafi w es t corner of the northe northeast as t quarter or of said section e east 5 chains thence 45 derees degrees 0 west 7 chains cli ains thence north 5 chains to beginning con acres ALSO beginning at a p point int chains west a and n d sou south 50 degrees 1 15 5 in minutes 1 n U t Os w west C S t 1743 cha chains ns from the northeast corner of said section 31 thence n northwesterly ar th chains thence southwesterly 1510 chains chain thence soothe southeasterly 4 17 chains thence north 50 degrees 15 minutes cast 1197 1497 chains to beai beginning 0 containing 0 82 acres ALSO beginning t at a point 1018 1048 chains north from tile the center of said section 31 thence north 50 de degrees reas and 15 minutes east 1852 1352 chains thence north westerly 1487 1437 chains thence south 1849 chains to beginning I containing acres also tho the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and lot pour four of section 30 township 4 north range 1 west salt lake meridian couta containing ining acres together with the water ap p pur aur tenant to s said aid land as evidenced ovi by 18 shares of the caff tal stock of fae kays crock irrigation company villey A willey Wi lloy plaintiffs attorneys P R 0 address scott budd ing main street salt lake chit city utah |