Show DRINK WATER TO CURE KIDNEYS AND rheumatism the people do not drink enough water to keep healthy says well known authority tho the numerous cases of kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism are mainly due to the fact act that the drinking of 0 water natures greatest medicine has been neglected stop loading your system with medicines and cure alls but get on the water wagon if you are really sick why ot of course take the proper medicines plain common vegetable treatment which will not shatter the nerves or rutn ruin the stomach to cure rheumatism you must make the kidneys do their work they are the filters of 0 the blood they must be made to strain out of the blood the waste matter and acids that cause rheumatism the urine must be neutralized so it will no longer bg a source of irritation to the bladder and most of all you must keep those these acids from fm forming in the stomach this Is the cause of stomach trouble and poor digestion for these conditions you can do no better than take the following prescription fluid extract dandelion one half ounce compound kargon hargon one ounce compound syrup sarsaparilla three ounces alix by shaking well in bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime but dont forget the water vater drink plenty and often this valuable information and simple prescription should bo be posted up jn n each household and used nt at the first sign of an attack of rheumatism backache or urinary trouble no me matter how silt lit |