Show wants just received our line is complete everything direct from the factory roasters boasters Ro asters bake pans a full line of carving sets cutlery dinner sets glassware hot W d tic I 1 in fact everything for the kitchen and dining room dot t CS prices right quality also and hunt flunt co richardson fountain syringes syringe ogden oden the crockery people pure gum and guaranteed by the bountiful bountis drug co see sec our wandw all this week MM HOT TIME FOR THE TURKEY about this season season how about I 1 hang your preparations for tho great paper feast Remen remember ibor you cannot have a hot timo time in it a cold house and do does your heating beating apparatus I 1 painting NEED A PLUMBING I 1 4 bat lowell L call on us anil and well fix matters prices up ao 0 o you will be its as warm as toast dont put the matter ut I 1 phone either about this season people bell or are apt to till nil want us in it hurry J D C 1 and ut at the same saine time davis county plumbing DEANS kaysville Kays ville electric supply co D C 1 I phone clr J Y stidney pilm BOUNTIFUL UTA UTAH 11 FOR fon AND red MM rid ing 11 hood floods cue an operetta in five acts will be given at the bountiful opera house NOVI 23 Wednes wednesday dav J even erveng 91 under the direction of MRS JOHN STAHLE jr CAST red riding flood mildred kosler kesler mamu aluma miss pearl genrl smedley grandma miss call hugh woodman L NJ rose vera holbrook 0 wolf porter tones jones jr robin artel robinson buttor cu cup f wilda rampton CHORUS lula tripp mercy stayner St aynor eldora rampton hampton boyera Al itchell dorothy ball golda smedley Sm odley naoma barlow welthy wehby call edith midgley Mid AlId gloy artel robinson thelma thelina holbrook minnie toliman To linan ardeal smedley loy dorral dorrial elva holbrook porter jones mildred joni jones louise ball and virginia midgley Mid gloy BLUE BELLS from three to seven years old Thurgood mabel stoker louise ball le ona smedley edna holbrook ardel ball lavaun tripp afton holbrook delila call prue aruo Si nedley and deo dee gilroy SYNOPSIS ACT I 1 L outside outride of rifling riding R hoods floods lieme children at play mama sends riding hood to grandeas grandmas Grand mas mals mannis solo kolo Die ain of chi childhood d hood 0 hildren return ACT II 11 grandeas grandmas Grand mas cottage no place is half so dear bear to me 1 I cannot sing the old c songs how liko like it a spoil spell spare the old flom homestead estead lulled as of of old SPANISH DANCE Lula Tripp mercy shaynor St aynor eldora rampton golda S medley dorothy ball and naomi barlow ACT III woods riding hood ou on hor her way to grandeas grandmas Grand mas mals greeted by the s buttercup butter cup gup and blue bells the phe warning of the rose lidit riding i g hood flood encounters the wolf the race the 0 happy y woodman ACT IV sa same we as A act et II 11 spinning song grandeas grandmas Grand Gran dinas mas fright wolf impersonates Gr grandma andina av hoods surprise tho exciting citing chase tho the woodman to tile the rescue the hard hearted wolf DANCE OF THE SCENTED ROSES cumorah tull aill lila mitchell MU chell peurl pearl smedley may stayner shaynor and leone call A ACT r V same as act acal 1 0 happy aro are we 0 talo tale of hor borths rha childrens sorrow roses solo fear Fu arNot alot little chi children lia tho safe return good night admission reserved seats children doors open curtain 8 j thanksgiving day rates vitt vin oregon short line rail edid tickets on sale november sia mid 24 limited to november edth see agent jor roles rates und further particulars part eulars Zu lars 11 1125 25 5 a cats in bakeries A cat la Is a necessary adjunct to a bakery ne according cording to the th e decolion a glon reached by the license committee committe 9 of tile the city council of Cil chicago leago chief sanitary inspector hall dall protested and quo tirl reports from liverpool and other european Kur cities declared nine out of ten cats cals are not t any good in that they never neve r catch a rat 1 cats get so BD flit fat in ba bakeries kerlee said ball they catch a rat if they sat down anil and waited for it after fter one bourff argument on goth both rides the committee adopted the section of 0 too the bakery or ordinance dinane e which allows eats cats in bakeries bali erlea all other domestic animals are prohibited in bakeries name one of tho the many valuable ingredients red lents of doleys kidney remedy mino is reco recognized 11 nihei by medical textbooks and authorities as a uric acarl solvent and antiseptic anti septic forth eurine tali eri aloys kid ney remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney trouble and avoid it serious malady 0 11 rampton co providential mother why should we make wll wil lie a doctor when there are so ao many be new W doctors doctori e very every year father but think of all the new all mental beaetter nia Bla etter stewart A annd G ciric nind ld stove 4 j 4 t LA D 41 and heaters best by test A nice new line just arrived 4 I 1 A for a limited time only we are going to give you 20 per cent Discount jion the entire line im bountiful co coop op mere merc insi dinst an gamma M M r WHY WORRY the safety of this bank will remove the worry question forever if you bank with us YOU KNOW US we are close in you know to whom y your our money is loaned and who makes the loans this is absolutely impossible when you bank in salt lake city bountiful bountis ua state bank bountiful utah 40 cn D G MILLINERY SALE AT THE BUILDING I 1 bountiful great reduction on our entire line of millinery new and up tn date goods styles and prices to suit all classes call and see usi mary morgan mw au han ane P ciani thanksgiving day brings with it a great many things and it is indeed inde cd an unfortunate mortal who on this day can find nothing for which to be thankful this store is thankful to you for the patronage you have given us and we hope to show our appreciation in our efforts to always serve you better both in point of quality of merchandise and in courteous treatment when buying at our store large shipments of shoes winter underwear and outings have all arrived and everything has been marked to a low minimum imura trice and in visiting our store you will stand amazed at the low lew prices that confront you oar heavy and iso outi outing in 11 1 Our beavy outing sc our heavy sic hie outing ac grocery department equally as good prices bran and shorts cwt cat flour cwt ham 15 I 1 ac C we have a complete lindof line of fruits and vegetables vegetable 3 oranges apples cranberries sweet potatoes bananas celery etc capital mercantile company |