Show DEFENDED HOME WITH RIFLE american resists resist mob of mexicans mexican and kills kill boy while defending hla his family guadalajara mexico charles D B carothers rothera Ca a local real estate agent eliot sa s1 ot and killed hilled jesus loza a 11 14 yer old I 1 d mexican Alex ican anil and wounded Pruden prudencio clo chavez a gendarme in ID his home against an attack by mexicans friday night carothers surrendered to the authorities at the first opportunity and wai lodged in the state penitentiary whore where he will be held pending trial carothers who declared at the police station tl tt heis hea a mexican born ut at daltillo saltillo Sal lillo tillo state ot of cochulla coahulla Coa hulla huila but whose parents were Louisi anians was waa guarding his home come la in tho the western part ot f the city the windows and doors ot 0 f which had been broken during rioting on oa the night previous when the mob approached at the first alarm he be took hla hil fam amily to tho root roof for or safety he said from aiom that point he ha opened fire with a rifle as a s the crowd attempted to entes and wreck his home the quick action of 0 the police and soldiers prevented the mob from seizing carothers and wreaking breaking wre aking ven geande upon him |