Show WANTED SATAN SENT NORTH good example of scottish humor in remark made by railroad porter scottish humor Is dry rather than boisterous and I 1 always think there thera la is exquisite drollery in the story of the ho aven railway porter and the tl salvation a 1 T f t t f arnay A r m y captain c n p t a 1 la 1 to T catch c a t i the h b hang a ron 0 of t a 1 little 1 t t I 1 e y yarn a r i i readers r e a d e ra n must i u csc t remember that stonehaven Stone haven aven lies to the south of aberdeen the london train had drawn up at stonehaven Stone haven on account of a slight mishap a mile or two ahead and andra the old porter had got at into conversation with a salvation army officer who had popped his hend bend out of the compartment to ask aak the reason for the delay aye aye mused andra after giving III 9 the desired information yell be tor for Ai alberdeen berdeen im th inkin yes my man was wag the reply im bound for aberdeen a very wicked place im tolda whitt what ye bo be coln to dao dae there sir it if its as aa bad na as it a that asked ar ked andra rather amused at the V visitors words ali ah was waa the pious answer im going to drive the devil out of aberdeen like lightning came from the old porter the rhy retort see an drive him north calel baud him well to tho the north I 1 exchange change |