Show DAY OF FAMILY REUNIONS thanksgiving not complete if a face in I 1 missed mired from the house houe hold gathering during the first long winter in plymouth one halt half the little band of pilgrims died the winter snow covered their leveled graves gravel and when spring warmth removed that friendly rl endly cover ing ng the m survivors planted grain above the graves that waving blades of wheat or corn might hide the colons col onys loss from the cruel eyes of the foe whom fear alone restrained from open warfare the pilgrims hearts were stout and though their eyes might grow dim at times in looking over the fields where only mysterious patches of df a brighter green revealed to their sad knowledge the secret of a hidden grave they dashed away the tears ond and only strove the more to carry on the task those tired fingers angers had let fall and when autumn came with its abundant harvest the great thanksgiving feast they hold held was in communion with the lost secure in the belief that their dear ones in happier spheres were rejoicing with them they gave thanks for home for harvest and for hope since then thanksgiving day hits has been a day of family reunions the distant son returns the gather around the table tho the old people t taie aie pleasure in welcoming the familiar faces that time Is changing and the new faces added to the widening family circle it la is a day of ca careless re mirth and thankful gladness some go to church to find an expression for the feelings which find them voiceless and others feel only vaguely if nt at all the need of more than the tacit acceptance and enjoyment of all that the day brings there are h household ouse games and the sports of w winter inter and if the tha great football contests seem to overshadow more spontaneous diversions the actual figures would show that not one in a thousand and of the population of the country attends the mat matches chop the thoughts of t tho he preachers are apt to turn to the betterment 0 of f civic or political conditions re reasoning that tho the way to show than thankfulness k tor for public blessings la 13 to procure pr more of them not even these serious thoughts can turn the character of the day away from that impressed upon it at the beginning an oc occasion caslon for feasting on oil what providence has bestowed in reward for courage and tor for toll toil the minor strain chrit runs through the music of the affections affect lons to Is heard beard by those choa hearts once thrilled to voices silent now but the spirit of the day Is 18 to r re jolce joice for what la Is secure in memory for the blessings of the year and the day for the promise of the future may w lu u truly thankful thank ful tuL I 1 |