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Show THE SUCCESSOR TO VOL. XVI, THE MIRROR-MONITO- R MORGAN, UTAH, FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1910. KAYSVILLE CLUB No. 14 FARMINGTON FRACTION! Ogden. tta, Red Riding Hoods ResMan Honor Your Business. Lordly Way. Is surprising It how many men The state lohas to Virginia legislature have been our taken cue, play Thanksgiving evening by Since passing an examination gone and passed a law, becoming ef- there are who do not desire their sons teams cal artist, Alma Hardy, and will fective school the deaf and dumb in pharmacy a short time ago, September 17, that requires all or anyone else to adopt their calling. be on exhibition soon. 8:30 p. m. at Watch sheets adorning the beds of public But is It wise thus practically to apeak who had Walter Hampton, Jr., to be eight feet long and III of your business? hostelrle8 the windows unfor them. Large shipment of shoes, been working in store No. 3 of It Is a good sign when a man 'is clean. In consequence hotel managers re Earl Thomas aud sister, Wilda, are in a flutter of providing fall proud of his work or colling. Men are the Scbramm-JohnsoDrug Co. derwear and blankets just and sheeting Is frequently beard finding fault wltk in Salt Lake City, has been ceived at the Capitol Mercantile of Pocatello, Idaho, are down household supplies, being ordered by the bolt to meet Old their particular business, deeming Company. Price on everything visiting their grandparents, Ed- Dominion needs. Now, wasn't that themselves unfortunate because fastchanged to store No. I. ward and Sarah Thomas and just like a man to resort to law In or- ened to it by the necessity of gaining reduced. Don Brown, the Telluride der that his tippy toes" may not be a livelihood. They thus destroy all William L. Riley returned Wed- Mrs. Ann Willey. foreman, who has been making frost nipped in winter aud mosquito their efforts In the work and keep Freman Giles of Lehi, brother-in-la- bit ten In summer asks the Baltimore his headquarters here at the ho- nesday from Parleys canyon, shifting from one thing to another unto Bishop Jed Stringham, Sun. A woman would have draw n her til they are finally failures In life. tel, nearly all the summer, was where he went to visit with his A man should put his heart little pink toes to any height of dis Into so bad the middle of the week, daughter, Mrs. William Roach. underwent an operation at a hos- comfort in order to adapt herself to everything he does. There is no prothat no one except his father was Mr Roach had recently had his pital in Salt Lake Saturday for an abbreviated sheet, would have fession that has not Its peculiar cares left eye taken out on account of it appendicitis. - At last accounts worn fleece lined slippers, would have and vexations. No man can escape allowed to visit him. anointed herself with mosquito re- annoyance by changing his business. been deceased and return- he was recovering as well as pelling ointments. That's a woman's There Is not any mechanical business The, trains on the Bamberger having could be expected. way; but lordly man, arising from altogether agreeable. Commerce Is line that leave Salt Lake and Og- ed home from the city that day. discomforted slumbers, hies him to affected, like all other pursuits, .with to Dont see the fail confined still is Operetta J. E . 4:30 m. m. Hepworth and den at 6:10 a. p. nearest palace of justice, flings off trials and unwelcome duties. Red Riding Hoods Rescue", at the to his house with rheumatism. a law, says "Jet there be adequate stop on flag at Kings Crossing. sheets." And, lo, there are sheets to Bountiful Opera House, Nov. the Bountiful Opera House, Wed- his Commercial Mausoleum. Frank Miller the liking, even if hotel keepers Nov. 23rd. A company has beeu formed In Cinnesday evening, 8 23rd at oclock. A. hustle. C. Mrs. Mr. son of and cinnati to erect aud rent a mausoleum. David Holbrook, son of B. A brokArthur Stayner, the Malad This la to bo a large building, whara Miller, had his collar-bonHolbrook, is suffering from an Patronize your home mill first, bodies may be taken by survivors who en Wednesday morning. city land merchant,, was in town abscess in the head. He has of plot and who have no course, but if you want an out- own no burialone. Walter Huntsman and Lew Ab- Monday. There will be comdesire to buy been obliged to remain out of side Flour. Kaysville product partments In the building, arranged bott have been very successful Joseph E. Robbins of Kays- school a couple of weeks. He is It 8 the best try ever. Never lost a like shelves iu a library, and on theae ' trapping on the bottoms below ville was in town yesterday on expecting to have it lauced to- prize in a competition. the bodies are to be placed. By an business. town, this fall. evaporating process they will be reday. duced to dust. It it the of The Misses Charlotte and A daughter was born on WedLamoni call has the most at- First National Bank. the undertakers of this purpose business nesday of last week to Mr. and Clara Webb of Kaysville are in tractive Jewelry sale the town Keport of the condition of the First Na- scheme to rent or to sell compart-ment- s of all sizes, ranging from tbs Bank, at Morgan, lo the State of town today on business. Mrs. lsaih Burkdall. has ever seen, including every- tional Utah, at the close of business, Nov. 10th, "single" to the "large family size. ElderOrlando Barrus and wife Alfred Burningham, the 'hand- thing in the line. Prices will be 1910. RESOURCES. made that will make you won- Loans and Discounts returned Friday from their mis- cart veteran, is seventy-tw- o PACIFIC TIME CARD 82,101 43 UNION 196 63 der. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured sion to the southern states. They years old today. In effect April 17, 1910 : U, S. Bonds to secure circulation.. 25,000 00 labored in South Carolina. Leonard Handy went to Logan Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 1 200 00 of Lake Arrive Salt the East at Morgan George Horsepool 5,017 50 wed- Bonds, Securities, etc to the attend Wednesday No. 10. has accepted a position as clerk 9;28 a. ra. WOODS CROSSBanking house, Furniture, Fixtures 8,200 00 Mos- Due from National Banks of his wifes reding brother, No. 4 (not 8:00 p. m. If you want anything in the in Lamoni calls store. serve agents) es Thomason, who was married for Due Arrive from at Reserve the West Agents Remember the date, Wednes- on that Morgan Millinery line, go to the Mitchell Mrs. Handy had Checks andapproved other Cash liens day. No. 5 4:44 a. m. building in Bountiful. There is day, Nov. 23rd, Bountiful Opera gone to Logan a week or so be- Notes of other National Banks 3 No. 4:54 a. m. Fractional Paper Currency. Nickels House. a big sale on there now. fore. and Cents No. 9 a. m. 10:18 Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Waddoups, Glen and George Moss, sons of Horace Call, son of A. V. and Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, viz: 16,007 15 Specie who recently moved down from Mrs. Robert W, Moss, are sick Arthur E. Pratt George Halverson Emily Stayner call of Star Val- Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 per centof circulation).. Idaho, have moved into the John with scarlet fever. was with sick taken iev, recently Halverson & Pratt Varley residence. Mr. and Mrs, Ephraim Briggs typhoid fever while in the Bear Total 132,503 72 Lawyer LIABILITIES. A daughter was born to Mr. Sr. returned home, Office Tuesdayg Lake country. He has since Capital stock paid In,.. Notary Public InBell 25,000 00 I 87 lnd. phone 467; and Mrs, Fred S. Hatch, Friday. from a trip to Idaho. fv been removed to his home in . Surplus fund 00 5,000 3 Eccles Utah Building, Ogden, Undivided less Profits, Expenses Secure your seats early fo Apples for Thanksgiving, 75c and Taxes paid 318 40 Mercantile the Operetta next - Wednesday Frederic More, who has played National Bank Notes outstanding.. 24,500 00 and up. J. D. Skeen W. R. Stes iTOSSiF Individual deposits subject to check 48,171 Company. night. successfully in Salt Lake for a Demaud certificates of deposit 183 00 Judson Maby left Tuesday (or bis ranch 28,330 12 Robert Sessions, son of Fabyan long time, is expected at the Time certificatesof deposit in Bancroft. Idaho. c. Sessions, has a mild case of Bountiful Opera House the first Total 132,503 78 General Practice. Meade Hatch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. of week after next. The produc- State 3f Utah. County of Morgan, ss: fever.. BOTH PHONES typhoid case a of fever. scarlet Hatch, developed Cashier of the will be good. Watch for the I, J. Lorlu Hatch, tion UTAH. Saturday. OGDEN, Mrs. who had cp James do bank, Day, solemnly swear that the Maeser Pack returned Sunday from a Reasonable above statement Is true to the best of my prices. paper. treatbeen the at for business trip to American and Spanish Fork. hospital Choice Selection Large Stock knowledge and belief. Engineer Ira Mann of this place was In the ment, returned home last week J. Lorln Hatch. Cashier. Mrs. Robert W. Moss was quite Jos. Parry & Sons Co. wreck of the two freight trains on the O. S. Correct. Attest: Joseph Williams, James cured. L. By. near Nampa, Wednesday morning badly hurt in Salt Lake, Tues- Plngree, O. F, Osgood, Fine Granite aud Marble Directors. where Brakeman William Lynhorst and She had just gotten off of Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Beautiful and day, singers pretty Fireman Frye were instantly killed. Monuments & Headstones , 1910, dancers at the Bountiful Opera the street car and was crossing IMh day of Nov G. Y. Robbins, Notary Public. 22S3 Washington Ave OGDEN, UTAH. House, Wednesday evening, Nov, the street when the police patrol, My Commission expires March IT. 1918. CENTREVILLE CHATS. her in an automobile ran against 23rd. Mrs. M. P. Bock wood Is spending a week in Salt Lake with her mother and daughter. A baptismal font is being in- and knocked her down. The surAlvin Duncan of this place and Miss Belle stalled in the basement of the geons say there are no bones Salt Lake & Ogden, "Lagoon Route. Between Ogden Varley of Woods Cross were married Wedbroken. She is in a hospital in Tabernacle connected and up nesday. and Salt Lake City, Salt Lake where it is expected Harold Boberts and wife have moved to with the city water system. Salt Lake. will have to remain a few The Only Electrically equipped railroad in the west; One hundred pairs of cuff but- she Elmer Gams leaves today for Green River. is recovering. She She days yet His wife will follow later. They will make tons at calls, worth from 50 to through the beautiful fruit and farming belt of Weber and home sick with has two sons at their home there. 75 cents, all going in his ChristDavis Counties; No smoke; No Cinders No Dust. Mrs, E D. Boundy and daughter Mrs. E. scarlet fever. mas sale at 25c. B Good iff of Salt Lake spent Sunday here Passenger Station Comer 25th and Lincoln Ave. Heart A Thanksgiving of good things John F. Porter and wife have moved into Horace Tuttle returned yesterof the Business District in Ogden, Fare for round trip, $1.80 ; Dr. Young's residence for the winter. from Garland, where he had at Rampton & Co store. These Elder Samuel J. Holt returned from his day good ten days. Sundays and Hollidays $1.00, the round trip; mission to England, last week, on account spent about six weeks, working are only a few of our prices. all tickets good for Stop Over either direction at the Beautiful of poor health. Mens flannel underwear, 39c at the sugar factory. A Master Ford of this place, old, 12 Trains each way. Leave Ogden 6:10 a.m., 7:30 Lagoon. was operated on at the Layton hospital, Miss Handy of Franklin, sister Mens knit fleeced underwear, 49c. work Saturday for a rupture. and Mens a.m. and every hour and half to 10:30 p.m. boys Just received a large shipment of shoes, to Leonard Handy of this place, The price on was married Thursday. underwear and blankets. A wed- shirts, 25c. Mens woolshirts 66c. SIMON BAMBERGER, W. J. RIDD, Mens wool hose, 21c. Childrens everything reduced low at the Capital Merding reception will be held this cantile Co., Bountiful. O. F and P. A Prest. wool hose, I5c. Boys and Yon should take advantage of the big milevening. Mitchell on now the at is bear skin hose, the best linery sale that Last year call sold solid gold girls building in Bountiful I5c. Mens fancy hose, made, baby rings for 75c which usually from 10c to I9c. Mens and sell at $1.00. This year the same SYRACUSE SEEPING!. childrens coats at less than facring is now cut to 50c. tory prices. Blankets from 45c Roy Sessions and wife have Geo. Thurgood returned last to $3.50. A 'good 4 lb. wool moved to Ogden, where Mr. ses- week from Gunnison, where he blanket for $2.98. Good brooms sions has accepted a position in a had been to look at the country from 25c up. Our motto is good meat market. with a view of buying land goods at honest prices and never A son was born Tuesday to there. Made of proper materials will stand undersold. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Walker. To give all a chance to take ad C. H. Rampton & Co. of service and prove itself worthy. The This is the first child in the famivantage of the bargains in milwe handle has additional advanly for about ten yeaas. linery offered at the Mitchell Considerable gravel Is being hauled on the clothing Clifford Barber returned home of having been designed by the foremost building here in Bountiful the sidewalks of the towns. Mrs. Orson Payne, who underwent a surgiSaturday from the hospital. where sale will be continued. cal operation Saturday night, la recovering experts of this age and country, and he was operated on for appendiFlorence Miss Anderson, nicely. to the. pinnacle of perfection by the best tailcitis, a short while ago. Asonwas horn to Mr. and Mrs Harry , Name of New Organization Launch ed in Kaysville for Advancement of the Town and Davis County. A company has been incorporated, known as the Kaysville Club. The incorporators are, Clow. W. A. Layton, E. Garrett William Flint, Jesse Lajton and Geo. W. Terrill. Garrett E. Clow is president and a director, W. A. Layton vice president and director and William A. Flint secretary and treasurer. The articles state that the club is incorporated for twenty-livyears. That the club proposes to own and control club rooms for the entertainment of club members and to bwn and control such property as may be allowed by law. . Also to promote any and all things which may be for the improvement and upbuilding of Kaysville and Davis county; to lend aid to every object having in view the bettering of conditions locally and generally to make it possible for the business men in that vicinity to meet and act as a unit in all matters affecting that locality so as to obtain the advantages of joint action over individual effort and to get them to meet jn a social as well as a business e way. MORGAN CITY NEWS. County Treasurer Welch wishes to call attention to the fact that taxes are now delinquent and will be advertised in the next issue of the Post. John Lyon, Jr., met with a very serious accident, Wednesday. A horse kicked him an the head, loosening part of the scalp. Dr. Pugmire attended him and at last accounts he was resting easy. The mining interests are active in the Morgan District and should meet with every encouragement from the, citizens. At this writing development work is being done on five properties all of which are showing up satisfactory to the parties interested. Croydon, Utah. Mrs. Thomas condie of this place died Friday night of cancer of the liver. She was buried in the Croydon cemetery Monday. She leaves a husband, eight sons and three daughters living, all of whom attended the funeral. ' MOUNTAIN GREEN. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Porter, who spent the summer here on their ranch, have moved to their home in Centerville for the win- ter. H. c. Brown of Malad, but formerly of Centreville, has arrived here to spend the winter. His family will follow later. PORTERVILLE. Mrs. Sarah carter attended the funeral of her brother, Edward Davis, in Kaysville, Thursday, Nov. 10th. RICHVILLE, n - three-year-ol- d e fr - - H Af-ton- 402-40- - LAWYERS above-nam- ed 1 slz-ye- Properly Tailored Clothing the test the tage UTAH. Baltzer Peterson is very low at this writing. brought eighteen-year-ol- d daughter of Saturday. Anderson, Schwanger Mias Burton, the lady from Vernal who Notice. BRIEFS . BOUNTIFUL is quite sick with inflamatory recently underwent a surgical operation. Is doing fine. All persons found gunning on Wm. L. Riley celebrated his rheumatism. There wiil be a Thanksgiving program C. Wood of J. lake the property eighty-firs- t birthday Sunday, at Ephraim BriggS, Jr., iS build- at the Meeting House, next Sunday evening. C. J. Wood, will be prosecuted. the home of his son. Arthur. ing a home in Blackfoot, Idaho David Clarks other twin baby Is very sick . Woods Cross. Councilman Barrltt left Wedne Apples for Thanksgiving, 75c and will move his familv up from day nijfbt for Benjamin Blair, Nevada, w hero bi went and up at the Capital Mercantile Holbrook as soon as his new res-- to accepts good idence is completed. One Klinute Cough Cure Company. Beautiful pictures of the Opei The Bountiful High School For Coughs, Colds and Croup. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. - oring talent in the land. Come in and we will be pleased to show you whether you are ready to buy or not. ' v j 12-2- 1 , . A. W. Francis, Morgan, Utah. |