Show daintiness IN SERVING TEA small things thing that count for much in this most pleasant afternoon function As young women are so 80 often asked to pour tea for their friends who are entertaining they should realize what a difference it makes how the tha tea la is served it this Is done in a careless manner the guests have always the feeling that something may at any moment be upset and the quiet and repose which Is an all essential element clement in that most moat peaceful function Is lost it Is well tor for the person who pours the tea to rearrange the tray before the arrival of the guests so that each piece la IS just where she Is accustomed to have it otherwise she Is apt to fumble and move the tha things about As aa far ar possible reaching over the table should be avoided and in moving the china care should be taken never to touch the rims rime of the cups cup observing those these little points makes the difference between au an impression of daintiness and the reverse for which some guests would care cara moro more than for or the flavor of the tea |