Show BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS win L riley caleb celebrated rated his eighty first birthday sunday at the homo home of his son arthur apples for thanksgiving and up at the capital tilo company the bountiful high school basket ball team go to ogdon thanksgiving evening to play tile tho deaf and dumb se school linol teams at 1 p in largo large shipment of shoes un and blankets just ro re calved va at the capitol mercantile company price on everything reduced I 1 william L riley returned wednesday from parleys canyon where he went to visit with ills his daughter mrs william roach mr roach had recently had his big left eye taken out on account of it having been decease dand daud return ed home honi from efrom the city that day J E Il hepworth epworth is still confined to his house with rheumatism bountiful opera house nov tit at 8 arthur stayner the malad city land merchant was in town monday joseph E robbins of kays villo ville was in town yester dayon business tile the misses charlotte and clara webb of kaysville Kays ville are in iii town today on business alf alfred red Burning burningham liam theland cart veteran ve toran Js is seventy two years old today george horse pool of salt lake lias has accepted a position us as clerk in lamoid calls store remember the date wednesday nov bountiful opera house glen and george moss sons of mrs robert W moss are sick with scarlet fever 4 mr and mrs ephraim driggs briggs sr returned houie home tuesday thesda from it a trip to idaho A M A secure your seats early for the operetta ne next at wednesday night el robert sessions son of fabyan C sessions has a mild case of at typhoid fever mrs james day who had been at the hospital for treatment returned homo home last week cured beautiful singers and pretty dancers at tho the bountiful ua opera house wednesday evenIng Nov 2 3 r d A baptismal font is being installed in the basement 0 of f tile the tabernacle lind and connected up with the city water system one hundred pairs of cuff buttons ut at calls worth from 50 to 75 cents all going in his christmas sale at horace tuttle returned yesterday f rom from garland where IF had spent six working at the sugar factory miss handy of franklin sister to leonard handy of this place was married thursday A wedding 1 11 r reception coprio n will be held this evening last year call sold solid gold baby rings for which usually sell at this year the same ring is now cut to goo geo thurgood returned last week from gunnison whore where lie ho had bad been to look at the country with a view of buying land there to give all a chance to take ad vantage odthe of the bargains in millinery offered at the mitchell building hero here iu in bountiful the sale will be continued miss florence anderson andersen eighteen C year old daughter of mr air and mrs E IV anderson is quite sick with inflammatory rheumatism ephraim briggs jr is building a homo bome in blackfoot idaho and will move his family up from holbrook as soon as ills his now residence is completed beautiful beautia lit pictures ures of the 0 per tta rea ked riding hoods floods it acs e S cue have been taken by our local artist alma hardy and will bo be ou on exhibition soon the windola for them eirl thomas and sister wilda of pocatello Po catollo idaho aro are down visiting their grandparent grand paren ts edward and sarah thomas mid and mrs ann willey N froman giles of lohi lehi brother inlaw in law to bishop jod jed lifto underwent an operation at a hospital lit in salt lako lake saturday for appendicitis at last accounts lie he was recovering as well as could be expected dont f till fall to seo sea tho the operetta red riding hoods floods rescue i at the bountiful opera house wednesday evening nov tard david holbrook sou son of B AJI aj holbrook ol brook is suffering from an abscess in the head ile ho has been obliged to remain out of school a couple of weeks ila ho is expecting to have it lanced today laicone lamon Lai coni call has the most attractive ti jewelry sale tho the town has ever seen including everything in the line prices will be made that will make you wonder leonard handy went to lo logan loan an wednesday to attend the wedding of his cifes brother moses thomason who was married ad that lay day mrs handy had gone to logan a week or so before horace call son of A V and emily stayner call of star val lev was recently taken sick with typhoid fever wh llo ilo in the bear lake country he has bas since abeen bean removed to his homo home in alton 1 ii frederic redl Bric more who has played successfully in salt lake for a long time is expected at tho the bountiful opera house hou 0 tho first of week after next the production will be good watch for tho the paper reasonable prices mrs robert W moss was qu quite badly hurt in salt lake tuesday she had bad just gotten off of tho the street car and was wi is crossing the street when the police patrol in an automobile ran against hur her and knocked her down the surgeons say there are no bones broken she is in it hospital in in salt lake where it is expected she will have to remain a few days yet she is I 1 recovering she has bas two sons at homo home sick with scarlet fever favor A thanksgiving tig of good things at Ramp toti co store these are only a few of our prices mens eannel underwear I 1 mons mens knit fleeced underwear mens and boys work mens M ens ar ts mens wool hose bic childrens wool hose boys and girls bear skin hose the best made mens fancy hose bose from loc to mens and childrens coats at less than factory prices blankets from to A good 4 lb ib wool blanket for good brooms froth from up our motto is good goods at honest prices and never undersold under sold c H rampton co |