Show league games of basket ball commencing with thanksgiving night at tho the alberta hall in m cent rovil le and bac each h week thereafter therele until jun jan thero will I 1 bo be it a league game ga me of basket ball played in ono one of the towns I 1 in n the south end of the county ordinarily each association ivill play two practice praet ico gamas each week malting making three gainel it a week in nil all I 1 tile the league is made up of the following teams learns finin ins ton conter villo east Mast West und and south bountiful each team will ale ply y four games gamer at home and four garnes away both senior and junior teams team pa play ay at each game the oba object act of those these games is ii to promote interest in the mutual improvement work provide physical exorcise exercise and to provide provi dc 13 entertainment for the doting yoting young men to keep keel thom them from loa loanes fill the streets frequenting pool halls halls saloons etc |