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Show Notice to Water Engineers Users-Sntat- e Office, fialtLakeCity,Utab,Oet.2O,l910. Notice is hereby given that ILeslie L. Goddard, whose post-flcaddress is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application in aweordance with the require-nentof the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1909, to appropriate ten (10) cubic feet second of water from Mill Ureek, Davis County, Utah. Said water will be diverted at a point which bears north 73 degrees 32 xsinutes west 1,460 feet from the east quarter corner of Section 33, 4Tp. 2, north, Range 1, east, Salt ILake base and meridian, from where it will be conveyed by weans of a pipe line for a distance of approximately 4,200 feet and there used during the period from January 1st to December 31st, inclusive, of each year, to develop power for the purpose of electric lighting and propelling machinery at various cities Asand towns in Utah. fter having been so diverted and used, the water will ' he returned to the natural channel of the stream, at a point which bears north 57 degrees 1 7 minutes west 4,873 feet from the oast quarter corner of Section 33, ship 2 north. Range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian. This application is designated in the State Engineers office as No. . e s ' - f .3258. , All protests against the granting of said application, stating Ihe reasons therefor, must be wade by affidavit in duplicate and hied ' in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this no tace. Caleb Tanner, State Engineer. Date of first publication, October 28th, 1910, date of completion of publication November 28tb, 3310. Notice to Wtei 'State Engineers Users- - office, Salt Lake City.Utah, Oct. 20,1910. Notice is hereby given that Leslie L. Goddard, whose address is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled Laws of Utah, post--oGio- e 1 amended by the Sessions Laws of Utah, 1909, tin appropriate one thousand acre feet of water 1000) Mill front Creek, Davis county, Wksh. Said water will be stored whenever available during the period from January 1st to De- oember 31st, inclusive, of each in jear, in a reservoir embraced 2 Section 33, Township north, ICange 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian. The water so stored will be released from said reservoir during the period from May 1st to Oct. 1st, of each year, at a ipoint which bears north 54 degrees 32 minntes west 4,832 feet ffrom the east quarter corner of Section 83, Township 2 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian and conveyed by means of a canal for a distance of 14,000 ' feet and there used to irrigate 1,600 acres of land, embraced in Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 and 32, Township 2 north, Range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian. This application is designated in the State Engineers office as No. 3259. All protests against the grant-aog of said application, stating Ihe reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate smd filed in this office within 4birty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this noas .1907, - - I - -- - , 4 ' tice. : Caleb Tanner, ' ' ' State Engineer. Date of first publication October 28th. 1910, date of completion of publication November 28tb, 2910, - Notice to Water Users- State Engineers - Office. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 20,1910. ' Notice is hereby given that G. McFarland, whose postoffice address is Centerville, Utah, has made application in ac C-eorg-e SUMMONS. cordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah.1 Iu the District Court of the 1907, as amended by the Sessioi.-LaSecond Judicial District of .the of Utah, 1909, to appr. State of Utah, County of Davis Thomas Carlos, .Plaintiff, ver-priate ten (10) cubic feet p second of water from Deuil, us Eilen Colemere, administra Creek, Davis county, Utah. Sai trix of the estate of yhornas water will be diverted at a point Carlos, deceased; Thomas H. which bears north 43 degrees Carlos; Joseph H. Carlos; Ellen 50 minutes east 307 feet from th C. Colemere; Alverette C. Bone; northeast corner of Section 17, William Carlos; Maria C. Hill; Township 2 north, Range 1 east. Eugene Carlos; Theodore P, CarSalt Lake base and meridian, from los; Carry C. Beesley; Fred W. where it will be conveyed by Carlos; Maud C. Walker; Charimeans of a pipe line for a di ? ty M. C. Sheffield; Oscar M. tance of 3,715 feet and there used Carlos; Heber H. Carlos and Gil during the period from January bert H. Carlos; Defendants. 1 to December 31st, inclusive, of The State of Utah to the said each year, to develop power for defendants: the purpose of electric lighting You are hereby summoned to and propelling machinery in Da appear within twenty days after vis and Salt Lake counties, Utah. service of this summons upon After having been so diverted you, if served within the county and used, the water will be re- in which this aetion is brought; turned to the natural channel of otherwise within thirty days afthe stream, at a point which ter service, and defend the above bears north 37 degrees 25 minutes entitled action; and in case of east, 3,157 feet from the west your failure so to do, judgement quarter corner of Section 17, Tp. 2 will be rendered against you, acnorth, Range 1 east, Salt Lake cording to the demand , of base and meridian. This appli the complaint, which will be cation is designated in the State filed with the Clerk of this Court within ten days after the Engineers office as No. 3060. All protests against the grant-ingo- f service of this summons upon said application, stating you. i' the reasons therefor, must be This action is brought to remade by affidavit in duplicate and cover a judgment to cancel and filed in thi9 office within thirty set aside the order of the Pro(30) days after the completion of bate Court of Davis county, ap the publication of this notice pointing Ellen Colemere adminisCaleb Tanner, tratrix of the estate of Thomas State Engineer. Carlos, deceased, and to set aside Date of first publication Octo- and cancel the order, or decree, ber 28th, 1910, date of completion of distribution distributing the of publication, November 28th, property hereinafter described 1910. to the defendants and to set aside the order of the Probate Court Notioe to Water Usersof Davis county confirming the State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Octo- report of commissioners partitioning said estate to the said de ber, 6, 1910, and to oust defendants fendants, Notice is hereby given that from the possession and to re Starrett Pump and Manufactur- store to the possession ing Company, by B. F. Grant, its of theplaintiff described following prem president, whose postoffice ad- ises in Davis Utah: county, dress is Salt Lake City, Utah, Beginning 10.05 chains west has made application in accordfrom the center of Sec. ";31, ance with the requirements 1 4 of the Compiled Laws of Township north, Range west, Lake north Salt thence Meridian, Utah, 1907. as amended by the 23 5.35 30 minutes east' degrees Session Laws of Utah, 1909, to cerside'of a chains to the north appropriate fifty (50) cubic-fee- t tain street, thence north 50 deper second of water from Mill and 15 minutes east 10.00 Creek, Davis county, Utah. Said grees to east line of said northchains water will be diverted at a point west quarter, thence' north on which bears south 72 degrees 17 28.10 chains to north line said minutes east 14,490 feet from line of said section, thence west northeast corner of section 31, 20.00 chains, thence south 40 00 township 2 nor th, range 1 east, Salt Lake base and meridian, from chains, thence east 9.95 chains where it will be conveyed by to beginning, containing 73 acres, means of a canal and pipe line more or less. northat the ALSO, beginning for a distance of 8,630 feet and corner of the northeast west used there during the period from January 1st to December quarter of said section 31, thence 45 5 31st, inclusive, of each year, to east chains, thence, south 7 thence west chains, develop power for the purpose of degrees electric lighting and propelling north 5 chains to beginning, con1.25 acres. machinery in Davis and Salt taining ALSO, beginning at a point Lake counties, Utah, After havso 5.45 been diverted and chains west and south 50 ing used, the water will be returned to the degrees 15 minutes west 17.43 natural channel of the stream, at chains from the northeast corfier a point which bears north 86 deof said Section 31. thence northgrees 13 minutes east, 6,646.8 from the feet northeast corner of westerly 4.10 chains, thence Section 31, Township 2, north, southwesterly 15.10 chains, Range 1 east, Salt Lake base and thence southeasterly 4 17 chains, This application is thence north 50 meridian. degrees 15 minin the State Engdesignated 14.97 utes chains to begineast ineers office as No. 3151. All protests against the grant- ning, containing, 6.32 acres. ALSO, beginning at a point ing of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be 10.48 chains north from the cenmade by affidavit in duplicate ter of said Section 31, thence and filed in this office within thirnorth 50 and 15 minutes ty (30) days after the completion east 13.52degrees thence northchains, of the publication of this notice. Caleb Tanner, westerly 14.37 chains, thence State Engineer. south 18.49 chains to beginning, Date of first publication, Octo9.66 acres. containing ber 14, 1910, date of completion Also the southeast quarter of of publication November 14th, the southwest 1910. quarter and Lot Four of Section 30, Township 4 North, .Range 1 West, ' Salt Both Speedy and Effective. This indicates the action of Fo Lake Meridian, containing 79.59' acres. ley Kidney pills as S. Parsons, Together with the water apBattle Creek, Mich., illustrates: I have been afflicted with a se purtenant to said land as evi18 vere case of kidney and bladder denced by shares of the capiof tal stock the Kays Creek Irritrouble for which I found no relief till I used Foley Kidney pills. gation Company. Willey & Willey, These cured me entirely of all Plaintiffs Attorneys., I was troubled P. O. Address, 004 Scott Buildmy ailmeuts. with backaches and severe shoot- ing, Main Street, Salt Lake City, 12.9. ing pains with annoying urinary .Utah. The use steady irregularities. Wanted of Foley Kidney pills rid me enTo two or three city tirely of all my former troubles. homes trade for country property. L. recomThey have my highest B. Call, Ground floor No. 10, 3rd mendation. C. II. Rampton &; South, Salt Lake City. Both Co. phones. 1-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ws For Sale Real Estate. I - v j For Sale. One 3 4 wagon: good condi tion, with or without springs. Mark Waddoups, BountifuL Bell t phone 473. planted to choice fruit, located f block from meeting house, with four roomed cottage, stable, etc ; other place located south of old city hall. M. A Wilkinson, 1211 South, 4th East t St., Salt Lake city. FOR SALE. Building lots; price from $200 to $500; also 15 acres part lueern; a good water right, $175 per acre Inquire of Mrs. E. A. Mitchell, Bountiul. one-hal- 25 acres of land; acres bearing peaches and a mixed family orchard; 5 shares of water; good house and out buildings. Apply to George H. t Smith, Clearfield, Utah. FOR SALE 10 Wanted Miscellaneous. A No. 1 fresh jerWANTED cow. milch Apply R. Jessey O. 116 St., Salt Lake City, sup, 1118. Bell Pfione, 3182z, Wanted. From 100 to 200 head of horses and cattLe to pasture. S. Bavelas. Jennings farm, now owned by Mr. Bamberger, Centreville. Utah.. Bell phone 9714. t For Bale acres of good land in Twenty well located; 3 kinds Syracuse; of soil; especially adapted for 12 2. seeded and pitted fruit and all WANTED To trade a good kinds of vegetables. John A. FOR SALE 80 acres, all organ for baled hay.' Fergus Call, Bountiful, Ind. Phone 414. seeded to wheat, fenced, with Coalter Music Co, 23rd west 1st house, stable, etc.; water on the South Street, Salt Lake City. For Sale. place; a good bargain; price, 11-1- Twenty acres of land in Syracuse, one mile from meeting house and stores; three kinds of soil soil for peaches, apples and garden; in flowing well belt; 8 acres in lueern ; 1 acre apples; fenced. Willard Barlow, No. 3 rear 257 West Fourth South, Salt Lake City, or phone Bishop Bar-loat Capital Mercantile Co., Bountiful. Arthur WANTED. Stock in good location. any bank in Davis county or the Woods Stayner, Malad City, Idaho. Cross or Star canning factories. Hatch Realty Company, Woods For Sale Miscellaneous. $3000; Cross, Utah. FOR SALE, Seven or eight tons of lueern hay. L. E. Burnham, Woods cross. Phone 6514. Wanted Teams to work on the Davis & Weber Counties Canal; teams 11 18. 45c and single hands 25c per FOR SALE One seated open hour Work to commence' between the 1st and 8th of Septem- -' buggy- - Clarence Willey, Boun- her and continue until cold tiful. Independent phone, 484. weather sets in. Inquire of James . For Sale. G. Wood, Hooper R F D No 2or Bell phone or of M. M. White-sideby About 13 acres af land, located FOR SALK Good young jer Layton, Utah. Bell Phoae. oy Bamberger Station at Clear- sey milch cow. AshRichard , field. Good house, ice house,cel-larWANTED. A position as bookD. C. I. granary, 2 sheds and other down, Bountiful, w 12-9- s, keeper and stenographer; would t outbuildings, about 700 fruit phone. work in Bountiful or nearIntrees, plenty shade trees. FOR SALK Meadow hay. prefer m. O. D. c. I. town Would like steady poRoberts, quire Le Roy Fackrell, Woods Cross. by phone No. 2711. sition, but would be willing to work part of the time in the beFor Sale. FOR SALK At reasonable ginning if not enough work. F. Good ranch in Malad Valley price, first class, first crop Leon Brown, Woods cross, D. c. containing 160 acres of land with hay. Inquire of J. L. or I. phone. xxt. all improvements and some stock. Mrs. E A. Mitchell, Bountiful, Write or phone (Bell No. 21) W. Ind. phone 3751. For Rent Houses. C. Hill, Malad City, Idaho, for For 8als FOR RENT Six roomed resit particulars. Small cook stove, small heating dence on county road in Bountistove and cooking utensils, all ful. John Stahle, Sr at Henry Sale. , For W. Stahles, Bountiful, t Not quite an acre of land, with for $13; extra fine folding bed, FOR RENT One and 13 rods front and seven roomed $10; good cupboard, $10; dresscity lots wash $4; er, (old clipper office lot) with 6 center stand, $2; house; choice young fruit trees in bearing; flowing wells; water table, 50c; fine rug, $6; set of shares of Stone creek water; some choice peaches; land suitin house; 6 minute walk from dishes, $6; etc. James S. Yates, able for early potatoes, tomatoes, II-Isweet corn, etc. John Stahle, Jr., Oregon Short Line station Frank Bountiful. t t FOR SALE Young pure bred Bountiful Wright, Bountiful. Jersey bull. Riley Brothers, For Sale Thanksgiving Day Rates. Bountiful t Via Oregon Short Lino Rail I have a fine horse and cattle FOR SALE One road. newspaper Ticketss on saleNovember , Card-stonranch twenty miles from folding machine. Apply to the 23rd and 24th, limited to Novemwithin two miles of all pro- Davis County clipper, Bountiful. ber 28th. See agents for rates posed Rail Road lines over the FGI. SALE. All kinds of and further particulars. United States Boundary; About baled and loose hay. J. C land farm cent good fifty per . Woods Cross. A Household Medicine and every inch good pasture Wood, To be really valuable must For Sale. land. A mile of river front and show One an terms. bred Shire $12.00 acre; good results from equally pure easy English only Stallion, and several head of each member of the family usAbout 2000 acres. W. O. Lee, Cardston, Canada. work and driving horses. Enquire ing it. Foleys Honey and Tar Sta- does ti 17 t f c. or phone Riley Bros. Livery just this. Whether for ble, Bountiful. t children or grown persons. FoFor Sale leys Honey and Tar is best and For Sale One four roomed house; with pole. S. J. Hart, safest for all coughs and colds. lot in the center of the town C, II Rampton & Co. of Byron, Wyoming; som'egood Jr., Bountiful. Bell phone 2511. small fruit; plenty of water ;at FOR SALE. Fine piano, up A LANGUAGE CONQUERING 4 Clipper Of$1,000. Address solid mahogany Grand, right r t fice, Bouatifdl case, magnificent tone; half Louis Agassiz Learned Enough English to Lecture While Crossing if taken at once. Dr. FOR SALE.- - Forty acres of price the Atlantic Ocean. good farm land iu Porterville; Young, Centreville, Utah. 11-1- lu-cer- n 12-9- . 11-2- if 5 12-2- Cheap-Surre- y two-acr- e good frontage, good For Sale house; new 88 foot hay shed; One 3 inch Mitchell wagon; first-claswater right; also 160 good condition. Wm. D. Knightacres of first class grazing land; on, BountifuL Bell 2512. will sell separately or together; FOR SALE Young pigs. W. $4000.00. O- M. Porter, PorterWalter Barlow, Bountiful, t ville, Morgan copnty, Utah. Bell . phoue. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Glass negatives, all sizes, suitFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE able for. greenhouses, Fine corner lot, excellent locaLouis Webetc. chicken coops, tion, 2 rooms with pantry, closer, photographer, 5th floor.Hoop-eets, etc , large attic, stable, bug Building, 25 E. 1st South, Salt gy shed, coal house, etc.; fruit Lake City. and shade trees; 10 minute car SALK One horse, FOR on two service; good frontage about 1,000 pounds; will weight streets; room for two more work or one double, single houses; will sell for less than can drive it, and light any spring value of grounds; will trade for wagon. Also a nearly new very small house and very little tongue for a farm wagon. Mrs. ground in Bountiful centrally lo- M. A. Groves, 4 block from Salt cated, and $300. With new cot Lake & Ogden Ry. Station, Bountiful. tages would be an ideal investFOR SALK Oug second hand ment as renting proposition. Aptwo cows, three automobile, office. this t at ply horses, and one disc sulky plow. FOR SALE. Three roomed Dr. Stringham, Woods Cross. house, with city water; stables, FOR SALE. Pie plant roots, outbuildiugs; 2J acre city lot, in good red variety; black hubbard squash. Bryant Ashby, Woods South Morgan; lot planted to Cross. t 3 shares and small fruit; of For Sale Mrs. Sarah Littlefield, water. One walnut roll-toMorgan, Utah. desk, could not be duplicated for $50, will FOR SALE Two places in take $25 for it. John Stahle Jr. Kaysville; one an acre and a half at the Clipper office, Bountiful. four-roome- d s - 11-18- hot-bed- r lu-cer- n p The death of Prof. Alexander Agassiz last spring called to mind many of ths incidents connected with the life of Ills famous father. The career of the great naturalist was one of victory through endeavor. When he first visited America his unfamlllarity with the English language threatened to stand in the way of his advancement. How he met the difliculty Is told by Prof. Jules Marcou In Life, Letters and Works of Louis Agassiz. The first thing necessary in coming to the United States was to master English sufficiently to speak In public. He had been accustomed to translate for some years, but he spoke It so little that he was very hard to understand. Professor Lyell told him, when Agassiz was in England, that it would be useless to lecture In America In either French or German, as both languages were used in narrow limits. He must speak good English if he was to make a good impression. During the long Journey across the Atlantic In 1846 Agassiz went to work in earnest to master th new language. He spent most of ' his time speaking and committing to memory words and sentences, and repeating them aloud to anyone who bad the patience to hear. The captain remarked, I never had a passenger like you. Professor Agassiz! He, as every one else, was charmed with the Swiss naturalist. His great memory helped him. Soon he had a sufficient number of words and sentences to allow him to speak in public. It was too late in life to admit of his being a complete master of English, and he always spoke with a strong French accent, was not without charm' to his listeners. Youths Companion. -- |