Show RICHVILLE UTAH baltzer peterson Peters is very low at this writing or notice all persons found gunning on the lako lake property of J 0 wood will bo be prosecuted J 0 wood woods cross 12 2 ono fili nute cough guro gure for coughs colds and croup first national bank report of the condition of 0 the first na it 0 pat idank ut morgan MorRi la in the state of 0 U tah ut tit the close of nov logli 1010 1910 14 loam mid and discounts risco Disc tinta aunts B 43 averd tufts secured ain d un bull UI ibi CJ 63 US U S to secure circulation 00 on U S ponds honda ix 1 COO W 00 alood etc SO 1110 banking house houge furniture fixtures 1800 00 duo from il banks not re servo HI 89 due from Up approved proved reserve 0 agents 17 checks and ancl other basli ito mst 47 46 45 notes r of oilier nat tonal KM 00 fractional paper currency nickels and cents batul money bloney lian unlike kriz it 4 specie 7 c e 1 0 rf 15 BOOT II 11 I 1 ditc itc t 6 1 n 1 laii u it fund fu iid with US areus ier cent of circulation 1210 oo 00 total 1 3 73 liabilities cachu it stock block paid in t 00 surplus wild 00 profits lohsl and taxes lift 40 0 tit ai nea S ISDO 4 aw oo 00 individual deposit subject to chock ia demand certificates of deposit do time deposit wile 13 total I 1 sita re 1 ml aw 73 state af 3 utah county of aist a lj lorin hatch cashier Caa liler of the above lunk do solen solemnly swear that the above stat ement Is latrue true to the best beit of 0 my knowledge and bellef belief J lorin if atch cashier correct attest joseph williams james 1 agree 0 F directors and sworn to before me this 11 1 d I 1 y of nov 1910 0 y It notary public ly com muston expires alarca 17 lin 1013 UNION PACIFIC TIME CARD in effect april 17 1910 arrive at morgan for the east no 10 a ain lit no 4 p pin in arrive at morgan for the west nt no 1 5 4 14 ft a in m no 3 45 1 a ui no 9 1018 a am in arthur K E pratt georno ll alvernon halverson pratt lawyers notary public I 1 to in office botar hid nd one hell oil sa eccles F building oen utah JD J D skeen ersk aeri LAWYERS general practice HOTH PHONES HONKS OGDEN cp UTAH large stock choice selection jos parry sons co rino fine brantle and maible monuments headstones 2253 washington ave OGDEN UTAH salt lake ogden og den lagoon route between ogden and salt alt lake city tile only equipped rall railroad road in the west through the beauter NI fruit and farming belt of weber and davis counties no smoke no cinders no dust passenger station corner comer and lincoln ave heart of the Busi business nesa district in ogden fare for round trip good goad ton days sundays and Irolli days 1100 the round trip all tickets good for stop over either cither direction at the beautiful lagoon 12 trains each way leave ogden am am and every hour and halt half to 1030 pra pm SIMON BAMBERGER W J RIDD prest G F and P A i properly tailored tailo ed clothing made of proper materials will stand the test of service and prove itself worthy the clothing we handle has the additional advantage of having been designed by the foremost experts of this age anci ana country and brought to the pinnacle of perfection by the best tailoring talent in the land come in and we will be pleased to show you whether you are ready to buy or not A A W francis morgan utah |