Show CENTRE CEN TREVILLE centreville mrs M P hock Itoch wood li ii spending spend lne a week lit in 0 l alt it lake with lier her mother and daughter alvin dunum duncan ot of this ibis place and mlis bliss hello bello varley of woods wood cross were man married led wednesday harold and wife have moved to salt ill lillie lake elnick allf 08 leaves today tor for green ither tits wife will follow later they will miloe horne mrs arse 1 1 I roundy and daughter daughten r mrs 13 B tIr ot of suit salt lake spent sunday liero here jolin john V F porter aid and difo liae have moved into dr youngs for the winter elder samuel J holt returned from lila his mission to t england last week on account of poor health A master blaster ford of this place siz year old was operated on at the layton hospital saturday for it a rupture just a larro large ship shipment ment ot of bhones uder underwear Wear bud and blankets the price on reduced low at the capital mercantile co bountiful you vou should take til 10 advantage adran of the bis big millinery sale mile t that list Is now on lit at tile mitchel building in bountiful |