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Show RESULT OF ELEGTIOH IN CON- REMAIN REPUBLICANS TROL OF SENATE, BUT DEMOCRATS CAPTURE THE LOWER HOUSE. to Congress, But Cannon Will Brobabiy be Succeeded as Speaker by Champ Clark of Missouri, Who is s Candidate. As a result of the decision of 'Oie voters at the polls on November 8, the Democrats will have a majority tn the next house of representatives, being assured of a working majority of 30. The senate, however, will remain in control of the Republicans. In the senate the Republicans will have seventeen new members, with thirty-fou- r holdovers, giving them a total of fifty-one- . The Democrats will have fifteen new senators, which with twenty-fiv- e holdovers, makes a total of forty. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon was reelected to congress from Illinois, while Champ Clark, the Democratic leader, will again represent a Missouri district. Clark has announced his candidacy for the speakership, and will probably be Speaker Cannon's successor. Democratic governors were elected in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, Alabama, South Carolina, and Texas. Republican governors were elected New Hampshire, in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Iowa,, Kansas,; Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Da kota, Wisconsin, California and Nevada, while a fusion candidate was victorious in Tennessee. The next New York legislature will be Democratic, and will select a Democratic senator to succeed Senator De pew. The next Iowa legislature , will be Republican, and the progressive Republicans claim they will be in control and will. select a successor to the late Senator Dolliver. In Utah the Republicans were victorious, Congressman Howell being reelected, while D. N. Straup was reelected to the supreme bench. The next legislature will contain 15 Republican senator, and 38 Republican representatives, while there will be two Democrats In the senate and seven in the house. Only one county in the state failed to endorse Congressman Howell. In Salt Lake City, the American party was victorious, but the Republicans carried the county. The Democratic candidate for Governor of Idaho was victorious by a narrow margin, but the remainder of the Republican ticket - was elected. Both branches of the legislature are Republican. In Indiana the Democrats will have a majority on the legislature, on joint ballot, of 32. This means that Senator Beveridge will not be returned to v ern will probTnhn senator. elected be ably , i muiolihuu congressmen and eight Republicans have been elected in Illinios, Cannon being one of the congressmen returned, although a bitter fight was made against him. Illinois present representation consists of six Democrats and 19 Republicans. The Democrats elected all their candidates in Cook county. The proposed prohibition constitutional amendment was defeated la Florida. Missouri has emphatically declared The prohibition. against state-wid- e Democrats will have a majority of 50 in the legislature on joint ballot. The state ticket is being claimed by both parties. In Nebraska the next legislature will be: House, Republicans, 44; Democrats, 56. Senate, Republicans, 12; Democrats, 21. The Republicans have elected a governor and state officials and three congressmen, and the Democrats have elected three congressmen. In Kansas the , Republican state ticket was victorious, eight Republican candidates for congress winning. The Republicans will have three of the ten New Jersey congressmen, an exact reversal of the present representation. Sereno Payne, author of the Payne tariff bill, had a close call for but will again represent his dis- v trict The Republicans of North Dakota carried every office except that of governor. The legislature is overwhelmingly Republican. California remains in the Republican column. Hiram W. Johnson has been swept into the office of governor by a plurality of 25,000, and has carried th entire Republican ticket to victory. i Revenues of Railroads. Washington. The total net revenue of the steam railroads in the United States last July was 173,477,590, or 1308.51 per mile of line, against or $335.06 per mile of line in July of last year, according to the revenue and expense report issued by the interstate commerce commission. The report gives these figures for July: Total operating revenue, $230,615,776; total operating expenses, $154,458,228; outside operations, net revenue, $320, 042; operating Income, $64,746,769. A total of 238,16$ miles is renortpri CHARGED WITH AWFUL CRIME FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION Accused of Beating Aged Mother to Death and Leaving Body on Vacant Lot. San Francisco. Beaten beyond semblance to a human form, the body of an aged woman, Mrs. Sophia Knapp, was on Monday found in a vacant lot next to the Savoy theater, in the center of the business district of this city. Her son, John Knapp, an is in jail, charged with murder. On his way to work Monday, Frank Smith, a teamster, found what appeared to be a bundle of clothing behind a bill board, and on investigation, discovered the mutilated body. Detectives detailed on the case found Knapp standing in front of a stable where he Is employed, not more than fifty feet from the place where the body lay. He was placed under arrest and in his room in the stable the officers found a window weight smeared with blood and knotted gray hair. Some of Knapp's discarded garments were covered with blood, and the collar and vest he wore when arrested were spattered with bloody finger prints. Roosevelt Break Long Silence. New York. The following statement by Theodore Roosevelt, his first comment since the recent elections, will appear in the forthcoming issue of the magazine of which he is an ediOn every hand, personally and tor: by correspondence, I have been asked to make a statement regarding the election. So far as I am concerned, I have nothing whatever to add to or to take away from the declaration of the principles which I have made in the Osawatomle speech and elsewhere, east and west, during the last three months. The fight for progressive popular government has merely begun and will certainly go on to a triumphant conclusion in spite of Initial checks and irrespective of the personal success or failure of Individual leaders." And .ct them sacrifice the sacrifice of thanksgi vl ng.Pvalia evil, Professor Munyon has engaged s Btaff of specialists that ar renowned leaders in their line. There is no question about their ability, they are the finest physicians that colleges and hospitals have turned out and receive the highest salaries. He offers their service to you absolutely free of cost. No matter what your disease, or how many doctors you have tried, write to Professor Munyons physicians and they will give your case careful and prompt attention and advise you what to do. You are under no obligations to them. It will not cost you a penny, only the postage stomp you put on your letter. All consultations are held strictly confidential. Address Munyons Doctors, Munyons Laboratories, 53d & Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 22. Lord, what have but empty hands. And aching feet from hopeless quests. And memories of barren lands. And days and years of sore unrests? The censer that I fain would swing Holds neither fragrant herb nor spice There are no I may bring To heap In thanKful sacrifice. Shall I amid life's stubble glean To find the grain the harvest leaves. I first-frui- ts Housohold Lubricant Then gaze, contented and serene. The while my neighbors count their sheaves? There Is no gold, nor house, nor land That I may thanK Thee It Is mine , I may not measure with my hand Thy tithing of my com and wine. Had I all these, then might I Kneel And pray with fervent, easy That were an echo of my weal. speech Of all that was within my reach. Shall I with pharisaic grace Bow down and play the hypocrite. And fling my prayer In Thy face With not a heartbom word In It? Nay, not in money let me count The worth of all that I have had( Nor miserllhe tell the amount Of what rich gifts have made me glaflL I have tasted of defeat. Though Still have I left the strength to rtmm. , The tempter or the foe to meet With newer courage tn my eyes. So, thus I pray with empty hands But not. Lord, with an empty heart) Though from fair houses ana rich lands My lines are ever cast Poor in all things save this apart) That I Need never thanK Thee for my spoil And that there is no haunting sigh To breaK my slumber after toll. THE ALL-AROU- IN THE HANDY, OIL ND EVER-READ- TIN OILER Y Is specially selected for any need In this home. Saves tools from ruiongi Can can- not break. Does not gum or become rancid. FOR SAUK OY MANUFACTURED DV luiin tnqrwtm Standard Oil Company Continental Oil Company (Incorporated) (Incorporated) COLT DISTEMPER form, of diatom pr. B.lnud)mrtMalBUMli(l Ooan'UeDottleilSaiia OMboni.iwuMdtomioMa. sad harnrai Sralara. or nit by low of mwjd Oar fra. Out ahem kow to poaHto. Ihmk ntHtnw wuatw. Uif Ixxml aaUlag tM elra. .11 vvtry thing, a nmsdy la ulMw IOAL COn rwt tnlnagwli OoehWIr M. 6. 8 A. aaMiMhh(Uh HER LITTLE JOKE. . Spokanes Apple 8how Opened. Spokane. The shrieking of ferry and railway whistles at 10 o'clock Monday morning announced the opening of the third national apple show at the Spokane armory. Close to thirty carloads, estimated to be 2,000,-00apples, have been arranged with all the skill their 3,200 owners possess, In competition for nearly $20,000 In prizes. For the worlds champion-sh- l pcarload' exhibit, with a prize of hip carload exhibit, with a prize of competing. W hats In a Name? See here, waiter, aaid Mr. Grouch, scowling deeply over hla plate, I ordered turtle soup. There not even a morsel of turtle flavor In this. Of course not, sir, returned the waiter. What do you expect? Shakespeare said there was nothing In a name. If you ordered college pudding would you expect a college In it? In Manchester pudding would you look for a ship canal or a cotton exchange? TibBlts. Any tea, sir! Important to Motnera Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over SO Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought, 0 Hla Specialty. hear that author friend of youra la making a fine living by hla pen. Ball was our came and boat up squall Yes. Hes stopped writing and torn to ribbona. Miss Kidder Ah! I tee a remnant gone to raising pigs. I Ship Sinks, Crew Lost. Newport News, Va. Carrying with her to a watery grave Captain Soder-oer- g and his crew of five men, the wbaleback barge Baroness, bound DAY OF FAMILY REUNIONS torn Newport News for Providence, L 1., in tow of the whaleback steamer Thanksgiving Not Comploto if a Face Bay Port, sank off Fire island, N. Y., lo Missed From tho Housed ifter being run down by an unidentl-lehold Gathering. square-rigge- d ship. During the first long winter in PlyCould Not Find Work. mouth one-hathe little band of pilhe could Mont. Because Anaconda, grims died. The winter snow covered sot find enough work to keep himself their leveled graves, and when spring ind support his mother and sister In warmth removed that friendly cover. hanu-tome a Salt Lake, Laurence Vigllnt, Ing the survivors planted grain above young man who had been four the graves, that waving blades of months In this city, drank almost wheat or corn might hide the colony's three ounces of carbolic acid In his loss from the cruel eyes of the foe room at the home of Mrs. W. F. Simp- whom fear alone restrained from open kins, his aunt He died a few minutes warfare. The pilgrims hearts were later. stout, and though their eyes might grow dim at times in looking over the Policemen Taking Census. fields where only mysterious patches Baltimore. Attempts by the mayor of a brighter green revealed to their to have a recount of Baltimore's sad knowledge the secret of a hidden population by the federal census bu- grave, they dashed away the tears reau having failed, the police on Mon- and only strove the more to carry on day began a second census. In his the task those tired fingers had let request, the mayor represented that tall. And when autumn came with its the federal census taken last April abundant harvest the great thanksgiving feast they held was in communion was Incomplete. with the lost. Secure In the belief that their dear ones In happier To Expel Socialist From Russia. Premier Stolypin In- spheres were rejoicing with them, SL Petersburg. formed the duma on Monday that the they gave thanks for home, for harSocialist leader, Cheidge, had been vest, and for hope. elected on false credentials and re- . Since then Thanksgiving day has quested his expulsion. Cheidge lived been a day of family reunions. The for years on his brothers passport, to distant son returns, the grandchildren escape the consequences of an earlier gather around the table, the old people, take pleasure in welcoming the political career. familiar faces that time is changing and the new faces added to the widenPitiful Wage of Preacher. ing family circle. It is a day of careminNew York. White Methodist isters of southern conferences are less mirth and thankful gladness. Some go to church to find an expresworking for $230 a year, according to sion for the feelings which find them Bishop William F. Anderson of Tenvoiceless, and otherrs feel only vaguea for made apwho nessee, larger plea ly. if at all, the need of more than the propriations before the home mission, tacit acceptance and enjoyment of all board of the Methodist Episcopal that the day brings. There are housechurch on Monday. hold games and the sports of winter, and if the great football contests seem Population of Utaha Capital. to overshadow more spontaneous diWashington. Salt Lake City has a versions the actual figures would show population of 92,777, according to sta- that not one In a thousand of the census made tistics of the thirteenth of the country attends the This is an increase population public Monday. matches. The thoughts of the preachaf 39,246, or 73.3 per cent over 53,531 ers are apt to turn to the betterment In 1900. The population of Salt Lake of civic or political conditions, reacounty, Utah, is 131,426, compared soning that the way to show thank1900. with 77,725 in fulness for public blessings is to promore cure of them. Not even these Parliament to Meet serious thoughts can turn the characLondon. The reassembling of parli- ter of the day away from that imament on Tuesday was purely formal, pressed upon it at the beginning, an the government, in view of thd im- occasion for feasting on what Provipending dissolution of the house, hav- dence has bestowed in reward for ing postponed projected legislative courage and for toil. The minor business. strain that runs through the music of the affections is heard by those whose Two. Kills Runaway Engine hearts once thrilled to voices Memphis, Tenn. Two persons were now but the spirit of the day Is silent to rekilled, two engines demolished and six joice. freight cars smashed when a runaway For what is secure in memory, for Iron Mountain engine crashed head-o- n the blessings of the year and the day nito an Illinois Central engine pulling for the promise of the future, may we a line of freight cars. he truly thankfuL lf aall. SET APART FOR GRATITUDE Thanksgiving the Day of Ail Day Which Wo Should Remember Our Blessings. on On Thanksgiving day most of us, with deliberate intention and perhaps no little effort, olose the door by which grumbles enter and open wide the other door that lets in praise. Fyr once gratitude has the right of way and we are just a little bit ashamed to be found in the dull company of complaint. At the Thanksgiving service, If we attend It, we give ourselves to a deliberate enumeration of our blessings and remember, perhaps, how many there are less favored than ourselves. There is not time for a complete and permanent smoothing out of the wrinkles of care and perplexity before we sit down at the bountifully laden table, but on the whole we are ready to enter into the spirit of the time? Is Thanksgiving, then, a reversal or an occasional accentuation of the proper habit of a Christians life? If there must be rusty hinges, should they be upon the doors of praise, while the other door of grumbling works with constant ease? The undisputed right of way In the Thanksgiving season ought to be the right of way for all the year. COMMENT COURTEOUS. Now good digestion wait on appe- tite, as Shakespeare says, said the landlady when the star boarder began carving the turkey. Shakespeare also raid that all this world is a stage, Mrs.- - Plnchem, but dont you think It Is carrying the Shakspearean idea and the stage simile a trifle too far when you try to serve papier mache turkey? Back to the Wild. There was a time when all doga were wild and when what we call wolvea were different from other dogs only as a collie now la different from a Newfoundland, for Instance. From time to time you will hear of dogs that have returned to the life of their ancestors and have run wild with the wolvea of the prairie or of the woods. In the town of Sandy in Oregon a greyhound one night made the acquaintance of a coyote, which is a kind of wolf, and ever since he has lived away from the town, running with the coyotea and approaching human dwelling-place- s only to steal a hen or two when he has been more than usually hungry. A Touch of Family Life.. When the country youth proposed to the city girl, he received the conventional assurance that she would be his sister. It happened that this youth had sisters at home and knew exactly his privileges. So he kissed her. At this juncture she availed herself of the sisterly right to call out to father that brother was teasing her. Father responded in good, muscular earnest, relaThen the new brother-and-slste- r tion was dissolved by mutual consent. Judge. I am greatly encouraged, said a A good many people man today. knocking on me lately; that Is a sign I am amounting to something." With the advent of the telephone the old "working nights at the office" excuse has been given a permanent vacation. Inleadaehe "My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-fiv- e veers and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascarets. 8ince ho baa begun taking Cascarets he has never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what yon recommend them to do. I wijl give yon the privilege of using his name. R. M. Dickson, 1130 Resiner SL, W. Indianapolis, Ind. Pleasant, Palatable. Potent Taet Good. Do Good. Never 8ickn.lWoak.n or Grip. 10c, ZSc, 30c. Novor sold In bulk. Tho m-nin- e tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to 823 cun or your money back. NEW ECCENTRIC Well Drilling Machine Write 1018-102- 0 for Catalogue. TANEYHELL COMPANY W. Mala St., Oklahoma City, OUa. ROOSEVELTS GREAT BOOK African Game Traill Needed a nan tn every place to tell this famous new book Bring It to tbe families tn your locality. We give yon field and high monopoly of Take commission. this great chance. Write for prospectua. MORE THAN EVER Increased Capacity for Mental Labor 8ince Leaving Off Coffee. Many former coffee drinkers who have mental work to perform, day after day, have found a better capacity and greater endurance by UBlng Postum instead of ordinary coffee. An Illinois woman writes; I had drank coffee for about twenty years, and finally had what the doctor called coffee heart. 1 was nervous and extremely despondent; had little mental or physical strength left, had kidney trouble and constipation. "The first noticeable benefit derived from the change from coffee to Postum was the natural action of the kidneys and bowels. In two weeks my heart action was greatly improved and my nerves steady. Then I became less despondent, and the desire to be active again showed proof of renewed physical and mental strength.' I am steadily gaining in physical strength and brain power. I formerly did mental work and had to give it up on account of coffee, but since using Postum I am doing hard mental labor with less fatigue than ever before. Read the little book, The Road to Wellville, In pkgs. Theres a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new oae appear from tlaie to time. They are aeaaiae, true, aad fall of hamaa latere t. DROP Charlu Scribner's Sons (Be .) rtflk Aw., lev ltd IM PLAIN TALKS ON FLORIDA By I. I. Moody, one of the States early ettiera. From these talks you wil learn many important things about Florida and Florida lands facta for you to remember when you invest. They are free write for them. 1 8UNNELL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Bunnell, Florida r of this paper de- siring to boy adver-tiae- d anything in its columns should ini upon baring what they aak lor, refuting all auhititutes or imitation. Sssrttmas't tswllfa, Chtas.fthaa.litvti.is 4s ttane lataloi tsi Rmauaneim CladuMtl Mb your Invention. Free preliminary search. Booklet free. 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