Show IGNORANCE OF OUR BANKERS it his has Res resulted in ah tha embezzlement of in the last five years in the last five alvo years have been bee embezzled fr from the banks and trust companies of the united slates the speaker was 11 C dalton a capitalist 0 of san francisco lie ile returned the loss 0 of this vast sum bum Is due to the ignorance ot of our bankers they ilont dont employ the checks and safeguards in use in europe they seem in fact ns ne ignorant of the value of these checks and safeguards as dill smith was ignorant of medicine smith ret ft friend in a isa en loon 0 on I hello fello joel joe tin he paid eald the lie trouble yere lookin down in the month I 1 trouble gee im up to toe me chin in trouble joe answered nn 1 how so old man how so BO said bald I 1 oil oh every things coln wrong was the reply the first thing was wai me dog run over by a taxicab last mon day week arter buryin the dog I 1 took 30 or 40 beers beera to cheer me up a bit und the upshot was that a cop run in me in of course I 1 have no money to pay the ho flee fine tso so I 1 got ten days dais well I 1 only got out this mornin lind anil aben hen I 1 got home I 1 found that my lily wife had pone gone ok oft to her ich with wot said hill in n i tonett tone of hot r va wot t that calro man up snag alley oh poor old joel joei poor teller letter 11 the penknife in history nowadays Nolva days we NA 6 use penknives pall tor for sharpening pencils there was a ume time however whan they were used uba for doing something else they used to be just what their name would indicate they were pen pe A penknife used to be just what ahat its name would indicate a pen irnise the ancients used pens made mada of 0 goo goow goose w quills just oa as our own forefather s did up lip to about it a hundred years ago the quill pen was made by hand band of course and whenever the point 0 of one would break or lose loo its elasticity it was waa up to the penman to put it ii new point or all on the quill this was aas done with a small 11 knife and hence we e have the sm word that has outlived the quill pen a hundred ears eara penknife 11 in the olden times the die penknife pen knife was BOS a necessary nece e sary accessory of the writing desk when tha clasp enire came in the smaller sizes took their name from the he little desk knife while the bigger otle one were called jack knives lack jack signifying anything masculine or big and strong |