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Show ' THE QKOMR SBIRaSC 5? standing at the foot of that staircase shootin' through the door Ill never be the same woman again." Well, Im glad of that anything for a change, I said. And in came Eliza, flanked by Rosie and Mary ROBERTS $ RINEHART twamnonsBY tenttfsrm ev MMurn T r Anne. 8YN0PSIS. Min Innss, spinster and guardian of perlrude and Halsey, established summer Seadquarlers at Sunnystde. The servants lesert. Gertrude and Halsey arrive with fapk Bailey. The house was awakened by a revolver shot and Arnold Armstrong ras found shot to death in the hall. Hiss tnnea found Halsey's revolver oa the lawn. He and Jack Bailey had disappeared. Gertrude revealed that she was engaged to Jack Bailey, with whom she talked In the billiard room shortly before the murder. Detective Jamieson accused bliss Innes of holding back evidence. He an Intruder in an empty room. fsprlsoned escaped. Gertrude was suspected because of an Injured foot. Halley reappears and says he and Bailey Were called away by a telegram. Cashier bank, deBailey of Paul Armstrong's funct, was arrested for embexslement. Paul Armstrongs death was announced. Halsey's fiancee, Louise Armstrong, told Halsey that while she still loved him, she Was to marry another. It developed that Dr. Walker was the man. Louise was found at the bottom of the circular stair-lasRecovering consciousness, she said the Something had brushed by her on susStairway and she fainted. Bailey Is After murder. of pected Armstrongs ''seeing a ghost," Thomas, the lodgekeep-e- r, was found dead with a slip In his bearing the name of "Lucten Wal Ilocket ace " Dr. walker asked Miss Innes to vacate la favor of Mrs. Armstrong. She refused. A note from Bailey to Gertrude a meeting at night was found. arranging A ladder out of place deepens the mystery. The stables were burned. During the excitement a man stole Into the house. A search failed to reveal him. Miss Innes A man limping was hot an Intruder. on the road. e. CHAPTER XXIV Her story, broken with sobs and corrections from the other two, was this: At two oclock (2:15, Rosie insisted) she had gone upstairs to get a picture from her room to show Mary Anne. (A picture of a lady, Mary Anne Interposed.) She went up the servants' staircase and along the corridor to her room, which lay between the trunk-rooand the unfinished ballroom. She heard a sound as she went down the corridor like some one moving furn-turbut she was not nervous. She thought it might be men examining the house after the fire the night before, but she looked in the trunkroom and saw nobody. She went Into her room quietly. The noise had ceased and everything was quiet Then she sat down on the side of her bed, and, feeling faint she was told you that subject to spells (I came to come np for two girls and their trunks I supposed there was something doing, and as this here woman had been looking for work in the village I thought Id bring her along. Already I had acquired the true suburbanite ability to take servants on faith; I no longer demanded written and unimpeachable references. I, Rachel Innes, have learned not to mind if the cook sits down comfortably In my sitting room when she is taking the orders for the day, and 1 am grateful if the silver is not cleaned with scouring soap. And so that day 1 merely told Liddy to send the new applicant in. When she came, however, I could hardly restrain a gasp of surprise. It was the woman with the pitted face. She stood somewhat awkwardly just Inside the door, and she had an air of that was inspiring. Yes, she could cook; was not a fancy cook, but could make1 good soups and desserts if there was any one to take charge of the salads. And so, in the end, I took her. As Halsey said, when Continued. right track. Gertrude, I said, "I have been a very selfish old woman. You are going to leave this miserable house tonight Annie Morton is going to Scot land next week, and jou shall go right v.r. fully. dont want to she flushed pain go, Aunt Ray, she aid. "Don't make me leave now. "You are losing your health and I said decidedly. your good looks, "You should have a change. I shant stir a foot. She was equally decided. Then, more lightly "Why, you and Llddy need me to arbitrate between you every day in the week." Perhaps I was growing suspicious of rery one, but it seemed to me that Gertrudes gayety was forced and artificial. I watched her covertly during the rest of the drive, and I did not like the two spots of crimson in her pale cheeks. But I said nothing more About sending her to Scotland; I knew she would not go. I CHAPTER XXV. t A Visit from Louise. That day was destined to be an eventful one. for when I entered the house and found Eliza ensconsed in the upper hall on a chair, with Mary Anne doing her best to stifle her with household ammonia, and Llddy rubbing her wrists whatever good that is supposed to do I knew that the ghost had been walking again, and this time in daylight. Eliza was in a frenzy of fear. She clutched at my sleeve when I went close to her, and refused to let go until she had told her story. Coming just after the fire, the household was demoralized, and it was no surprise to me to find Alex and the undergardener struggling downstairs with a heavy trunk between them. I didnt want to do it, Miss Innes, But she was so excited I Alex said. was afraid she would do as she said drag it down herself, and scratch the staircase. I was trying to get my bonnet off and to keep the maids quiet at the same time. Now, Eliza, when you have washed your face and stopped bawling, I said, come into my sitting room and tell me what has happened Llddy put away my things without speaking. The very set of her shoul ders expressed disapproval. Well,I said, when the silence became uncomfortable, things seem to be warming up. Silence from Liddy, and a long sigh If Eliza goes, I dont know where More sito look for another cook. ' lence. Rosie is probably a good cook Sniff. Llddy, I said at last, dont dare to deny that you are having the time of your life. You positively gloat in this excitement You never looked better. It's my opinion all this running around, and getting Jolted out of rut, has stirred up that torpid liver of yours. "Its not myself I'm thinking about' she said, goaded into Bpeech. "May be my liver was torpid, and maybe it wasnt; but I know this: I've got .some feelings Uft, and to see you -- The city artist had tramred over In the fields and meadows without finding a cow suitable for a model. At last he trude burst out, "tell us what is wrong Halsey is not here. He has gone to the station for Mr. Jamieson. Wbai has happened?" "To the station, Gertrude? You are sure? Yes. I said. Listen. There of the train now. the whistle is sighted a sad looking animal with shaggy hide and protruding ribs. However, it was the only cow available, and be tried to strike a bargain with its owner. to "How much will you charge ketch your cow? he inquired. "Been charging a dollar and a half a day, drawled the rustic. Dollar and a half a day! Great Scott! Don't you consider it rather dear for such a model as that? The owner stood in deep meditation. It may be. stranger, he pondered, "an yeou look like a decent sort of a chap. Suppose yeou give me two dollars an yeou can have the whole blamed caow. good old She relaxed a little at our matter-of-fac- t tone, and allowed herself to ink into a chair. Perhaps I was wrong, she said He will be here in a few heavily. moments if everything is right" We sat there, the three of us, with out attempt at conversation. Both Ger trude and I recognized the futility of her asking Louise any questions; Sold It on the 8 pot. reticence was a part of a role she had will not 1 want a hammock that assumed. Our ears were strained for the first throb of the motor as it break down, eald the fair maid, adturned into the drive and commenced dressing the floorwalker of the departthe climb to the house. Ten minutes ment store. "I'm sorry, miss, he rejoined, "but passed, 15, 20. I saw Louises hands grow rigid as they clutched the arms we havent any in atock that we could of her chair. I watched Gertrudes guarantee In your case. What do you mean by my case? bright color slowly ebbing away, and around my own heart I seemed to feel asked the young lady. Just this, answered the party ot the grasp of a giant hand. the Twenty-fivfioorwalking part If you were a and a then minutes, sound. But it was not the chug of the homely girl we could guarantee any motor; it was the unmistakable rum- hammock you might aelect ble of the Casanova hack. Gertrude drew aside the curtain and peered True Helpmates. into the darkness. "Did you see any women In Gerthe am I "Its hack. sure, she said, many pulling plows? I asked Mrs. evidently relieved. "Something has Gaddsters, who had been doing Eugone wrong with the car, and no won- rope. der the way Halsey went down the Yes ehe admitted, "but I wasnt hill. half so sorry for the creatures as I It seemed a long time before the thought I should be; they weren't creaking vehicle eeme to a stop at the doing all the work by any means; in door. Louise rose and stood watching, every Instance their buebande were her hand to her throat And then helping them by pushing the plows. Gertrude opened the door, admitting Mr. Jamieson and a stocky, middle-age- d THE FARMER'S IDEA. man. Halsey was not with them. Louise and When the door had closed realized that Halsey had not come, her expression ehanged. From tense watchfulness to relief, and now again to absolute despair, her face was an open page. Halsey?" I asked unceremoniously, Did he not ignoring the stranger. meet you? No. Mr. Jamieson looked slightly I rather expected the surprised. ear, but we got up all right. You didnt see him at allT Louise demanded breathlessly. Mr. Jamieson knew her at once, although he had not seen her before. She had kept to her rooms until the morning she left. he said. "I No, Miss Armstrong, saw nothing of him. What Is wrong?" "Then we shall have to find him,1 she asserted. Every instant is precious. Mr. Jamieson, I have reason for believing that he Is In danger, but I dont know what it is. Only he with a Heavy Trunk. must he found. The Country Parson That le an unwe told him, it didn't matter much The stocky man had said nothing fine large bog. Deacon. commonly about the cooks face if it was clean Now, however, he went quickly to The Farmer Yea, sir. Ah! If we I have spoken of Halsey's restless- ward the door. as fit to die ae him, sir! ness. On that day it seemed to be I'll catch the haek down the road ijruz more than ever a resistless impulse and hold it he said, "b the gentle Our Whltksred Friends- that kept hire out until after luncheon. maa down in the town? the dead old jokes Mr. Jamieson, Louise said impul- The dear old jokfs, held I think he hoped constantly that he dear My boyish heart I can use the hack. Take my Are doing atunts in vaudeville might meet Louise driving over the sively, hills In her runabout; possibly ha did horse and trap outside and drive like As usual this yaar. meet her occasionally, but from his mad. Try to find the Dragon Fly it 'The Usual Way. continued gloom I felt sure the situa- ought to be easy to trace. I can She What makes you gay you cant think of no other way. Only, don't tion between them was unchanged. get bread now like your mother used Part of the afternoon I believe he lose a moment The new detective had gone, and lo make? read Gertrude and I were out, as He I suppose for the earns reason have said, and at dinner we both no- a moment later Jamieson went rapidly ticed that something had occurred to down the drive, the cobs feet striking ihat men do a great many things my father said It before me. distract him. He was disagreeable, fire at every step. Louise stood lookwhich is unlike him, nervous, looking ing after them. When she turned at his watch every few minutes, and around she faced Gertrude, who stood Making Amends. Housewife Suppose, when youre he ate almost nothing. He asked twice indignant almost tragic, in the hall. You know what threatens Halsey, blasting, a big rock comes right In during the meal on what train Mr. Jamieson and the other detective were Louise, she said accusingly. "I be- through our window? Contractor That'll be all right, coming, and had long periods of ab lieve you know this whole horrible stractlon during which he dug bis lady; I'll send one of my men to fetcb It out again. Judge. fork into my damask cloth and did not hear when he was spoken te. He refused dessert, and left the table Destined Usee. But when the new chaplain essayed early, excusing himself on the ground that he wanted to see Alex. to ban wine, women and song, the Alex, however, was not to be found gay cavaliers flung him from the batIt was after eight when Halsey ortlements. What else are banners for? they dered the car and started down the hill at a pace that, even for him, was protested mirthfully. Puck. reckless. unusually Shortly after Alex reported that he was ready to go A Natural Leaf. over the house preparatory to closing 1 wonder If men did not get their it for the night. Sam Bohannon came Ideas of syndicates from ducks. at a quarter before nine and began his "What makes you think that? "Because ducks were the first creapatrol of the grounds, and 'with the arrival of the two detectives to look tures to put their Issues In a pool. forward to I was not especially apprehensive. Descriptive. At half-pas- t nine I heard the sound Stella Would you say she was a of a horse driven furiously up the woman?" drive. It came to a stop in front of Ella No; she looks like a Wall the house and Immediately after there street bear who has ' covered In a were hurried steps on the veranda. desperate hurry. Our nerves were not what they should I Believe You Know This Whole Horrible Thing, This Mystery." have been, and Gertrude, always apAppropriate Selection. prehensive lately, was at the door al- thing, this mystery that we are strug"That vacuum company is certainmost instantly. A moment later Louise gling with. If anything happens te ly going to build on an appropriate had burst into the room and stood Halsey, I shall never forgive you. site." there bareheaded and breathing hard. Louise only raised her bands do "How so? "Where is Halsey? she demanded. pairingly and dropped them again. They have bought a vacant lot Above her plain black gown her eyes (TO BE CONTINUED) looked big and somber, and the rapid His Will Do. Prompted by Instinct. drive had brought no color to her face. "Do you think I can afford a new There is a certain type of femininity I got up and drew forward a chair. understands the coat for you this winter, my dear?" which Instinctively "He has not come back, I said proprieties of a buggy ride. Helen, Why, of course. Ive Just looked "Sit down, child; you are aged three, cuddled up close to her fa- over your last years overcoat and quietly. not strong enough for this kind ef ther, thle being her first ride with him Im eure you wont need a new one." thing. unattended As father tucked the A Long Speech. ( I dont think she even heard me. robe about the dainty miss and Hewitt What did your wife say to "He has not come back? she chirped to his horse he asxed: What home last night? asked, looking from me to Gertrude. shall we talk about, dearie? "Well, you when Iyou got cant tell you Just now; Jewett Do you know where he went? Where father," as she laid her little hand on were tabled for prlnt-ncan I find him? his arm, lets talk about luting each ter remarks Bazar. Harpers "For heavens sake, Louise, Ger other. days ot long ago In the early 60s, don't you know when grandma was on dreaa with the beaux a hit ahe parade, alwaye made. Grandma wax a modest miss, and her hoop eklrt ed Ilka this: I wonder what grandma would aay If ahe could see the girls today, aa they hobble here and hobble both feet there, handicapped for fair. Oh, would ahe Envy any mlaa In a hobble aktrt like thle AWFULLY e "Did they go toward the club? Gertrude asked suddenly, leaning forward. "Na, miss. I think they came Into the village. I didnt get a look at their faces, but I know every chick and child In the place, and everybody knows Be When they didn't shout at me In my uniform, you know I took it they were strangers. So all we had for our afternoon's work was this: Some one had been shot by the bullet that went through the door; he had not left the village, and he had not called In a physician. Also, Dr. Walker knew who Luclen Wallace was, and his very denial made me confident that, in that one direction at least, we were on the With her. To my surprise, HOOPJ VS. HOBBLES. BARGAIN SALE.. Struggling when I came, didn't Indeed she did!) down on her pillow Took a nap. All on. Down-Stair- s I, Rosie? Yesm, she put her head and right! I said. "Go When I came to. Miss Innes, sure as I'm sittin here, I thought Id die. Somethin hit me In the face, and I set up, sudden. And then I seen the plaster drop, droppin from a little hole In the wall. And the first thing I knew, an iron bar that long (fully two yards by her. measure) shot through that hole and tumbled on the bed. If I'd been still sleeping (Painting, corrected Rosie) "Id a been bit on the head and killed! I wisht youd heard her scream," put in Mary Acne. "And her face as white as a pillow-sliwhen she tumbled down the stairs. No doubt there is some natural exYou planation for it, Eliza, I said. may have dreamed It, in your fainting attack. But if it is true, the metal rod and the hole in the wall will show it. Eliza looked a little bit sheepish. The holes there all right, Miss Innes, she said. "But the bar was gone when Mary Anne and Rosie went up to pack my truftk. That wasnt all, Liddy's voice came funereally from a corner. Eliza said that from the hole in the wall a burning eye looked down at her! The wall must be at least six inches thick, I said with asperity. "Unless the person who drilled the hole carried his eyes on the ends of a stick, Eliza couldnt possibly have seen them. But the fact remained, and a visit to Eliza's room proved it I might jeer all I wished; some one had drilled a hole in the unfinished wall of the ballroom, passing between the bricks of the partition, and shooting plaster of through the unresisting Eliza's room with such force as to send the rod flying on to her bed. I had gone upstairs alone, and I confess the thing puzzled me; in two or three places in the wall small apertures had been made, none of them of any depth. Not the least mysterious thing was the disappearance of the Iron implement th. . had been used. Mary Anne and Eliza left that afternoon, but Rosie decided to stay. It was about five o'clock when the hack came from the station to get them, and, to my amazement, it had an occupant. Matthew Gelst, the driver, asked for me, and explained his errand with pride 'Tve brought you a cook, Miss he said. "When the message p The Visitor Ish and Everyone seems In this town. The Old Resident Yes; even oM Bill Flab eigne his name Byll Fyaebrf now. Drones. It's well to take your time, but Ts Afraid the loss will swell. For most of us who take our time Take others time a a well. Matter of Intelligence. Mrs. Suburbs John, did you can aS the intelligence office today to Inquire about a maid ot all work? Suburbs Yes, my dear. Mra. Suburbs Couldn't you flni one? Suburbs Oh, yes; I found e dose but they were all too Intelligent tn come out to this place. lVi v Complaint. Mr. Muggins paid me a last night I What did be aay? He said I was juat Ukn A Mabel pllment Stella Mabel sugar. ; Stella Well, bs evidently told tta truth for once. You certainly have lot of aand. ONE THEORY. be-jau- well-dresse- d g How did Jenkins bump on his forehead? Winks great Thinks don't know, unless It waa grew so big that it MS I that his head the roof. Fen. cant set rich by dreaming dreamt You must keep on the run, But now and then to me it seems ..That dreaming! splendid fun. You Willing to Forget Smith But why does he object t being called the Hon. Mr. Blank? Jones Well, you see, it's an unpleasant reminder that he UBed to be a member of the state legislature and he's afraid It might hurt bis reputation among strangers. Food for the Gossips. Mrs. Tattles All sorts of storlea are going around about the Nuccumbs. Mrs. Snoper No wonder. They have been living In the neigh torhood six weeks and nobody knows anything about them. Queer. I understand that D'Auber showed you all bis pictures the other day? "Yes, I saw them all." "They say his best pictures are "He didnt very-good.- show me those. How It Gets There. said the scanty-haireman, tell my wife goes." "Indeed? exclaimed his companion. "You bet it does," rejoined th other. "She tells it to her mother and within a week its all over town.1 "Yes, "what d I In Future. Mrs. Merrick Do you fly much? Mrs. Warren No; Bridget has th use of the airship Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Harpers Bazar. ( A. get that |