Show RESULT OF ELECTION republicans REMAIN IN CONTROL OF SENATE BUT DEMOCRATS CAPTURE THE LOWER HOUSE cannon re reelected elected lecter to congress but will Bro probably ably bably be succeeded as speaker by champ dark clark of missouri who Is a candidate candi date As a result of the decision ot of vie voters at tho the polls on november 8 th the e democrats will have hae a majority in ri t the he next house ot of representatives being assured of a working majority of 30 the senate however will remain in control of the republicans in the senate enate the republicans will have sev enteen new members with thirty four holdovers giving them ft a total of fifty one the democrats will have fifteen new senators which with twenty five holdovers makes a total of forty speaker joseph 0 cannon was reelected to congress irons irom illinois iwhite while champ dark clark the democratic leader will again represent a missouri district dark clark has announced his can didach tor for the and will probably be speaker cannons successor de democratic m socratic governors wore elected in N new ew york new jersey connecticut massachusetts ohio Okla oklahoma boma oregon idaho wyoming colorado north dakota alabama south caro una lina and texas republican governors were elected in pennsylvania now new hampshire rhode island iowa kansas michl gan minnesota nebraska south dakota wisconsin california and neva da while a fusion candidate was vie vic dorious corlous in tennessee the next new york legislature will bo be democratic and will select a dem tc senator to succeed senator do pow pew the next iowa legislature will be republican find and the progressive ro re publicans public ans claim they will bo be in con arol and will select elect a successor to the late senator dolliver Doll lver in utah the republicans were vie corlous tor lous congressman howell being reelected while D N was reelected to the supreme bench the next legislature will contain 15 re ke publican senator and 38 republican representatives while there will bo be two democrats in the senate and sev en in the house hoube only one county in the state failed ailed to endorse congressman in salt lake city the american party was waa victorious but the republicans carried tho the county the democratic candidate for or governor of 0 idaho was victor loux by a narrow margin but the remainder of the republican ticket was waa elected doth both branches ot of the legislature are republican in indiana the democrats will have a majority on the legislature on joint ballot of 3 32 2 this means that senator beveridge will not bo be returned to v W ibern will probably be elected senator t w tiu v 0 bi congressmen un and e eight el g ht republicans republicans have been elected in Illin los cannon being one ot of the congressmen returned although a bitter fight was made against again at him illinois present representation consists of six democrats and 19 republicans public ans the democrats elected all their candidates in cook county the proposed prohibition constitutional amendment was defeated lo in florida missouri has emphatically declared against statewide state wide prohibition the democrats will have a majority of 50 in the legislature on joint ballot the state ticket Is being claimed by both parties in nebraska No briska the next legislature will be house republicans 44 democrats 66 senate republicans 12 democrats 21 the republicans have elected it a governor and state ot of natala and three congressmen and the democrats have elected three congressmen in kansas the republican state ticket was aa victorious eight republican candidates for congress winning the republicans will have three of 0 the ten new jersey congressmen an exact reversal of 0 the present representation sen tation sereno payne author of 0 the payne tariff bill had a close call for re elec tion but will again represent hla his district the republicans of north dakota carried every office except that 01 ol governor the legislature Is overwhelmingly republican california remains in hie republican column allram W NI johnson lias has linen len swept into the off office ice of governor by a plurality of and has carried tb the entire republican ticket to victory |