Show TOLSTOI MAY BE PRISONER friends friendt of aged count do not believe he disappeared voluntarily st pete petersburg tabu rg SI sinister nt ste r reports are current in this city concerning the mysterious disappearance of count tolstoi from his home at Yas naya while it Is publicly given ou out t that the famous writer and social reformer has voluntarily gone away to pass his remaining days in eoll and peace and a letter purporting to have bean bapa wt written itten by the aged novelist to his wife e explaining x pla InIng his departure has been made public there ts s a perets persistent report that his exile Is not voluntary ilia hla friends fear vae the need aged count has been confined in some monastery mon astry by orders of the head bead of the russian church and that he will never come out alive A private message received here from tula says that countess twice attempted to commit suicide on friday by drowning through a hole in the ice |