Show mn maws lordly way tho the virginia arginia state legislature lias has beono one anil an passed a law becoming effective september 17 that requires nil all sheets adorning the beds of 0 public hostelries to be eight feet long and clean in consequence hotel managers are tn tit a flutter of providing fall fait household supplies and shooting la is being ordered by the bolt to meet old dominion noody needs tsow jow that just like a manto man to resort to law in order that hla his tippy toes may not he be frost nipped in winter aud quio illo bitten in summer Burn mer oaks the li altimore sun A woman would have drawn her little pink toes to any height of dis comfort in order to adapt herself to an abbreviated sheet would have worn fleece lined slippers would have anointed lier herself self with mosquito repelling ointments a way but lordly mati man arising from slumbers hies him to the ho nearest palace of justice flings off a law says jt JAI J t there be adequate sheets and lo 10 there are to his liking even if hotel keepers hustle |