Show shipwreck on croat Great salt lake the tha di distress stross signal flashed over the telephone wires fr from om bountiful to salt SaIt lake Lako city this with sam sain sharman shaman or on the receiving end of the mes ines sio sage tile tho sender avas ans captain cook not the famous dr cook but ills his story was equally as weird us its the north biolo pipes related by the latter it told of a shipwreck on oil tho the great salt lake a marooned robinson crusoe who will vil havo to content himself with a pelican instead of a parrot lorn companion until the ihas rescue party reaches mm him it also has proven to it a party of local shipbuilders ship builders that wireless is very much in need whilo while nava iu in these parts sam S im sharman became possessed of an all idea tt was to fco build it a boat along the lines of an automobile and ply between salt luko lake and tho the duck cluck shooting grounds alona bear river bay hu wil conti tided dod ills his scheme to harry finch bert bailey W T benson bellson and dick rogers and they fell for it sam proposed propos fd to put an automobile engine into his boat and build it along the lines of one of f the latest torpedo stoddard lard day gaytons tons ho Be guaranteed that tile boat would negotiate the heavy water of the great salt sail lake the river jordan mud hats flats a well ir ed patch of alfalfa and a heavy dew on a grass rn mendo endow w oh sam was en thu sins tic the boat was built according to ills his instructions and last night was sent on oil its trial trip under corn coin mand of first mato mate muldoon Jul doon sealed orders were given to gasoline down the jordan to the lake up the lake to tho the bear river bay und and watch for a sl sig nal 11 light lit and there cast anchor one of the guides of tile tho duck ville gun club was telephoned to i build a hugo huge tire liro in the bullias i about afif fifteen een miles from the shore so tho during daring t nava I 1 ni could und it tho the plans were carefully ciro ully laid according to sharman shannon without it chanco chance of fallu failure rp but abib morning brought the tha news of tile tho disaster captain cook phoned in from bountiful that the tha craft ran amuck in mid bidlake midlake lake last nigh I 1 and quickly wont went to the CIO bottom A mutiny followed among tile tho crow first N mute into muldoon started tor for antelope island and papain cook waded toward 16 bountiful bountis ill sharman says that tho first mate always did remind him oc and that tha poli pelicans cans must havo have got his goat goal captain cook declared that glicr boat was alright for mud raw and would bo be tine fine for tho the lake laho i if it would only float ile he said ass would take tho the first train joe for salt lake city and is 19 expected in this afternoon with full details of tho the shipwreck sharman and his friends aro busy organizing sing relief parties to the best of their knowledge first mato mate muldoon is on antelope island safe but short of rations and perhaps somewhat dron drenched elied with salt saltwater water ufim the middle of boar bear river bay bac thoro there Is ono guido guide still piling up and sending a flame up ui into tho clear sky to attract tho ship that will never roach reach port captain cook is on ills his way to salt lako lake with tile tho dot alls sharman says that tho the boat did no not have a speedometer and aad ho expects tile iho crow were ex en codding tho the speed li limit tivit or 1 0 l would leavo been well tole Tole graat nevii nov 11 |