Show 7 a = n = NATURES ANTICS Bomorlrablo Phonomena In Southern South-ern California Unfathomable FUaurci In tho nadir Created Cre-ated by Internal Conralilons A Very Hy terloii8 Itoglon A few mouths 10 a small party of prospectors left San Diogo for that lit tIc known country lying below the Mevlom boundary just west of tho Colorado river This region is supposed to be full of valuable mineral ilopooits and prolific in natural phenomena They spent a couple of weeks on what is known as the Santa Vsabcl ranch Rome miles northwost of the Cocopah mountains Whim there they heard that frequently during several days a heavy rumbf hid been hanrd in tho direction of tl Oocopaho Proceeding to Tins Junta 1 little settlement made up of a few Indians and a white man or two they pent several days there in prospecting Here they were told by a man named Rlllott that free a high hill ho had seen hat seemcl to be a cloud over the Casopah mountains and had also Heard heavy rumbling and once at night had ieeu a dull light apparently on tho very top of the mountain He believe it to uo a volcano incuans nau also Drougut reports that unusual disturbances had been obsened in the Coeopah region and they were greatly frightened They recrosscd the line into the United States and at Indian Wells on tho Colorado desTt not only heard more about the rumblings and nmoke but for the first time S1W the smoke themselves acloudlikn t13pov t st ned to rest almost 011 tho earti TIO pay come westward ar 1 on the night when tho earthquake sljek v > a1 felt in Srn Diego were canipc 1 on nn jvatoi 3cnc 3000 feet above the sea level That nit they not only felt tho severest se-verest earthquake ahouk but plainly saw a great light shoot upward in tho heavens directly over what was believed to be the main Coeopah mountain Tho light continued with greater or less II brilliancy late into tho night while tho rumbling was almost incessant and the tremors frequent The nest morning a murky cloud of the color made by burning sulphur hung like a vast umbrella low on the horizon all day and there wore frequently frequent-ly rectiVring shocks of earthquake The party remained in amp that night and saw fie light in the mme plao but mnh fainter Oeorjo Kicklr who has a laach on tho earn slop of the mountains said that on the night of the great shako he saw an illumination of tire heavens directly over the Coeopah mountains The light changed repeatedly re-peatedly being sometimes very bright sometimes dull and almost imperceptible impercep-tible The nest morning he saw an um brellashaped cloud where ho hud scon tho light the night before There h I no doubt in tho minds of all who saw tho light that it WM an active volcano PERSONAL MENTION UBOTIIEB Joacin who is voluntaril spending his life at Molokai and devoting ing it to the lepers in that settlement I is Ira P Dutton a native of Vermont who adjudicated war claims In tho border k bor-der states after tho civil war for tho federal government Ho began his i services in Molokai under tho heroic Damien I f I GEN BElfRY 15 CLEAVES who has beon renorainntod for another term as governor of Maine entered the army aa a private when ho was twentytwo ycars old and worked for c omc ume in Sta snsh and blInd factory after the war before taking up the study of law in which he lass accumulated n large practice I i A W TSKBKLL United Slctee minis tel to Turkey is having two eil ev and rcldmCt1uted saddles made nt ban Antonio An-tonio Tea lie will prcwjit them to the sultan of Turkey and th it rulers fi vcnfp In The saddles arc the hand bomest and costliest ever tuaclo in the Uuiied States They arc of tho fells cowboy pattern Tns additions to bo maCo to the fao iilty CM Jstiuf rd university California kor tire next college year will include tilt Nathan AM nt who istohe tho poima ontli rlof the law department Wil lam Stuart Symington assistant pro Sfoocor of Roman language rsceriolc li 0 Roohrig lecturo of oriental philol jfogy anj Vernon L Kellogg associate professor of entomology LII i II ssiTC j ZoLA is dramatizing La note flu maine II JIrs HUMPHRY WARD a trustworthy London source says has already received re-ceived eighteen thousand pounds from the sale of her latest work David Grieve II THE labt lineal descendant of Daniel Dtfoe the author of Robinson Crusoe lives ot Bishops Stortford and is in receipt re-ceipt of outdoor relief from the Chelins ford union Virnsf Lord Tcunyson fa i aslccd to read ho almost invariably selects tire Odo objtho Death of the Duke of Wellington Welling-ton nnd after that Maud Uo has btbotnc a great novel reader A DOlTISH consul in China Dr James I Soott who has written tho first Corona frraoroar declares that tho Corona labytmge is even more difficult than the Chinese Ho estimates its ago at four UipWrul Senile Convenient DuttIluthp ho best dutttbath is a place on the grpund that has been spaded and the stones and gravel sifted out After cash rain whkh solidifies them tho ductingplaces hliould bo spaded again so ne to keep them flue dry and loosu Tu hens will take advantage r then and l enjoy them very much GENERAL IFC MM ON I I 1 A CHICKEN ran t Intrhnm hay I Sutet Bound 000 fowU It U I I I j ftun i r ihe world i > it is pnii vhere pv uiiUj I t rovJnf r ashes in height w i v ar friu freely about the tlze currants v r L of I k |