Show Managmont of Bandy Land Thoro Is a very wide difference In the agricultural capabilities of soils says tha 1lcld and Farm lint all such soils have ono chief characteristic they are all deficient In vegetable matter This Is bocanso time porous character of sandy soil allows water to drain through It readily When tho water goes out air from tho surface follow Hence when there Is a heavy rain tho soil receives an accession of oxygon which rapidly destroys de-stroys whatever vegotablo matter It contains If tho subsoil Is sandy It becomes be-comes exceedingly difficult to fertilize It While the thin surface covering of vegetable matter remains oven tho soils that aro sand down to and Including tho subsoil will produco good crops hint unlesscaro Is taken to grow IItrnUnor somo othor green manure such soils bo come drifting sands entirely worthless for farming purposes But there Is very little Bandy soil that does not overlay stratum of clay Such soil has great advantage ad-vantage In oaso of cultivation and In Its quick response to manure If land of tills character Is plowed shallow and sowed to alfalfa It will not be difficult to make It fairly productive for an Indefinite In-definite period It Is so easy to work sandy soil and It can bo worked so much earlier In the spring that many farmers who have learned the secret of Its management man-agement prefer It to all others It Is free from stones and In plowing much loss labor Is required than In turning a heavier soil There U nothing to gain but much to loose by deep plowing of sandy soil If only three or four Inches of tho surface Is mixed with vegetable matter that should bo tho limit of depth for tho plow until tho growing of alfalfa has extended vegetable matter to a greater depth |