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Show : n ' :l I'. I. V ' ) . iu r. 'f; r a. n f' i I f ' 'i. o? 0.. i 1.1,1,; , V JiM i M. ill' ii- - f? ..viutsjli : ,!' -- itiJ !i (IJ U'iHi-ijli- l i.uuiliii ciil in IX , fill i ,UlliJK ill (I ii "ni ....! vii i in Editors are here from every section of the State. This morning a business meeting was held, (ilonel William F. Switzer of Bonneville presided. H. J. Groves of Lexington, secretary. Committees on permanent organisation and address were appointed. At 11 oclock Hon. R. P. Bland delivered an address at Association Park. At the afternoon conference a iierma-neorganisation was effected by the election of W. F. Switzer of Boonovllle ns president, and one from each Congressional district; H. J. Groves of iAxlugton. secretary; C. J. Waldnn of Nevada treasurer. Governor W. J. Stone brfcily addressed the editors, advocating a thorough organisation preparatory for the battle next year for free silver. At conference the editors adopted an address to the people of Missouri on the silver Issue. MR. BLANDS SPEECH. Mayor llaslan delivered the address of welcome at the opening of the conference. He was followed by Bland, who spoke in part as follows; Those countries which have silver have none to spare. If they bring It to ua they are compelled to exchange It for property, real estate and produce. If Bllver was coined, the people would not have to take any more of it than they wanted. Aa for exchanging it for gold, no man could be forced to give gold fur Bllver, Every statistician says that an American Is greater In productive power than two or more men of any foreign country, therefore we need twice as much money. Mr. Bland claimed that the St. Louis Interview misrepresented his words rethe Democratic party. He did garding not say there was no Democratic party, but that It was disorganised and In a chaotic state. What would cement it Issue. together was the SENATOR COCKRELL. After dinner United States Senator F. M. Cockrell spoke on the financial Issue. He sold the pending financial Issue le simply whether the single standard of gold shall be continued or the true bimetallic system shall be restored. He stated that the movement for a single gold standard was started by highly-colore- d representations made to the International conference in Berlin In 1863 and culminated In the monetary conference of Paris In 1867. On the strength of these misrepresentations of the United States officials, the advocates of the gold standard pressed their cause until 1873, when they succeeded in carrying their point. Senator Cockrell quoted the Constitution to show that a double standard of gold and silver was the lawful money of the United States. The Senator claimed that the Democrats in Congress had never wavered in their efforts to restore bimetallism. The Senator went on to a considerable length to show that the Democratic party was the only party that has constantly advocated and practically supported the- free and unlimited coinage of silver, gold standard was opposed xdftallists, because there is not a suf&esft quantity ,of gold in the World "tp 4 Tfidy the demand for both industrial fid monetary uses. The Governments he said, had a remedy wherewith to retain the gold withdrawn during the troublous times some months ago. it was by redeeming greenbacks with silver. The speculators would have stopped presenting them, as they could have made nothing, and the greenbacks would have continued in circulating as they did from January 1, 1879, and not a dollar of bonds would have been Issued or necessary. The Senator advocated a restoration of bimetallism as a remedy for existing evils. He ridiculed the idea that the agitation of the ellver question will divide the Democratic party. On the contrary, such advocacy will maintain the partys fidelity to Democratic faith and will aid in preserving and strengthening the party. The idea that free coinage of silver would drive gold out of circulation was ridiculed. The nations, on account of the insufficiency of gold for all monetary uses and its utter unfitness for money of dollars or other smaller coins, cannot do without silver. Senator Cockrell quoted statistics as to the production of silver, shbwlng that there had been no to-d- ay HOKE SMITH OH SILVER. The Election of a Silver President Would Fill tha Land With Poverty and Distress Gold Would Be Driven Out and the Country Flooded With Silver The Cause of Lower Prices. Gainesville, Go., July 23. Secretary Hoke Smith of the Interior Department delivered here the lirt t of a series of three addresses in Geoigia on the lliiunelal issue. A tremendous crowd iissem tiled to hear the siieech, and he was cheered to the echo. He was introduced by Judge IVrry, who ' paid a glowing tribute to .President Cleveland, ilr. iimlth e;aike lr. liart as folluws: At Chleugo in 18112 the Democratic party, by Its representatives for the entire Union, voted down overwhelmingly tlie proposition of a delegate from Colorado to insert In the plutfurm the word "free," which would have made the platform declare fur free coinage of silver. The free silver advocates claim, first, that the act of 1873 was surreptitiously passed, and robbed the people of one-hathe money of final payment; second, that fur this reason there Is nut sufficient money of final payment, and the appreciation of gold has depreciated everything else. Upon these two propositions their entire arguments are based. The Secretary met the propositions by claiming, first, that the alleged contraction of money of final payment had not taken place; second, that the remedy would in reality drive one-ha- lf the money now In use out of circulation, and produce a contraction ruinous in its results. FALL IN PRICKS. The claim that gold has appreciated, the value of pro. thereby depreciating ducts, said he, is based upon the theory that the decrease in the value of silver and in the value of products has been contemporaneous. A careful examination of the facta shows this not to be true. The average decrease of commodities since 1872 has been about 20 per cent. The heaviest decline has been in the line of those things which the masses of the people buy. All those reductions in price are partly attributable to a lessened cost of production, and partly to the recent panic. While commodities have fallen 20 per cent, silver has fallen 50 per cent. The bullion in a silver dollar is only worth 52 cents; 23.8 grains of standard gold are worth 100 cents. To lift the value of 412 grains of silver in the United States from 50 to 100 cents, it would be necessary to lift ot-jj..Abe-valuthe silver In the .world to the Same extent, lew tne cost 'of transporting it to the United States. In addition to this, if the silver mines can afford to continue increasing their production as they have from 181,000,000 in 1873, to $214,481,000 in 1894, on a market which has fallen 50 per cent, what would they produce on a market which has risen 100 per cent? WOULD RUIN THE COUNTRY. 'The immediate effect of the election of a President committed to such a policy would be the separation of the gold and ellver dollar, the gold dollar going to a premium of about two for one, and we would lose at once of gold now In circulation and in the Treasury. The greenbacks and Treasury notes, $375,000,000 of which would still remain outstanding, would le hoarded in the hope that a free silver bill, if passed at all, would be soon repealed. This would take place Immediately after the election of a President In November, 1896, and probably even after the nomination by either of the greet parties of a free silver candidate. The new President could not be Inaugurated until March 4, 1897. During the six months or more before it would be possible to pass free sliver legislation, the contraction of the currency just described would precipitate the most serious consequences. Those owning gold obligations would put a strain upon the remaining Bllver curand the bank notes to buy gold rency, ' fn meet their gold obligations. The mrrcncy, consisting of checks and bills f exchange, amounting to 95 per cent of our entire currency, would go out of rsc, in cimseauence of loss of confidence and credit, and the renult would he the withdrawal of 97 per cent of nnr entire currency, and the paralysis of business would Immediately follow, flanks would he raided by their depositors. Indebtedness not payable in gold would lie collected at once, or the property owned by debtors taken from them. Merchants would fall, manufactories close, workmen be idle, farm riroducts without a market and poverty smA distress be found on all sides' ONE SOURCE OF COMFORT. Concluding, he said: The picture is rot overdrawn. When I contemplate it It le I her" is but one source of comfort an abiding confidence that with twelve months of full, life discussion, the Atn"r!cjn people esn lie relied upon to overwhelmingly defeat any party which uroponcs to bring euch disasters upon us. "It is a source of gratification to Pemorrats to know the troubles of 1893 were brought upon the country by the unwise legislation of the previous administration. Tour representatives at Washington were confronted with many difficulties. No civil crisis has been more serious. Let the return of prosperity, let the daily news that factories are again at work, and that 3.000,000 wage earners have had their wages Increased; let the rise In value of farm products tell how they have succeeded. The McKinley Mil has been the credit of the Government has been preserved. Money has been kept sound, and we will gn to the coun irv In 189S with the Democratic rty fighting further high tariff legislation, opposin' had money and arnured of success. DEMOCRATIC SILVER EDITORS. to-d- ay lf pro-jxjs- ' nt ts free-coina- Good-by- to-d- ay Jack-son- 's Bannocka ing wounded. The settlers have brought their women and children to Wllford, Ida., and Intend to go Indian hunting, and not wait for the redskins to attack them. This trouble will not interfere with travel to the Yellowstone Park, as by the way of Beaver canyon there is no danger of meeting the Indiana. Many sensational reports have been sent out, but there has been no fighting on the part of the Indians, and the only ones slain were those reported In these dispatches last week. The Indians may yet be persuaded to return to their reservations without any more trouble. TOO LATE TO STOP IT. Return With the Bodies of Four Bucks. Pocatello, Ida., July 22. From present Indications the conflict between the settlers of the Jackson Hole country. Northeastern Idaho and Northwestern Wyoming, and the Indians is not ended. To-uwanderers arrived on the reservation, but are far from a peaceful frame of mind, for In the wagon they brought the bodies of four dead bucks. It had been given out all alrng that only one Indian was killed. One of the bucks said they were oniy earning to the reservation to get more ammunition and were going back to kill the white men. Agent Teter will request that the Seventh Infantry from Fort Russell, at Cheyenne, or the Eighth cavalry from Boise, be at once sent to this point, unless the Indians return quietly to their homes. J. C. Routs, a ranchman of Soda Springs, says the police told him that the Indians killed a white man. wife and child, and the settlers rallied and killed six Indians. THIS IS DIFFERENT.' Pocatello, Ida, July '22. Special to Tribune. There is no truth in the sensational reports regarding the Indian outbreak. have No demonstrations been made by the Indians, which si ways take place before hostilities are commenced. There is no excitement in Pocatello and no further trouble is anticipated. Indian Agent Teter le at the scene of trouble with his police to recall the Bannocks, which will surely be done. A report reached the city this morning that the three dead Indians, who were killed at Jackson Hole a few days ago, were brought back as far as Gray's lake and burled, on account of not being able to keep them longer. ay Watching Utah. BLOCKED Washington, D. C., July 23, 1895, It waa learned this afternoon that the Department of Justice, through one of the assistant Attorney-General- s, is carefully studying the new' Constitution of Utah. It is supposed that the object is to give an unofficial opinion to the Democracy of Utah upon the constitutionality of women voting in the coming election, and before the Territory becomes a State. howThe assistant Attorney-Genera- l, ever, denies that this supposition Is correct, and states that he merely wanted to become acquainted with the Instrument, as it refers to bunking. Washington, 1). t., July 23. Delegate Frank Cunnnn of Utah outllms what will probably prove a very interesting question in connection with tile election which is to take place in that Territory next November, when the Constitution adopted by the recent Constitutional Convention will be presented to the people for their ratification or rejection, and when also State and county officers will be voted for.. The Constitution provides for female suffrage, and the Ilemucrntlc leaders have taken the position that under this provision the women should be allowed to vote at the election in November, especially in view of the fact that officials are to lie elected. The Republicans, on the other hand, content! that 'tah is still a Territory, and that this lection must be held in accordance with the forma provided by Congress, which do not permit of the exercise of the elective franchise by women. A general effort on the rt of the ladle to vote might, in view of the conflicting claims, produce important complications in the future. Wallers Case. Washington, July 23. Mr. Cram-mon- d Kennedy, who has become a principal counsel in the case of Waller, now serving a sentence in a French jail for violation of the neutrality laws between this country and France railed at the State Department for the purpose of presenting certain phases of the case. Mr. is disposed to lay much stress Kennedy on the fact that at the time of Wallers arrest, there was no actual state of war between France and Madagascar. He contends that Waller, fur this reason, could not have been guilty of the charge on which he waa tried and con- ll i- General ' ul to-d- ay Jack-son- to-da- ' PROSPERITY. to-da- y. Yin-:e- al nt m pt office-seeker- Cop-fing- s, er to-d- ay free-silv- er mail-carrie- rs S. to-d- ay ea Vi U. Denver, Colo., July 21. Special to Tribune. President E. T. Jeffery of the Denver A Rio Grande Railroad returned home this morning from London, where he attended the International congress of railway officials. While abroad Mr. Jeffery carefully interested himself in the financial situation, and, for most apparent reasons, since his line depends entirely upon ore shipments, and the abandonment of silver, if nut fatal, is at least disastrous to his company. He comes back with a sorry lew of affairs, and while he would not say so In so many words, gives views of influential English and German capitalists which clearly predict fur bimetallism no immediate progress. He had this to say on the silver question: I met a number of gentlemen in London who are bimetallists, and very strong ones. The general thought expressed by them is that the largely increased output of gold in South Africa, und the largely increased output of the same metal In Colorado and other parts of the United States, together with the indications of a returning prosperity In Great Britain, as well as the United States, will retard the advance of bimetallism. These gentlemen, whose names I withhold for obvious reasons, are all known over here, and they are authorities. They seemed to express their views, as I have just given them, with great reluctance. They were quite strong in the belief that the two conditions to which reference has been made would be very strong factors in the settlement of the of bimetallism. ' The belief question abroad is that Lord SalisGovernment not be at all will burys to take the initiative in regard disposed to bimetallism, even though some members of the Cabinet are outspoken friends of the cause. I made some inquiries as to the probable effect in Germany, that is, regarding the increased output of gold fields and the apparent return of prosperity, endeavoring to ascertain the possible action of the German Government. It waa quite the same there. German bimetallists thought that the two conditions mentioned would go tar towards retarding - early action upon the part of the Government in favor of bimetallism. The gentlemen who expressed these views unhesitatingly stated that they were wedded to the opinion that the world at large would be the better for bimetallism, and that It would come sooner or later. But the early advent uf it, which they were expecting, is, in their opinion, hardly to be expected now. In stating these views I but express the views of those with whom I talked and who have devoted years to a careful study of bimetallism and the best means of promoting that monetary policy. Regarding the condition of the commercial world, Mr. Jeffery continued: 'From what I could learn in England, It Is conceded there that there Is a return of prosperity in the United States. This is the opinion entertained by financiers and business men there. So real is this opinion that they all told me there would be much less reluctance In making investments in our country than during the past two nr three years. English capital must seek investment outside of Great Britain, and the field for it Is not very extensive beyond our own country and South Africa, which absorbs a great deal of English money. gold-standa- rd FIRE-BUG- BY .mill English and Germans Believe the Apparent Return of Better Times snd the Increased Output of Gold Will Retard the International Movement Capitalists Regain Confidence in Investments. Stitser Says There Will victed. Surely Bo a Fight. Market Lake, Ida., July 23. General NEW COLORADO ROAD. s Stitser of Wyoming, just from mornleft there yesterday Hple, River Line Will Be Com. ing, and reports that the Indians sent Crystal pleted at Once. word to the settlers that they were Denver, Colo., July 22. Special to coming to clean out Jacksons Hole in Tribune. There la now much foundathree days. Mure men have gone over tion for the belief that the Crystal to Join the Hole posse from Teton River will be built, and that Basin, Ida., and Green River reports at an Railroad early dale. The Colorado Fuel 125 ai med are that there are y men there. They were to start fur the & Iron Company la contemplating some extensive improvements, among which junction of Granite creek and Hoback la the building of this road. river, at the bead of Hoback canyon In The now is but a grade, exHoback by' Basin, about thirty miles tendingrailroad Just south of southeast of Jackson's Hole, to fight Glenwoodfrom Carbondale, Springs, to Crystal. It runs the Indiana in their own stronghold tothrough a very rich section of country, day. General Stitser says all of Agent abounding high grade marble, preTeeter's Bannock warriora are there, cious metalsinand and the settlers are now hurrying wo- which the Fuel iron. Iron properties Company purchased on men and children out of the Hole, but terms have made possiStitser says many are yet there. He advantageous ble these on the part of the says it is now too late for the Govern- Railroad extensions li. ment to atop it. There will surely be a Wolcott Company, and, so Henry announces, the Crystal River fight, if they are not already at It. Railroad proposition Is already being PRINCETONIANS HEARD FROM. brought to the front, and will receive BACK FROM LONDON. immediate attention. Not Likely That They Collided With Aaaisatant Secretary Curtla Talks Toe building of this road will not be of so general Importance aa the buildthe Bannocks. Business and Politics. ing of the Cripple Creek lines, but it Washington, D. C., July 22. R. B. Washington, D. C., July 23. Assist- will be of sufficient Importance to make Pierce, father of 8. E. Pierce, one of ant the of Curtis Treasury the undertaking especially desirable. Secretary the party of Prlnctonlans said to have to to went London who been captured by the Bannock Indians Department, Besides being a matter of attention for In Idaho, this morning received a letter deliver to Messrs. Rothschild the formining and marble people of the State, from his eon, dated July 10th, with a eign quota of bonds in the recent grfld It is of much value to the great Fuel 15th. postThe dated to returned July postscript Washing- Company. The opening of its propersyndicate sales, script was written at the mouth of ton along the line of the road will comIn the course of a conversation re- ties Perry creek, sixty miles from Jacksons pel It to make other improvements. Hole, where the trouble le said to have garding his trip, Mr. Curtis said; occurred. Young Pierce stated that The business in London was sucthe party was about to start for the cessfully completed, and I am glad to Kelluwatone through the Union pass. return to my own country. I found the NEGROES TERRORIZED. Governor Richards's dispatch to the feeling regarding Investments in the Secretary of the Interior last week United States stocks, bonds and other fixed the date of the fight as July 13th. securities, both public and private, betFLORIDA CHURCHES INVADED As the students could not have reached ter than I expected. There is a very BY ARMED WHITES. the locality before the 18th, Mr. Pierce large amount of money In England little anxiety In regard to .swatting investment, and I am satisfReferring to the attitude of the Ad- entertains Hatcher is said to- be ied that If the holders were assured ministration toward silver, he said: them- - Professor No nation on earth, nor all the na- experienced . in Indian ways, and Mr. the value of what they would not lie Services Broken Up and the Congrefull confidence in his ability reduced by legislation regarding our gation Dispersed Negroes Abantions, can maintain the parity,., equal PierCeTiae amounts would commercial value of gold and silver, to handle the party safely. currency, that don Their Property and Leave. In the letter to Mr. Pierce hie son How to this side large of the water, and an coined Into money at any ratio whatmembers of the three that party era of great prosperity would follow ever, when they give to gold free a nr lays unlimited coinage and deny such coin- were to leave them Immediately for In this country. Live Oalt, Fla., July 22. Rev. D. W. York, In order to anil for Europe. The political excitement attendant age to silver, and refuse to recognise New and treat the silver money as the goto The letter named L. F. Pease of Ger- on a change of government was most Gilllslee reports a reign of terror Pa., and John W. Garrett of marked, and the dissolution of Parlia- among the negroes or Lafayette and money, or to use it equally with gold mantown, in paying coin obligations. With equal Baltimore aa two of the three, the third ment and the campaign for the new Taylor countlea He says their churches name not being given. elections were very interesting to an are being raided by white men, conpropriety and assurance you might exSeveral telegrams haring been re- outsider. A point, pect parents having two daughters t( ceived however, which drivfrom War the at in hnnoi them Department maintain equal standing, struck me very forcibly, was that the gregations dlsiiersed and pastors and virtue, when they recognise and '.he officers of Princeton University and change of the government made no en away. Rev. Gilllslee le presiding elder of treat one only as honest and vlrtuout the friende and relatives of the stu- change in the dally business of the deand refuse to treat the other as hei dents, expressing anxiety as to their partments, and though I was in the Live Oak district of the Florida conAdjutant-GenerActing equal or to Introduce her into society welfare, Treasury the morning after the an- ference of the A. M. E. church. The this afternoon telegraphed General nouncement am. and merely give her lodging-rooof the new Ministry taking counties mentioned are In this district, United the to the world as dishonCopplnger, commanding was no attendant line ol and he recently returned from an proclaim her States army forces in that section, office, there est, Immoral and lascivious. Accordand the heads of the to fill his asking for information on this point, bureaus and divisions had no anxiety ing to his story, appointments. was roughly treatit is not believed at the War Depart- as to any prospective decapitation. In ed. He says he lie SILVER MEN IN CONTROL. was preaching in Lament that the students are In trouble I was told by a member of the fayette county to a large congregation, fact, with but is that the it Indians, likely new Government that the total patron, when a crowd of armed white men Majority of Mississippi Democrat! .he telegram will cause General including, of course, the highest came into the church and stationed for the White MetaL to send out a party to discover age. officers, only amounted to about 6 per themselves near the pulpit. Jackson, Miss,, July 23. R. II. Henry. the whereabouts of the party. How The leaders asked Gilllslee: cent, and one of the hardest problems editor of the Clarion Ledger, said toUNEASINESS AT LANDER. Conservative leader had to deal long do you expect to remain In thle of the a As result day: prlmariei Lander, Wyo., July 22. Special to the a was fair of distribution live?" with these and county held so far. It is evident that The uneasiness which has few places among those considered en Then the whites began to shoot, and McLaurln will be nominated foi Tribune for over the several Gilllslee and the congregation ran out thereto. here prevailed titled days Governor. McLaurln is a pronounced Princeton in a panic. geological party, which left advocate of the free coinage of sliver, over two weeks DUBOIS CALLS ON HAMLIN. Gilllslee went to Bramford, ten miles ago for the upper Big and is opiiosed by Hon. H. H. McCabe, Wind River continues. country, still distant, In Suwanee county. He made an advocate of the single standard When here It was left the their lnten of Past Methods Protests Against trip in an hour, lie next went to Thera ara five candidates for Unltec tlon tothey be in Lander on the 28th of Taylor county, which adjoins LafayLead Ores. Sampling States Senator, Vis.. Governor J. M this month. Since their departure word ette on the west, but waa again driven Hubert Lowry, and Stone, Washington, July 23. Senator Dubois out. Wiille by the postmaster at had preaching at night, he says Hooker and has been received Money, SecreAssistant Interview with Congressmen an Fort Washakie to forward part of their that about twenty white men came in Allen. Of these Governor Stone is a mall in to Hamlin carry, regard tary Hoand stationed themselves about the to the Mammoth Hot Springs gold man and the remaining four art ing Into effect the law regarding the pulpit. Gilllslee was greatly frightall strong silver men. Nearly every tel, In the National Park, which would assaying Imported lead ened, but kept on preaching. Finally, that their trip had been a de- methods ofDubois candidate so far nominated for tht Indicate from said that under the the mob shot out the lights. Gilllslee the original plan, and the ores. Mr. man, and parture Legislature is a and the negroes ran out, many being old method the Government had bet almost every nominee from Constable party had been divided. defrauded of large, amounts of money, trampled upon. The mobs so far apInquiry among Indians, up la for the white metal. It Is, there- and cowboys arriving lately from the and the miners linil been wronged, lie pear to have shot no one, their object fore, plain tlmt whoever le elected to vicinity of Jacksons Hole falls to give Insisted that all the law sought to do seeming to be to create terror. the Senate, he will tie a silver advo- Che OllllMlue says the negroes are frightleast information as to their where- was to prevent frauds, and he thought cate. There will be no contest in the are leaving Democratic State convention, which abouts. While there are many who are the department could make such regu ened nearly to death, and their property. many deserting assembles hers In August, Silver men always ready to imagine the worst and latlons as will answer the purpose rapidly, unnerved seems by his have absolute control and will adopt think the students have been held by without any unnecessary expense or The preacher will never go to Laand on their way to of Indians band experience wime resolutions." strong formalities. His headfayette or Taylor again. join the main body of the Bannocks at elnUirate weeks CHICAGO ago the department quarters are in Jacksonville, and he Some Jacksons llolo, still those who are better acquainted with the Shoshones, do asked for bids for doing the work of has a good reputation. counties Several Arrest for Attempts to De not for a moment apprehend that they assaying the ores, but for the twelve or Lafayette and Taylor arehave are in any danger. Couriers are coming fifteen ports of entry there were only where so many negroes women.been fraud Insurance Companies, In and hence it was thought lynched for outraging white Kenosha. Wls, July 22. George C. In every day from the upper Wind Riv- two lids, would lie necessary to return to Lafayette there have been over a dozen news from the ia looked and it er, that party Itosenow Bernard and Perrin, Burney in the last few months, and the old methods, hence Senator Du. lynclilngs Block of Chicago, and Frank Schaffei for hourly. the rejairted assaults on women have and Abe Levins of Kenoslia are under THE PRINCETON STUDENTS SAFE, IkiIh's protest. He will have another greatly embittered the whites against arrest, charged with destroying the Philadelphia, July 22.' The apprehen- Interview with Dr. Hamlin the negroes. OrFormed Permanent a works of the Chicago Bedding Com- sions for the safety of the Princeton Hot and "A Rosebery Rays Lalioiichere pany on the night of June 23rd for the students in Wyoming were dispelled ganization for Missouri, The strike or wharf and ship laborer way. In sssumlng the Prewhen the parents of L. Freder- goes a long ftcdalla. M.. July 23. The attend- purpose of defrauding Insurance comtoo far. Of at Colon Is extending to the colored went he altogether miership ance at the Democratic free silver edi- panies. District Attorney Buckmustei ick Pease received a postal card, aa the let there nothing be however, nml to the ialiorcra at lYniimu. dead, tors State convention has met the left for Madison last night to secure the follows: said but good. He would have made an Considerable anxiety prevails, as the sit' 14. for RobAm llorsc. of arrest the of necessary "Dubois, Master th$ Is July Wyo., uailun going admlruqio most sanguine expectations. crUlcul. paperi e . nt through to Tellowstone Park; there we arrive Friday, and, crossing the Park, John Otheman and I return to Chicago via Northern Pacific from Cinnebad, Mont. We will arrive home about the A Squaw Man Says They Are All same time as formerly expected. Dont Sure to Be Massacred The Settlers worry about the Bannock Indian troumiles from They are seventy-fiv- e Alive to Their Danger, and Are bles. but we are daily leaving them far here, e Attack the till Friday. behind. Intrenched, Awaiting But the Accounts Are Conflicting TEETERS FOUND NO INDIANS. and May Exaggerate. But Couriers and Settlers 'Relate a Different Tale. Market Lake, Ida., July 23. Thirty men left Jacksons Hole to arrest ell Denver,' July 23. A special to the the Indiana breaking the game laws of News from Market Lake, Ida., nays: Wyoming. In Hoback cuiiyun they surprised a camp of seventeen Indians, Captain Teeters, Indian agent at the took them all prisoners and started Fort Hall, Idaho reservation, came in from the Juckson's Hole counwith them for Jacksons Hole. In the canyon they tried to escape and all the try, and reports everytnlng quiet, and Indians were killed except one papoose, few if any Indians in the country. who was brought Into the Hule. There Captain Teeters, however, was folwere 133 fresh elk skins in this camp. lowed by a courier from the settleis, Johnnie Carnes, a squaw man and with a dispatch to Governor Richards, the oldest settler In Jackson's Hole, has which tells another story. The courier, come over into Idaho and says every remrts that the Indians White, Fred settler in Jackson will be butchered. have been Joined ly a large number of There were 300 Bannock warriors on Lembi and Vie Indians, and that they the Hoback river when Carnes was pass in Jackson's Hole there, and he says all the squaws have have everyScouts from the settlers' been sent away and bucks are dally guarded. Joining the main band. Jackson's Hole stockade say that the Indians are settlers are now intrenched and await- mossing In large numbers, snd will no ing the attack. Unless cavalry get doubt offer fight. A prospector named there quick, every setter between Smith was ambushed by four Indians Hole and this railway station is apd was wounded in the breast. He in danger of massacre. claimed to have cleaned out the band, but scouts sent to confirm It say they found evidence of only one Indian beWILL HILL THE WHITES. WILL KILL THE WHITES. ii lidlH I WOULD NOT HURT THE BANKS. Would Injure the Labor Interests by Reducing the Circulatlonr Banks Could Exchange Their Notes. Washington, D. C., July 19. At tbe Treasury Department it was said the plan of Mr. Sovereign far the Knights of Labor boycotting National bank notes, if carried out, would prove more harmful than beneficial to the labor Interests of the country, as it would contract the currency to the extent of $311,900,000, without injuring the National banks. It would not hurt the banks at all, said Mr. O. P. Tucker, deputy Comptroller of the Currency. "if people should refuse to receive thtir notes, the banks would simply present them to the United States Treasury for redemption and receive legal tesder notes, which they would continue to use in their business. There are only of National bank notes in circulation, while there are $950,000,000 of other kinds of money outstanding." $211,-000,0- 00 CARLISLE NOT ALARMED. Chicago, July 19. A special to the Dally News from Washington says: Officers of the treasury, from Secretary Carlisle down to hie subordinates, who have charge of banka and the currency, were to-ddiscussing the threatened boycott by the Knights of Labor bank notes. National against It was about the only subject talked of, but after a careful consideration of the question in all its phases. Secretary Carlisle expressed the opinion to one of his advisers that no serious results would follow such a boycott. Ills conclusion was based upon the figures In regard to the circulation of National bank notes. The amount of these outstanding June 1, 1895, was only $205,579,490, and of this amount about $20,000,000 is held by banka National bank notes have never been mode legal tender by statute. so that it ia true that it would be Impossible to force any person to accept them in Individual transaction. They are, however, available for use by the Government in the payment of all Its obligations except for interest on the public debt and the redemption of National currency. They are also re- celvable by the Government as taxes, excises for public lands and for all obligations due the Government, ex- -, cept duties on Imports. Section 6196 provides that National banks are compelled to accept these notes as legal tender. ay When they have found the kind of machinery that will most successfully handle their ores. It Is their Intention to erect a large mill at the mine for the treatment of the same, for enough ore Is In sight In the Dalton and Lark properties to keep a large plant run' nlng regularly for first-clayea ulHr shipments of ore are be- Ing constantly made. ss . |