Show DEMOCRATIC SILVER EDITORS I Met and Formed a Permanent Organization Or-ganization for Missouri Sodnlla Mo July 23The attendance attend-ance nt the Democratic free silver editors edi-tors State convention has met the moat sanguine expectations Editors are hero today from every ctlon of the State This morning a uslness meeting was held Colonel William F Swltaer of Boonovllle pro sided II J Groves of Lexington seCretary rotary Committees on permanent organization or-ganization and address were appointed appoint-ed At 11 oclock lion It P Bland levered le-vered an address at Association Park At the afternoon conference a peima hoot organization was effected by the election of W F Swltzer of Boonmllle aa president and one vlceprosUenl from each Congressional dstrlct H J Iroves of Lexington secretary C J Valdon of Nevada treasurer Governor W J Stone briefly ad ressed the editors advocating a thorough tho-rough organization preparatory for the battle next year for free silver At onlghts conference the editors adopt pd an address to the people of Missouri on the silver Issue MR B ANDS SPEECH Mayor llaslan delivered the address of welcome at the opening of the con ference He was followed by exCon ressman Bland who spoke In part us follows Those iiintrles which have silver I have none to spare If they bring It to I us they ore compelled to exchange It for property real estate and produce It silver was coined the people would not have to take any more of It than they wanted As for exchanging It for gold no man could be forced to give gold for silver Every statistician says hat an American Is greater In productive pro-ductive power than two or more men of any foreign country therefore we need twice as much money Mr Bland claimed that the St Louis Interview misrepresented his words regarding re-garding the Democratic party He did not say there was no Democratic party but that It was disorganized and In I chaotic state What would cement It I together was the freecoinage Issue SENATOR COCKRELL I After dinner United States Senator F M Cockrell spoke on the financial issue He said the pending financial Issue Is simply whether the single standard of gold shall be continued or the true bimetallic system shall be re stored He stated that the movement for n single gold standard was started b y highlycolored representations made to the International conference In Bern Ber-n In 1863 and culminated In the monetary etary conference of Paris In 1867 On the strength of these mlsrepresenta lons of the United States officials the advocates of thc gold standard pressed heir cause until 1873 when they succeeded ceeded In carrying their point Senator Cockrell quoted the Const utlon to show that a double standard of gold and silver was the lawful money of the United States The Senator Sena-tor claimed that the Democrats In Congress Con-gress had never wavered In their efforts to restore bimetallism The Senator went on to a considerable length to show that the Democratic party was the only party that has constantly con-stantly advocated and practically supported sup-ported the free and unlimited coinage of sllverS I i gold standard was opposed op-posed by jdatalllsts because there Is not a suXjoyt quantity ggld In the orhTtd daftly the demai for both ndustrlal 1 tShd monetary uses The Government he said had a remedy wherewith to retain the gold withdrawn with-drawn during the troublous times some months ago I was by redeeming greenbacks with silver The speculators specula-tors would have stopped presenting them as they could have made nothing noth-Ing and the greenbacks would have continued in circulating a they did from January 1 1879 and not a dollar of bonds would have been Issued or necessary The Senator advocated a restoration of bimetallism as I remedy for existing evils He ridiculed the Idea that the agitation of the silver question will divide the Democratic party On the contrary such advocacy will maintain the partys fidelity to Democratic faith and will aid In preserving and strengthening strength-ening the party The Idea that free coinage of silver would drive gold out I of circulation was ridiculed The gold standard nations on account of the Insufficiency In-sufficiency of gold for all monetary uses and Its utter unfltness for money or dollars or other smaller coins cannot can-not do without silver Senator Cockrell quoted statistics as to the production of silver shbwlng that there had been no overproduction Referring to the attitude of the Administration Ad-ministration toward silver he said No nation on earth nor all thc nations na-tions can maintain the parity equal commercial value of gold and sliver coined Into money at any ratio whatever what-ever when they give to gold free an unlimited coinage and deny such coinage coin-age to silver and refuse to recognlzi and treat the silver money as the gob money or to use It equally with golo In paying coin obligations With equal propriety and assurance you might expect ex-pect parents having two daughters tc maintain them In equal standing honoi and virtue when they recognize and < treat one only as honest and virtuous and refuse to treat the other as hem equal or to Introduce her Into society and merely give her lodgingroom anc proclaim her to the world as dishonest dishon-est Immoral and lascivious |