Show SHOT EVERYONE IN SIGHT ASSASSINATED AN ITALIAN HOUSEHOLD Deliberato Wholesale Slaughter of a Louisiana Family Used a Double Barrelled Shotgun I New Orleans July 21Last Friday night on the Terra Haute plantation In St Johns parish while llosarlo Giordano and his family were seated at the supper table Joo Noska walked up to tie door and leveling a douulebarrelcct shotgun tired Mm Ulorduno fell to the Hour a corpso und tie bullets that did not go through her went through both legs ot u fourmanthsold Intant she held In her arms Ulordano fearing that the tender balm was killed In the fall sprang forward for-ward to clasp it and the assassin then tired again Tho buckshot entered the groin or Mary Ulorduno The tenyear old little girl on seeing her mother tall ran forward and received a portion of the loud of buckshot that struck her father The shot entered her abdomen literally tearing It to pieces At the same time little Nlcollna fell to the door wounded through the head The assassin Joe Noska did not move from the spot but when ho saw liencdltto Giordano a nephew of the dead woman and Charlie Columbano coming toward him ho coolly placed two fresh shells In his gun and waited until they got very aloso to him Then he raised the gun and tired both barrels the two men falling to tho ground dead Then the murderer throwing his gun over his shoulder made his escape to the woods When the citizens citi-zens ascertained tho extent of the deed they organized a posse and led by the Sheilff attempted to capture the assassin The wounded were brought to tho Charity Char-ity Hospital In this city They are Hosarlo Giordano tho unfortunate head of the family aged 31 years shot In the left thigh Mary Giordano aged 10 years shot In tho abdomen the bullets perforating tho bladder and Intestines Nlcolanl Giordano aged 7 years shot In tho corner of eye the bullet penetrating his skull Joseph Giordano aged 4 months shot In both legs und the head The two little Giordano girls at the hospital hos-pital will die Tho father and four monthsold baby will recover Tho assassin as-sassin has not yet been captured Mr Giordano says he does not know how ho had offended Noska who was a laborer on the place except that on one occasion the overseer who Is a friend of his told tho man to do some chores Giordano however had nothing to do with this Giordano had been living on tho plantation with his family for the past few years Last October Noska or Genuste came from New York to work on the plantation lie Is a married man and lived with his wife and twc children on the place The assassin and the wounded wound-ed man had never hud any trouble whatever what-ever and no 111 feeling as fur as the wounded man knew existed between dim IDAHO Mrs Anna Oarlock was found dead In an old house In Boise After the examination ex-amination of several witnesses a verdict ver-dict that deceased came to her death from natural causes due tp the excessive exces-sive use of alcoholic stimulants was rendered S P Worthington at Oakley has an orange tree bearing Its fruit as though It were planted In a tropical clime and this year will give forth two largo and wellmatured oranges while at the same time It Is bearing blossoms und I other fruit growing I rise scalp vouchers presented and l allowed al-lowed at a late session of the County Commissioners of Holso amounted to 252935 This sum was for rabbit and gopher scalps deposited rtt the County Clerics oillce during tho past throe months which aggregate over 80000 at 3 cents each Payette Independent A party of thirteen thir-teen homeseekers arrived from Illinois the first of this weelc AVo understand these people lISt stopped In the vicinIty vicin-ity of Idaho Falls where they remained about two weeks finally concluding to come to Payette valley and locate permanently per-manently In the great fruit belt Ilnlley Times The Indians are said to be playing havoc with the game upon up-on the head of East Fork They should be kept on the reservation because the whites hero are liable to shoot them accidentally Uncle Sam had better care for his pets or there will be good Indians lying around loose on East Fork How pleasant It Is for brethren to dwell together In concord I The Payette Independent sweetly says The Independent Inde-pendent sent a printer over to Ontario last week to help the News out of n rut This week Brother Bowen returned re-turned tho favor by coming over awl stacking lead for UP Thats the way for brethren to dwell together In unity |