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Show HORR WAS IN A HURRY. 1,BiLEM Lumber, Lath, Doors, sash etc. Manufacturers of the Best Broom on the Market. All kiml of Produce handled in its Season. Deseret Gold Mine $ Milling Co., OF INCORPORATED With UNDER TBI LAWS OF UTAH. Capital Stock $500,000, Shares, are offering for sale GOO.OOO long-continu- ed the said Company at SB CENTS PER SHARE PAR $1.00. "V-A-HiT- 1 his Properly is Located and Situated in the GOLD ZLLOTTOST JLILT LvLILTXLTG- - IDieiEIOT, Mountain of Free Milling Gold Ore, Water and Timber luAbuudras I There is a n'w Coiiii Ac says Average S2S.OO DIKKCTORS Brigham 1) . Barger, J. Kuwait, I- - liiclifii-ld- , raitieulars Kur Ires. Utah. Per Ton. John Christiansen, V. Pres., and Trsa. I. G. H. Parks, Nsphi, Utuh. Henry Bosely, Secretary. Address Long-continu- DESERET MILD MIHE X MILLINB ED.. P. O. 71, Spanish Fork, Utah, BANK OF SPANISH FORK, Capital $25,000. JOHX J0X3S, T. Pre. Dl SECTORS G E0. 1). SHELL, Pres. SKO. 0. GILBERT, Gather JOHN S. THOMAS, A. A. DAHLI. Interest allowed oe time deposits, Draft ineod payable in any part of the Wor'4, JOHN U0CK1I1LL. Your Business Solicited. SPANISH FORK. T fA. o vorsuDDsn.T and dost bo imposed op by buying remedy that require yon to Ao so, ee it It more then substitute. In the Hidden stoppage of nothing tobnooo you muet here eome stimulant, and in moil all oases, theeffeat of the stimulant, be it opium, mnrphine, or other oplatee, leeree far worae habit eontraoled' art your drug-gabout Heeeo Cara.lt la purely vegetable. Yoe do aothetre to atop using tobacco with It vill notify yon when to stop end your desire ter tobacco will eesse. Your ays tea bo ss free from nletino aa the day before will ' yoa took your first shew or smoke. An Iron-dawritten guarantee to absolutely cure the tobacco habit in all lu forma, or money refunded. Price II per box or I boxen ( days treatment and guannteed cure.) B.U Par sale by all druggits or will be sent by mail receipt of price. urouxrvo Boon. let and proofs free. Bureka Chemloal A MTg Co. La Craeee, Wig " DONT STOP ( ut lACO-Su- " a ctnitimniuniifl. JQBACCO iCTrtPwweeewMHil! Office Of THE HONKER PRESS COMPANY. C. W. HOBNICK, Saph. Bt, Pan, Him., Bcpt 7, 18M. Kareks Chemical and MTg Co, La Crosse, Wig, Dfi.r Sirs: I hare been a tobacco fiend for many yarn and during tha past twoj ears hare amoked fifteen to twenty clgan regularly every day. My whole nerrone system became effected, nntil my physician told me I moat give np the nee of tobtcco for the time being at least. I tried, the eo called Keely Cure" and various other remedies, bat wlthont success, nntil I acThree weeks ago Ieomuanoed cidentally learned of jourHaco-Curo.- " I consider myself completely eured; I am in using your preparation, and perfect health and the horrible eraving for tobacco, which every Inveterate smoker folly appreciates, baa completly left me, I , consider your Bacs-Car- o' elmnie wnnrtrfnl end en fnliv recommerd It. Yonra very trnlv C. W. Bnrnlrk to-d- to-da- y Fe SANTA ROUTE RIO GRANDE WESTERN, COLORADO MIDLAND. ' The only line rM tin; fjllnii Sleeping Care between Ogdon, Salt Loko City and Chicago without Change, and Pnllmnr Palace Reclining Chair Oare between Ogden, Salt aki City, Denver and Chicago. LINE. SHORT SIJPBR3 SCENERY. EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED Are You Going East? It hu, sure and accure tickets reading over tht SANTA FE ROUTE." Grandest and Greatest Railroad on Earth. CVLcave bo Ojdjn or S:ilt Lako on the evening train in order to me the moat litMUiIfnl scisncry iu America. Train leaves ltio Gr.mJo .Vestcra Depot, Hpanuh Fork, at 1:1! p. Tiniest O.Ileo, Mu. IS W. Scoond South Street. ZE3I CL a STCTEdlXlEnTl'. General Agent Passenger Deportment SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 40. Dooly llulMIng. ay to-da- y. ATCHISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FE RAILWAYS. THE Horr-Harve- aea-alo- stock: ere jMZjiETxiNra- FLUMPED THE MAIN QUESTION irom Washing tun, which is this: 1 read: 'Mr. Sherman called up the bill to revise anil amend the laws reto latingof mlnta, unsay ollices and coin'Ought tha United Eta tea to Throw age the United Ktatea, which wua Open tha Klnta to tha Free Coin- amended uml paoseil.' ia all. ine of the money metage of Silver at 16 to If Mr. als That of thu United Statea. sa It is now Harvey Propoaea Fir at to Show conceded, waa atruck down by that bill; How Silver Waa Demonetized one of the moneya of the Constitution had been overthrown; the dollar that People Kept in Ignorance. had regulated all other colna had been abolished. A great war debt to be paid off, and one of our money reChlcago'Suly 20. The crucial point sources fur paying it had been destroyed.' Long, continued applause. y waa reached in the No Information of the fact was conn, debate. It waa near the end of the veyed to the people but through the when Mr. Horr, breaking away newel's pc rs of the country. Applause. from the diacuoslon of The reporters at Washington did not It. The Congressmen, as a whole the clrcumatancea surrounding the en- know did not know it. The money of the actment of the law of 1871, stated com- people that had served them well was and 1 now challenge Mr. pactly his version of the existing condi- destroyed, Horr to show me anywhere in the tions of the debate and then plumped newspapers of the United States durthe main question: Ought we again' to ing the passage of the bill, which he throw open the mlnta of the United says has no taint of fraud attached to it. where the people knew that any bill Statea to the free coinage of silver? was considered by Congress that Mr. Harvey waa evidently taken by was being to destroy as money one-ha- lf the instood hla money metal of the country, or that guns and surprise, but by bill. a had such passed stated upon proceeding with his at- they "I have charged that it was passed tempt to prove that the demonetization The fact that the fundamentsecretly. of silver waa accomplished with a al law of the Government had been rethat waa criminal. and that no Information of it Here la what Mr. Horr said prepara- versed, hud gone to the people whole Governtory to springing the chief issue: ment it was, either before or after the There are things about which Mr. pai .sage of the bill, until It was disHarvey and myself differ and some on covered several years afterwards, is which we agree. He thinks our fath- one of the best evidences of its secret ers established a single measure of val- passage. ue, and that measure was 371)4 grains THE MEREST ROT." of pure silver, and that gold was made Mr. Horr in replying said: "All this a simple companion metal of sil er, and about striking down tbe money of that its value was to be all the time talk Is the merest rot Its the measured by a silver dollar. I believe the people word that exactly covers thut only esthose early patriots attempted to kind of bosh. The money of the peotablish a measure of value of metals, ple should be Just as good as the gold and silver, and that they supposed money of the nabob, and before I get they had hit upon a ratio which would through. I will show the people of the secure the use of both gold dollars and United States that I have come here silver dollars, side by side. We agree to defend the rights of the millions work, that up to 1834 the measure of value in who live by toil, who live Inbytwo cut by actual use In this country was the sil- whose wages would belaw which my of this ver dollar. I assert that in 1834 the the passage apratio was changed; the gold dollar was friend advocates. made smaller. He admits that. I as- plause. now shall listen Mr. If Harvey sert that when the gold dollar was succeed In proving that the people of cheapened, it became the actual meas- the United States In 1873 were mostly ure of values in this country and re- a set of corrupt scoundrels, and that mained so up to the suspension of spe- he is really the only pure and upright cie payments; that the silver dollar, man left in the entire city of Chicago, though still a legal measure of value, it wont avail him anything in this dewas not used In this country as the ac- bate. These questions ere not pertitual measure after 1834. He denies that. nent to the question in dispute. The contestants being clearly at logWe both agree that from 1862 to 1871 of discussion, the domestic business of this country gerheads as to the point was done by using the greenback dol- little further progress was made and an was taken till Monday. lar as the measure of values, which adjournment THE DAYS DEBATE. was during none of these years equal to the value of either the gold dollar The debate, prior to running against or the silver dollar. He states that In the big snag, had been full of interest. his book, and we both agree. Harvey opened the days talk with a statement of points so far established. ON A GOLD BASIS. They were that prior to 1873 gold and Now mark we both agree that In liver were the money of the Constitu1873 the coinage of silver dollars was tion; .silver was the unit value; up to a debtor was permitted to stopped by law and that since 1879, that Intime the cheaper money, and silver since the resumption of specie pay- pay was not demonetised because of ments, the domestic and international overproduction at the time the actany of business of this country has been done 1873 was passed. on a gold basis. We agree that Great Taking up the debate proper, Harvey Britain has been on a gold basis since denied he had any time tried to Im1816; no dispute about It. I claim that peach the Integrity of the American Germany ceased the coinage of silver people, but that he did not propose to In 1871, and he claims that It was not allow corrupt Legislators to throw the until later, In 1873, but we both agree mantle of National honesty around that since January 1, 1874, Germany them for their own protection. The has been entirely upon a gold basic. We speaker recognised the Integrity of the agree that the nations which compose American people, and It was to that he the Latin union, towlt: Fiance, Bel- appealed. The speaker then resumed the stategium, Switzerland, Italy and Greece, ment, Interrupted st the close of the are all of them gold standard counof the various steps tries. There Is no dispute between us talk on Thursday, up to the passing of the set of that British America and Australia are leading also gold standard countries. We agree 1871 HORR DENIES EVERYTHING. that Mexico, China, Japan and several Horr, In opening, declined to allow of the republics of South America are Harvey to accept as admitted any sliver standard nations. of Harvey's which Horr There Is to-dno nation on the statements Horr said Harvey had face of the earth that Is actually using failed to deny. series of carefully prea a double standard. The actual measure been reading essays, and he (Horr) could not of value In each of the countries of the pared be expected to remember all the stateworld Is either gold or silver alone; ex- ments mads In them. Harvey might cept In some countries where depreci- take It for granted that he (Horr) deated paper money Is the only circulat- nied everything except what he exing medium and metal money Is bought pressly assented to. and sold as a commodity, Just as was Horr then took up the International the case In this country during the sus- Monetary Conference at Paris In 1867, at which the leading civilised nations pension of specie payments. Mr. Harvey claims that the law of of the world were represented, and 1873 was secretly and fraudulently pointed out that after daysofofallconsidernations passed. He wont deny that he claims ation, the representatives present. Including the United States, that. I have denied It and still deny voted unanimously, with the exception it I aay there is not a grain of truth In such a statement. But we both of the representative of Holland, In favor of the gold standard. Openly, agree that the law was passed and Is and as a legitimate outcome of this InIn force ternational conference, the act of 1873 was passed. Horr argued at length, THE IMPORTANT QUESTION. from letters and documents, to quoting Now the Important queetlon before disprove the charge that the demonetithe American people at this moment, sation act was passed through the Influand the one we are here to d lacuna, la: ence of British bribes was false. THE TOKEN DOLLAR. Ought the law to be repealed? Ought we to again throw open the mints of Harvey reviewed the history of the the country to the free coinage of sil- act of 1873, quoting from the debate In ver upon the old ratio of 16 to 1, when tbe Senate when the bill was put on the actual ratio of value In the mar- Its passage. Horr said there was lu the kets of the world Is fully 30 to 1?" bill, of which Harvey had spoken, a provision for a token dollar worth five MR. HARVEY RESUME8. franca The Senate struck that out and Mr. Harvey When I have read the substituted the trade dollar. printed record of what Mr. Horr has Harvey If you will show me anyJust now said. It will be time enough where in the debate of that day where for me to take up a new subject 1 am the Senate struok out that provision, not done with the present subject yet. we will stop the debate right here. The act of 1833 served the purpose of Great applause from Mr. Harvey's the men who were seeking to over- friends. throw our constitutional standards of Horr The bill as passed contained a money In this way. In 1833, on ac- trade dollar, did It not? count of the exportation of our silver Harvey Yea sir. coins, by reason of the French ratio of Horr suggested that it covered the 15)4 to 1 being lees than oura, 16 to 1, and proceeded with his arguCongress, preserving the silver unit, point, ment. Hs said nobody thought of strikordered by set that the fractional sil- ing down silver when the bill was ver, 30 cents and lees, should be cut passed. At that time silver was not in down in else to the French ratio to circulation, and the bullion of a dollar top its exportation. The silver' unit more than the dollar. was preserved, and could be preserved was worthread from Senator Sherman's Harvey without even coining a single one of statement, on putting the bill on Its them. It would regulate the other passage, showing the bill providthat coins all the same. Now the fractional ed for two dollars, one a dolsilver had Its legal tender character lar, equal to the French taken from It, because It was not of piece, and the trade dollar- - lie defull weight. It was not made full clared Horr had said this dollar was weight because of the exportation, and not in th bulIt was not mads non-legtender belion1 (interrupting) said he never cause It was not of full weight, await- denied it. consideration further ws whsthrr ing Harvey said he would refer the queswould go to the French ratio as a tion In dispute to the record of the day. whole or not. Harvey said the conspiracy So that when the bill In 1873 was Resuming, was carried out In the conference combeing considered, at the time when no- mittee. Sherman and Harper reported body was thinking about coins and to their respective Houses the differvery few knew anything about it, these ences defined, and the hill men who were steering the bill said: was had been debate. Tha bill, the act of 1833. as passed without Ws are dolreported, omitted the There cannot he anything wrong about that? And that la what they made lar. llorr said he did not deny the existSenators and Congressmen believe they dollar In the bill, ence of the vi ire doing, except that they were gono time did the bill provide fur at but dolslxe of to reduce the silver the ing except gold as the standard. lar to put us on the French ratio, but anything of a small dollar wss knew nothing The matter talking to men who committee, about bimetallism or the previous his- agreed on In the conference custom, but the committee tory of coinage. The not t.f 1879 served as Is the enact anything. It had to that purpose. They got the language could not In the bill concerning the fractional report to the two Houses, and their acwaa necessary. The bill, aa passed, coin, and the preceding clause, that tion had the dollar In it. Into the language with the addition of the trade dollar, of the act of 1853. So that all they had was nearly identical with tho bill aa to do was to strike out the line that drawn by the Secretary of the Treashad the dollar in It in the words of the ury. An attempt to smirch the characset of 1853, whlrh was a free coinage ter of the members of Congress who dollar, anil then you had an act' with- voted for this bill was Infamous. out any free coinage about It. Hoi timing Tamuianvllra" aay that they PEOPLE KEPT IN IGNORANCE, ilml ('raker very gnimnv anil not disI have before ms on this table the posed ta associate with hla old friends. flies of the Chicago Tribune for 1873, believe hs will make England his This bill wss passed la the Senate on They rnuaneut place of resldenci, to-d- ay Shares ot - 103, COO January 17th, so that the morning paThe Tariff Lead Schedule. pers of the lsth would contain any Washington, July 20. Tha Treasury newa showing that the fundamental laws of the Government had been officials are In a quandary on the question of currying into effect thut sectlun changed. The only reference that in that paper la a press telegram of the tariff act which provides that ln String That Never Breaks CAN'T HE BOUGHT! But that which breaks the Ivsst we hays for isle. Ask for flve-ftw- no al ln in - Mn were and Itskes frost the Tuhul.ir rlral msnufoctcry of W. A. Wood srs crlh'd: so sn- - iIm. s'I the line we represent In t'lsli and Idaho. Amongst which arc fraud e T1' WAdOX & - MACHINE CO. (HUbauU Login, ITUli; IJaIio Kails nml UmitptlUr. ItUlio. Gcurnl offl job, SultKikoCI Ta 0DlLLf General G0a Xensgi (Ap-pjaus- ores ImiioiteU into the United Slules shall he sampled and assayed at the port of entry according to the commercial usagea Home months ago the department Invited bids fur doing thim work during thu coming year aud required the erection of the necessary building at each and port. The bids were opened it was found that only two propositions were made, both for the port of El Paso, Tex. The El Faso Sampling Works offered to do the necessary sampling at 60 cents a ton, or 67.30 a carload, and the Taylor A Brunton Sampling Works at Aspen, Colo., 60 cents to per ton where from one-flfof the ore was sampled, or 85 cents to crush and sample all ores entered. As there are about fifteen points In the West. Northwest and Puget sound sections for which no bids were received, the officials are at a loss to know what to do. Under the system employed under the McKlnU-- act a large share of the ores were shlpiied to and sampled at bonded smelters In the Interior. The remainder were sampled In a very primitive manner at the border. It seems clear that this requirement of the act cannot be put into operation and the result is likely to be a return to tho old methods. Assistant Secretary Hamlin will, however, take up the matter on his return to Washington, next week. silver-lea- d FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR CIGARETTES to-d- th one-ten- th AIWE RimSWTHE FINEST VIRGINIA 6 THE HIGHEST SKILLED workmen employed in making ToBACO? THESE CIGARETTES Ws5Kimball&G The American TSbncco (p Successor Santa Fs Washout. Denver, July 22. A special to the News from Pueblo, Colo., says: 111 fortune seems to be pursuing the Santa Fe Railroad In this vicinity. High water near Chico, twenty miles east of Pueblo, floated a tie under the engine of an eastbuund freight train this morning and caused the engine and four cars to leave the track. The engine turned over on its side In the mud. The engineer, fireman and head end brake man escaped by and no one was hurt. SeveralJumping, hours later the heavy downpour rendered impassable the temporary track which was built after the Bob creek ditch broke Its banka at Nepesta Saturday evening, and carried away the Kramer creek bridge, so that the line to the east le again tied up, and through trains must run over the Rio Grande from Pueblo to Trinidad. Even this may not be open to the Santa Fe, aa there are heavy rains on the Rio Grande and Trinidad, with a possibility of washouts before morning. -- cAVEATS,TRADE Peculiar Case Before the Court i Idaho City. Boise, July 20. Special to Tribune.-somewhat peculiar case has been a cupylng the attention of the Dlstrii Court at Idaho City for several day ver a year ago Joseph Branatetti and his partners were enjoined by tl County Commissioners from dole placer mining on ground that wi claimed to belong to the county Jal and their last clean-uamounting nearly 11000, was seised by the Sheri and deposited In the bank, subject t further litigation aa to its ownerahl Afterwards a suit was instituted t the county against Branatetter et a! in which it claimed damages in tt amount of $5000 to the county Jail proi p, 1 erty. The county Introduced in evidence deed to the property given by I. j Knowles In 1864, and describing tl boundaries of a piece of land 200 ta square, but owing to the chaotic coi dltion of all marks in the Idaho City on account of the vicinity success!! operations of placer mining, none ( these boundaries can at present be h cated, and the only hint as to whei the county's 200 feet square was or ginally situated was contained in th testimony of Fran Moors, who stated that the old Ja was built In the center of the lot. Thl Jail served as a Territorial prison a one time. The ground Is now mi out on one side of It OVER A HUNDRED DROWNED. Struck the "Marla P Ortlgla Amidships and ths Vessel Went Down Almost Immediately, Carrying 148 to Death Apparently In Doubt as to Who Is to Blame for tha Awful Loss of Life. The Italian steamGenoa, July ers ,,Ortlgla, and Marla P.H collided off Iseal del Plnta, at ths entrance to the Gulf of Genoa The latter ank, and 148 were drowned. The Maria P." waa bound from Naples to La Plata. There was a crew of seventeen and the passengers numbered 173. She was entering the Gulf of Genoa at 1:30 o'clock this morning when she met the Ortlgla, outbound. They only noticed each other when a hrt OBTAIN A FATBMTt xilrtaolaU out kndiif. OcraraT iliUl. MraeetrteUree: A HaidhoaksCI fcraMlra oooot. .. Patiili aod how U c Also a eaialassaef thoa sm: Jala ood toot freo. MroMotMiantlla ft ukm lka Botlmlotlio SloatlSa AmoBidSag Mtal taas ora bronchi wMoly batoratha sahilawiS MS oast to tho nrontor. Thu iota USBSdw breast sins BdlUoa, monU , sis emu. Ertry suaifa pUtqL ta eokua, and I rtptit of bow houooo. wiih pltra. tnoblln l roto thaw Utoat dotlrru in oeairo ooetrooti. Acldnss ths taunt! k (XI. YOU. SUM bSmadwa 1 Brown's IB. IEL Hack Line Meets Maplotoa and City Trains. BPiKIBH PORK, UTiH FOR MONUMENTS to Go M. Mickeison, Prop. IJI0. CKE1R, MONEY LOANED BN FARKI AT RATI8- - IMP10TBD BXABOMABLg 6PAKIIH T0RC, UTAH. 3 NS 9 R SUITS tw JEl THAT tar SUIT rw. Made by WU. JOHNSON, b b fe fe fe JDWARDW00DI HACK LINE, 21. Meets all trains. to-da- y. collision was inevitable. The bow of the "Ortlgla crashed into the starboard side of the Marla P.f penetrating six yards, and ripping up the Maria P. like match-wooThe water rushed in through the hole, and the "Marla F." sank In three minutes. The majority of the passengers were asleep at the time of the accident, and had no time to escape after the alarm was given. They were engulfed with the vessel. The Ortlgla' remained on the spot until 6 o'clock. In order to pick up th survivors. 8he rescued fourteen of the crew and twenty-eigof the passengers of the Marla P," Other steamers have been dispatched to the scene of the disaster, and are now searching for further survivors. The Ortlgla's' bow was smashed for a apace of twelve feet along the water line. There Is some comment upon the fact, brought to mind by the disaster, that the Ortlgia once collided on the same spot with the French steamer L'Oncle Josephe, At the conclusion of the sitting of y tha Chamber at Rome, the H In Her of Marine announced the news of the disaster. In the midst of a profound sensation, adding that sn officer, a seaman, stoker and 1M passengers of the Maria F." had perished. The OrtlgVa" had twenty-fiv-e passengers uu board. The "Marla P.'s'' captain waa named Ferrara. The Chamber has ordered sn Inquiry Into the disaster. I CAlf be-he- re JAIL ON PLACER GROUND, MAHiS COPYRIGHTS.' LXAYI 0RDKRS AT T1K BOTACK H0USK. Veterinary Surgeon, All AXIXAL6 LIFT IN NY CARR WILL BI t PR0PIRLY AIT1HDXD idwird T. Woods, Manage r. d. ht to-da- 0 MUELC01C 1BY, Rotary Public. i MONEY LOSNDED ON Improved Farm. AfllXr LONDON FIR IXM'RANCV COMPANY. ffloe t residues, one Bk. east of Co-o- p Spanish Fork. Utah. DONT LIMP WK Wo Uko Pluter si Full cut of foot to insuro comfort. BpooiolUti la crippled Stool aid IMforaind Shoes. brieci ood artificial limbs of walk ttrilzhc. ovurjr description. HIL6FRT DEFORMITY SKO: CO., South EL. Balt Laka City, Utah 69 E. Third Robert Luscomb Acquitted. Milwaukee, 'Wl., July 20. The Jury in the case of Robert Luscomb, Attorney, on trial for the murder of Emil Sanger, this evening rendered a verdict of not guilty. Emil Banger was a brother of Walter C. Sanger, the bicyclist. ex-CI- ty Sugar Bounty Hearing Postponed. Washington, July 20. Mr. Boweler, Professor Otto Lugger, the Stats EntoComptroller of the Currency, at the re- mologist of Minnesota, says that in ChiNeof Oxnard cago the county in that Stale there are 4U quest Company of killing machines, locally braska. has granted a postponement of grasshopper known hopper uoxera, at work, and the hearing In the sugar bounty case they areaokilling KUO bushels of until August 7th. In asking for the a day. grass-hop-ps- rs |