Show TEETERS1 FOUND NO INDIANS But Couriers and Settlers Relate a Different Tale Denver July 23A special to the News fr6m Market Lake Ida says Captain Teeters Indian agent at the Fort Hall Idaho reservation came In today frpm the Jacksons Hole country coun-try and reports everytnlng quiet and few If any Indians In the country Captain Teeters however was followed fol-lowed l4t courier from the nettlein with a dispatch to Governor Richards which tells another story The courier Fred Wlitte reports that the Indians have been joined by a large number of Lombl arid Ute Indians and that they have every pass In Jacksons hole guarded Scouts from the settlers stockade nay that thc Indians aie masslngJn large numbers and will no doubt offer fight A prospector named Smith was ambushed by four Indians and was wounded In the bred Ho claimed to have cleaned out tho band but scouts sent to confirm It say they found evidence of only ono Indian being be-ing wounded The setter have brought their women wo-men and children to Wllford Ida and Intend tb go Indian hunting and not wait for the redskins to attack them This trouble will not Interfere with travel to the Yellowstone Park as by the way of Beaver canyon there Is no danger of meeting the Indians Many sensational reports have been sent out but there has been no fightIng fight-Ing on the part of the Indians and the only ones slain were those reported In these dispatches last week The Indians In-dians may yet bo persuaded to return to trouble their reservations without any more |