Show DEMOCRACY IN CHAOS BLAND GIVES AN EXPERT OPINION Says tho Party Will Bo Wiped Off the Map If It Dodges the Free Coinage Issue Any Longer St Louis July UxCongressrnan Miami Is In the city Hponklntc of the silver sil-ver question tonight ho said There Is no use trying to dodge this Issuo any longer If tho Democratic party par-ty does not declare for the free coinage of silver It will be wlpwl I off tho map The newspapers In the urge Titles lllto St Louis talk about tho silver sentiment dying dy-ing out but they are not going to fool anybody There may bo a few Democrats in the cities who will follow the Admin Istratlon but there aro practically none In the country This coming convention will show how the Democrats In Allnsonrl stand In order to win In the next campaign cam-paign wo havo got to take n bold stand far silver and we must bo getting Inline In-line Do you think that the next Democratic National Convention will declare for Independent In-dependent free silver I do not know whether It will or not but if It does not the party will not stand a ghost of a fliinv The people are not KOliiK to follow a platform which U moiuilnKlees or Intended to deceive Federal Fed-eral olUcchoIderx and wlilaltypraUKcra may succeed In controlllnir conventions like they did l < in Kentucky but the people will not follow them Would not a declaration for free coin ago losn us the vote of the large pills It would < Untjuentlanahly hose votes In some cUles but we would gain In other Your name ban frequently been men tioned as a candidate for the Presidency what can I Miy about that It Is all foolishness to tall about candidates can-didates hero Is no Democratic party Thero U nothing but chaos and disorder |