Show J HORR WAS IN A J HURRY FLUMPED THE MAIN QUESTION u Ought tho United States to Throw Opou tho Mints to the Free Coinage Coin-age of Silver at 10 to IPMr Harvey Proposes first to Show How Sliver Was Demonetized People Kept In Ignorance ChlcngoSuly 20The crucial point wan reached today In the HorrHarvey debate It was near the end of the session ses-sion when Mr Ilorr breaking away from the Ionscontinued discussion of the circumstances surrounding the enactment en-actment of the law of 1S73 stated compactly com-pactly his version of the existing conditions condi-tions of the debate and then plumped the main question Ought we again to throw open the mints of the United States to the free coinage of silver Mr Harvey was evidently taken by surprise but stood by his guns and Insisted In-sisted upon proceeding with his attempt at-tempt to prove that the demonetization of bllver las accomplished with a surreptitiousness sur-reptitiousness that was criminal Here la what Mr Horr said preparatory prepara-tory to springing the chief Issue There are things about which Mr Harvey and myself differ and some on which we agree He thinks our fathers fath-ers established single measure of value val-ue and that measure was 371U grains of pure silver and that gold was made a pimple companion metal of silver and that Its value was to be all the time measured by a silver dollar I believe those early patriots attempted to establish es-tablish a measure of value of metals gold and silver and that they supposed they had hit upon a ratio which would secure the use of both gold dollars and sliver dollars side by side We agree that up to 1831 the measure of value In actual use In this country was the sliver sli-ver dollar I assert that In 1834 the ratio was changed the gold dollar was made smaller He admits that I assert as-sert that when the gold dollar was cheapened It I became the actual measure meas-ure of values In this country and remained re-mained so up to the suspension of specie spe-cie payments that the silver dollar though still a legal measure of value was not used In this country as the actual ac-tual measure after 1834 lie denies that We both agree that from 1862 to 1S79 the domestic business of this country was done by using the greenback dollar dol-lar as the measure of values which was during none of these years equal to the value of either the gold dollar or the sliver dollar He states that In his book and we both agree ON A GOLD BASIS Now markwe both agree that In 1873 the coinage of silver dollars was stopped by law and that since 1879 since the resumption of specie payments pay-ments the domestic and International business of this country has been done on a gold basis We agree that Great Britain has been on a gold basis since 1816 no dispute about It I claim that Germany ceased the coinage of silver In 1871 and he claims that It was not until later In 1873 but we both agree that since January 1 1874 Germany has been entirely upon a gold basis We agree that the nations which compose the Latin union towlt France Belgium Bel-gium Switzerland Italy and Greece are all of them gold standard countries coun-tries There Is no dispute between us that British America and Australia are also gold standard countries We agree that Mexico China Japan and several of the republics of South America are silver standard nations There Is today no nation on the face of the earth that Is actually using a double standard The actual measure of value In each of the countries of the world Is either gold or silver alone except ex-cept In some countries where depreciated depreci-ated paper money Is the only circulating circulat-ing medium and metal money Is bought and sold as a commodity just as was the case In this country during the suspension sus-pension of specie payments Mr Harvey claims that the law of 1873 was secretly and fraudulently passed He wont deny that he claims that I have denied It and still deny It I say there Is not a grain of truth In such a statement But we both agree that the law was passed and Is In force today THE IMPORTANT QUESTION Now the Important question before the American people at this moment and the one we are here to discuss Is Ought the law to be repealed Ought we to again throw open the mints of the country to the free coinage of silver sil-ver upon the old ratio of 16 to 1 when the actual ratio of value In the markets mar-kets of the world Is fully 30 to 1 MR HARVEY RESUMES Mr Harvey When I have read the printed record of what Mr Hoir has Just now said It will be time enough for me to take up a new subject I am not done with the present subject yet The act of 1853 served the purpose of the men who were seeking to overthrow over-throw our constitutional standards of money In this way In 1853 on account ac-count of the exportation of our silver coins by reason of the French ratio of 15 to 1 being lesu than ours 10 to 1 Congress preserving tho silver unit ordered by act that tho fractional silver sil-ver 50 cents and less should be cut down In size to the French ratio to stop Its exportation The silver unit was preserved and could be preserved without even coining a single one of them It would regulate the other coins all the same Now the fractional silver had Its legal tender character taken from It because It was not of full weight It was not made full weight because of tho exportation and It was not made nonlegal tender because be-cause it WUB not of full weight awaiting await-ing further consideration whether wo would go to the French ratio as a whole or not So that when the bill In 1873 was being considered at the time when nobody no-body was thinking about coins and very few knew anything about It these men who were steering tho bill said Wu tiro reenacting the act of 1853 There uiiniuit ho anything wrong about that 7 And that U what they utado Senators and Congressmen believe they wo doing except that they were going go-ing to reduce the size of the silver dollar dol-lar to put us on the French ratio but talking to men who knew nothing about bbl ° Inlllam or the previous history his-tory of colniiffn To lIlt of 1873 served that purpose They got the language In the bill concerning the fractional coin and tho preceding clause that had the dollar In It Into the language of the act of 1853 So that all they had to do was to strike out the line that bat the dollar In It In the words of tho act of 1853 which waD a tree coinage dollar and there you hat an act without with-out any free coinage about It PEOPLE KEPT IN IGNOUANQE I have before me on thin table the files of the Chicago Tribune tor J67P This bill was passed In the Senate on 1 f I January 17th BO that the morning pal pa-l Itern of the 18th would contain any notes showing that the fundamental laws of tho Government hud bctli changed The only reference that app ap-p rs In that paper Is a press telegram from Wusluiwton which Is thin I read Mr Sherman called up the bill to reuse and amend the laws relating re-lating to mints aMsay olllces and coinage coin-age oi the United States which was amended and passed That Is all One of the money met nls of tho United States as It la now conceded was struck down by that bill ono of the moneys of the Constitution had been overthrown the dollar that had regulated all other coins had been abolished A great war debt to be paid l off and one of our money resources re-sources for paying It had been destroyed de-stroyed Long continued applause No Information of the fact was conveyed con-veyed to tho people but through the newspapers of the country Applause Tho reporters at Washington did not know It The Congressmen as a whole did not know It The money of the people that had served them well was destroyed and I now challenge Mr Horr to show mo anywhere In the newspapers of the United States during dur-ing thc passage of the bill which he says has no taint of fraud attached to It where the people knew that any bill was being considered by Congress that was to destroy as money onehalf the money metal of the country or that they had passed such a bill I have charged that It was passed secretly The fact that the fundamental fundament-al law of the Government had been reversed re-Versed and that no Information of It had gone to the people whose Government Govern-ment It was either before or after the patsage of the bill until It was discovered dis-covered several years afterwards Is ono of the best evidences of Its secret passage THE MEREST ROT Mr Horr In replying said All this talk about striking down the money of the people Is the merest rotIts the only word that exactly covers that kind of bosh The money of the people peo-ple should be just as good as the money of the nabob and before I get through I will show the people of the United States that I have come hereto here-to defend the rights of the millions who live by toll who live by work whose wages would be cut In two by the paspage of this law which my friend advocates Longcontinued applause ap-plause If Mr Harveynow listen shall succeed In proving that the people of the United States In 1873 were mostly a set of corrupt scoundrels and that he Is really the only pure and upright man left In the entire city of Chicago It wont avail him anything In this debate de-bate These questions are not pertinent perti-nent to the question In dispute The contestants being clearly at loggerheads log-gerheads as to the point of discussion little further progress was made and an adjournment was taken till Monday THE DAYS DEBATE The debate prior to running against the big snag had been full of Interest Harvey opened the days talk with a statement of points so far established They were that prior to 1873 gold and silver were the money of the Constitution Constitu-tion silver was the unit value up to that time a debtor was permitted to pay In the cheaper money and silver was not demonetized because of any overproduction at the time the act of 1873 was passed Taking up the debate proper Harvey denied he had any time tried to impeach Im-peach the Integrity of the American people but that he did not propose to allow corrupt Legislators to throw the mantle of National honesty around them for their own protection The speaker recognized the Integrity of the American people and It was to that he appealed The speaker then resumed the statement state-ment Interrupted at the close of the talk on Thursday of the various steps leading up to the passing of the act of 1873HORR HORR DENIES EVERYTHING Horr In opening declined to allow Harvey to accept as admitted any statements of Harveys which Horr failed to deny Horr said Harvey had been reading a series of carefully prepared pre-pared essays and he Horr could not be expected to remember all the statements state-ments made In them Harvey might take It for granted that he Horr denied de-nied everything except what he expressly ex-pressly assented to Horr then took up the International Monetary Conference at Paris In 1867 at which the leading civilized nations of the world were represented and pointed out that after days of consideration consider-ation the representatives of all nations present including the United States voted unanimously with the exception of the representative of Holland In favor of the gold standard Openly and as a legitimate outcome of this international In-ternational conference the act of 1873 was passed Horr argued at length quoting from letters and documents to disprove the charge that the demoneti zation act was passed through the influence Influ-ence of British bribes was false THE TOKEN DOLLAR Harvey reviewed the history of the act of 1873 quoting from the debate In the Senate when the bill was put on Its passage Horr said there was In the bill of which Harvey had spoken a provision for a token dollar worth dye francs The Senate struck that out and substituted the trade dollar Harvey If you will show me anywhere any-where In the debate of that day where the Senate struck out that provision wo will stall the debate right here Grout applause from Mr Harveys friends Horr The bill as passed contained a trade dollar did It not Harvey Yen sir Horr suggested that It covered the point and proceeded with his argument argu-ment He Hold nobody thought of striking strik-ing down silver I when tho bill was passed At that time sliver was not In circulation and the bullion of a dollar was worth more than the dollar Harvey read from Senator Shermans statement on putting the bill 011 1ta passage showing that the bill provided provid-ed for two dollars one a 3S4jraln dollar dol-lar equal to the French flvefmno piece and the trade rtQUar He declared de-clared Horr had said this dollar was not In the WU JJoir InterniptlnB said he never denied It Harvey said he would refer the question ques-tion In dispute to the record of the day Resuming Harvey said the conspiracy was carried out In the conference committee com-mittee Sherman and Harper reported to their respective Houses tho differences differ-ences had been defined and tha bill was passed without debate The bill as reported omitted tho 334graln dollar dol-lar larHorr saId he did not deny the existence exist-ence of the 384gruln dollar In the bill but at no time did the bill provide for anything except gold as tho standard The matter of a small dollar was agreed on In the conforonco committee Iti tlio ouatom but the committee ao could not enact anything Itt had to report to the two Houses and their action ac-tion was necessary The bill as passed with the addition of the trade dollar was nearly Identical with tho bill as drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury Treas-ury An attempt to smirch the charae tor of the members of Congress wha Voted for this bill was Infamous tih J pause > Upturning T4mmnnyUt f bay that i they fie Orokcr very urumnv and not disposed dis-posed tp associate with his oHl friends They believe ha will maKu UnglaniJ his owilleolaence permanent place or residence I |