Show j f f Local Lightning t rlbe for the Herald tuber tho HERALD does nil kinds v j work on short notlco uco of oil kinds nUll traIts taken I Ascription Patronize 5 our home nd thus help your towm i 1 j n want a bloyelo call a t this office < I a will give yon liberal terms and I I f i 1 ices 1 T u want n sewing m aohlno at c r Iure call on tho management nt > flee nnd receive quotations 1 LINERYNow is your time for I na Vie have a full line of trim L i ts tvt the lowest price ever offered a Ins MARSU I II TRIENNIEL CONC 1AVE Knlghls I I t inr Boston Mass A nguat 26 to 30 i iwcsl first class lit nltqd fare furS fur-S atrln Sailing dates Augivt 17 to claBlve limit roturi sing Siptembor Jo Jow w Is 1 tho chance e rorybody pator i i 1 homo indnstiy ivo hove a new I S i qullter trlnjr mi your material r J inking quilts anti vo will quilt for CO nnd 75 cent each acordiiif j leofqulltlnpt Oa Jl at Malcolm lt ICB arid see our Biunples Leave i 3 for quilting Respectfully Mrs n to t MuioMlss I1lner |