Show MORGAN ROASTS CARLISLE Says Ho Was Not Given n Cabinet Place Until Ho Changed Front on tho Silver Question nnd His Conversion Con-version Was Like Thnt of Aaron ExSenator Walsh Presided om phis Resolutions Adopted Griffin Go July lBThe streets of this little city were thronged at an early hour today by crowds from the country and surrounding towns while the hotels boardinghouses and public places contained an unwonted number of visitors from a distance all come to attend tho bimetallic State convention called by the Spalding County Silver League and to hear Senator John L Morgan of Alabama speak A caucus of the leaders of the free silver forces was held last night at which a plan of procedure was mapped out In accordance with the programme the convention was called to order at 11 a m by Professor John G Hunt of this city president of the local Silver League I3xUnlted Stales Senator Patrick Pat-rick Walsh of Augusta was made permanent I per-manent chairman of the convention and also president of the State Bimetal llo League In assuming the chair Senator Walsh made a brief speech do lining the purpose otr the gathering and criticising the llnanclal policy of the Administration The displeasure of some of the Democratic Dem-ocratic delegates at the presence of a large number of Populists showed Itself early when Delegate Gardiner of Pike arose and protested against Populists being allowed a voice In the proceedings proceed-ings Ills remarks were greeted with applause Congressman Moses of the Fourth district moved that all resolutions be referred to the resolutions committee without reading This was hotly opposed i op-posed by Delegate James Barrett of I Augusta a Populist who was supported support-ed by the other Populist delegates present I pres-ent The motion was adopted how over while Barrett denounced the procedure pro-cedure as a gag law Chairman Walsh then read a list of vicepresidents of the State Sllvur League MORGAN ROASTS CARLISLE The principal event of the convention was the speech of Senator Morgan of Alabama He said ho came to the meeting as a Democrat In Democratic harness and by the authority of a settled I set-tled creed to advocate Democratic principles as old and sound as the great National party Shermans law of 1873 was such a deathblow to silver as money metal that It seemed marvelous silver had enough life left to take up Its bed and walk But he said It Is moving to the front with uplifted head and vigorous vigor-ous step again In union if not In full harmony with gold and the parade Is so Inspiring that even Great Britain is keeping step to the music of the union Of Secretary Carlisle the Senator said he was not chosen as a Cabinet olllcer until he had changed front on the silver question Ills conversion was not like that of ZMul who espoused error was made bluu and then saw the truth and embraced It but like that of Aaron who saw truth became blinded to it and espoused the darkness dark-ness of Egypt typified In the golden calfMorgan Morgan said the recent contract for sale of bonds was without a precedent or justification Morgan combated what he termed the false Issue invented In-vented by Sherman and adopted by pleveland that It Is ttie duty of the Government to preserve the parity between be-tween the metals by adjusting their coinage to meet the fluctuations In commercial value Of the 100000000 gold reserve he said It Is a sort of Jack pot put up by Sherman that has kept up gambling gam-bling In our money It was never needed to give strength to the United States The country that had paid In debts and Interest more than 3000000 000 In thirty years could not need the support of 100009000 deposited In the Treasury to support Its credit PLATFORM ADOPTED At the conclusion of Senator Mor gans speech the convention took a recess re-cess until 3 oclock when It reconvened recon-vened Evan P Howell chairman of the committee on resolutions read the platform which was Identical with that adopted by the recent free silver convention con-vention In Memphis J M McBride offered a resolution declaring de-claring that the act of 1873 surreptitiously surrepti-tiously passed at midnight was a crime and had created more suffering to the human family than all the wars and pestilence and famines since the foundation of the world The resolution resolu-tion concluded with the denunciation of the present Administration for having hav-ing deserted the Democratic platform plat-form Wild applause followed the reading of the resolution but some discussion dis-cussion arose as It was thought best by some to Ignore the Administration Under a point of order the resolution was tabled as It had not been to the resolutions committee The convention ended with speeches by Congressman Livingston Clark Howell and others Mrs Ronan Bischargod A Boise Bpeulal under date of July 2e says Tho mysterious Itonan murder case In Canyon county took another turn today Mrs Itonan who had been arrested on a charge of having killed her husband was released and Matt Crump the principal witness against her was at once placed l under arrest for the crime At the preliminary hearing Crump was placed on tho stand Instead howover of proving a good witness for tho State ho apparently surprised the prosecution by disclaiming any knowledga of the murder Ho claimed to have spent the night of the murder at Itusscll Smiths near Caldwell His attention was culled to tho confession made at Payette In which ho declared ho saw Mrs Itonan Kill her husband with the ax Crump admitted having made and signed the statement but denied having sworn to It and also dodnred It wan mado under duress and while ho was In fear of death at thu hands of KMrldge tho allecfrd detective lie persisted III this explanation of his confession After repeated questions and denials ota ot-a similar character Mr Smith for the prosecution arose und caused u 1 scimatlon by moving that tho defendant bo discharged dis-charged und that Crump bo held until a complaint could bu lodged against him for the murder and a warrant Issued The Court grunted the motion and Crump was Immediately arrested anti tho date for his examination llxod for Monday July 23th Nooroes Dynamited Waco Tea July 20At Mart a small borough twenty mlloH from here live negroes were Instantly killed this morning and ono seriously Injured us tho result of a dispute which began several months ago when Abe Phillips a negro and Foil Arnold white both farmers wore killed Since then the fooling between HIP friends of both men has been very bitter and the negroes havo frequently been thr < atened with dost ruction At 2 oclock this morning the entire town waS awakened by a loud report Investigation In-vestigation showed that the house occu ppd by Mrs lhllll > 9 widow of the negro killed by Arnold was In Dame The house had been blown up with a slick of dynamite thrown Into It and lire llnlshed the work Of the six negroes In the house at the limo live were killed by tho explosion or burned to death One person who os raped Is so badly Injured that ho will die OUlcers have been sent to Mart to Investigate In-vestigate |