Show FruitGrowing As A Business There has novor been a tlmo when tho outlook for horticulture as a business busi-ness was better than It Is at present Tile people of this country aro rapidly appreciating tho fact that fruit as a food ls not only wholesome but nutritious nutriti-ous and It has become an Indlsponsa ablo adjunct to almost every tablo In tho land This Is well for tho consumption of fruit is to bo encouraged In every way as being beneficial to tho health of tho people Tho man who engages In fruitgrow ing now Is sure of a market price that will pay him well for thu tlmo devoted to It Thoro has never boon a time when a crop of fruit did not pay well for all It cost and now that science has come to the aid of tho fruit grower and taught him how to combat disease and tho ravages of Insects ho Is more certain of u crop than over before The old way of setting trees and lot ting them care for themselves Is a thing of tho past and progressive man realize that fruit trees require attention as well as any other crop Orchards are to bo furnished with tho proper plant food and the soil kept under cultivation salllo as If It ucro In a crop that can bo grown In a year The day of largo orchards or-chards Is passing oxcopt whoro largo companies have them and thu day of extensive fruit arowing Is at hand rite small orchard which Is given the very best care Is to bo preferred by tho average farmer rather than tho large ono which cannot be given proper attention atten-tion Lot tho man who sets an orchard now attend to the location and select those varieties that have proven best In his section and success will crown his efforts over time hero Is no need to experiment on n a large scaln as there once was whims no man know Just what to wire Thu experiment statloiif have all been doing work along this line and the results are open for any ono who Inquires and there Is no excuso for not bnowlng just what to plant In almost any state and what tho lay of tho land should be for tho best rcMillt Those vho have good orchards are reaping groat profit from them and those who set others In tho near futurr may rest assured that tho demand will keep ahead of the supply for a goodman good-man ycura Farm News |