Show BACK FROM LONDON Assisstant Secretary Curtis Talks Business and Politics Washington D C July 23 Assistant Assist-ant Secretary Curtis of the Treasury Department who went to London to deliver to Messrs Rothschild the foreign for-eign quota of bonds In the recent gJld syndicate sales returned to Washington Washing-ton today In the course of a conversation regarding re-garding his trip Mr Curtis said The business In London was successfully suc-cessfully completed and I am glad to return to my own country I found the feeling regarding Investments In the United States Blocks bonds and other securities both public and private better bet-ter than I expected There Is a very large amount of money In England awaiting Investment and I am satisfied satis-fied that If the holders were assured the value of what they would not lIe reduced by legislation regarding our currency that large amounts would flow to this ship of the water and an era of great prosperity would follow In this country The political excitement attendant on a change of government was most marked and the dissolution of Parliament Parlia-ment all the campaign for the new elections were very Interesting to an outsider A point however which struck me very forcibly was that the change of the government made no change In the dally business of the departments de-partments and though I was In the Treasury tho morning after the announcement an-nouncement of the new Ministry taking office there was no attendant line of officeseekers and the heads of the bureaus and divisions had no anxiety as to any prospective decapitation In fact I was told by a member of the new Government that the total patronage patron-age including of course the highest officers only amounted to about C percent per-cent and one of the hardest problems the Conservative leader had to deal with was a fair distribution of these few places among those considered entitled en-titled thereto |