Show Watching Utah Washington D C July 23 1895 I was learned this afternoon that the Department of Justice through one of the assistant tore Gencrals Is carefully studying the now Constitution Constitu-tion of Utah I Is supixiscd that the object Is to give an unofficial opinion to the Democracy of Utah upon the constitutionality of women voting In the coming election and before the Territory becomes I State The assistant AttorneyGeneral however how-ever denies that this supposition Is correct and states that he merely wanted to become acquainted with the Instrument as It refers to banking Washington D C July 23 Delegate Frank Cannon of Utah outlines what will probably prove a very Interesting question In connection with the election 1 elec-tion which Is to take place in that Territory Ter-ritory next November when the Constitution Con-stitution adopt < 1 by the recent Constitutional Consti-tutional Convctxion will bo presented to the people for their ratification or rejection and when also State and county officers will bo voted for The Constitution provides for female suffrage and the Democratic leaders have taken the position that under this provision the women should be allowed to vote at the election In November especially es-pecially In view of the fact that officials offi-cials are to be elected The Republicans Republi-cans on the other hand contervjl that Utah IK still a Territory and that this election must be hell In accordance with the forms provided by Congress which do not permit of the exercise of the elective franchise by women A general effort on the part of the ladles to vote might In view of the conflicting claims produce Important complications In the future |