Show rsrwrrrtr Shoop Raising Sheep more than many animals crave a variety of food and they will often go hungry ralhcr than oat food upon which their appetites havo boon cloyed They turn In pastures of swout nutritious grass oftentimes to the rag wood Wo always hear u great deal about fat mutton mut-ton but It Is a fact thatthe sheep Is tho best producer loan moat that wo have Ono of tho best sheep foods Is clover but It should not stand till the stocks aro woodr as In that condition tho Sheep know enough nut to oat tho stems For sheep fodder sow clover thick the stems will grow fine Cut when It gets Into full bloom and cnro It woll nnd the sheep will oat every part of It leas and alfalfa when cut at tho right tlmo make an excellent sheep fodder Tho hiuiliu or stems of beans and tho pods of the same should be fed with ox reme caution as tho sheep like them but they are apt to cause trouble In the bladders of the animals sometimes bursting them Tlmolhv hay that has linen allowed to n nn nn non n I stand unlit nearly ripe before cutting is unlit to feed to sheop Yoarlsngp will almost starve to death before they will oat It drown thick and tine and cut just when coming Into blossom older sheep will do fairly well on It Too many farmers loivo their hay to gel hard and woody before cutthtgin which condition It loses fully 50 per cent of Its feeding value Where shuop are fed on very much of the carbonaceous furago they should have a portion of grain to balance up tho ration When swamp hay meadow hay timothy hay corn fodder or straw Is being fed wheat bran gluten meal or oil meal should bo fed with that and never corn to any great oxtent and nov or except In connection with ono of ihu I above Rural World |