Show PRINCETONIANS HEAD FROM Not Likely That They Collided With tho Bannock Washington D C July 22R B Pierce father of S E Pierce one of the party of Prlnctonlans said to have been captured by the Bannock Indians In Idaho this morning received a letter from his son dated July 10th with a postscript dated July 15th The postscript post-script was written at the mouth of terry creek sixty miles from Jacksons Hole where the trouble Is said to have occurred Young Pierce stated that the party was about to start for the Yellowstone through the Union pass Governor Richardss dispatch to the Secretary of the Interior last week fixed the date of the fight as July 12th As the students could not have reached the locality before the 18th Mr Pierce entertains little anxiety In regard to them Professor Hatcher Is said to be experienced In Indian ways and Mr Pierce has full confidence In his ability to handle the party safely In the letter to Mr Pierce his son says that three members of the party were to leave them Immediately for New York In order to sail for Europe The letter named L F Pease of Germantown Ger-mantown Pa and John W Garrett of Baltimore as two of the three the third name not being given Several telegrams having been received re-ceived at the War Department from the officers of Princeton University and the friends and relatives of the students stu-dents expressing anxiety as to their vclfare Acting Adjutant General Yin ent this afternoon telegraphed General Coppinger commanding the United States army forces In that section asking for Information on this point It Is not believed at the War Department Depart-ment that the students are In trouble with the Indians but It Is likely that he telegram will cause General Cop linger to send out a party to discover the whereabouts ot the party UNEASINESS AT LANDER Lander Wyo July 22 Special to Tribune The uneasiness which has prevailed for several days here over the Princeton geological party which leftover left-over two weeks ago for the upper Big Wind River country still continues When they left here It was their Intention Inten-tion to be In Lander on the 2Sth of this month Since their departure word has been received by the postmaster at Fort Washakle to forward part of their mal to tho Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel Ho-tel In the Notional Park which would Indicate that their trip had been a departure de-parture from tho original plan and the party had been divided Inquiry among Indians mallbarriers and cowboys arriving lately > ltorn the vicinity of Jacksons Hole falls to give the least Information as to their whereabouts where-abouts While there are many who are always ready to Imagine the worst and think the students have been held by some band of Indians on their way to join the main body of the Bannocks at Jacksons Hole still thotw who are better bet-ter acquainted with the Shoshonos do not for a moment apprehend that they are In any danger Courlerc aro coming In every day from tho upper Wind lily er and news from the party Is looked for hourly TIE PRINCETON STUDENTS SAFE Philadelphia July 22The apprehensions apprehen-sions for the safety of the Princeton students In Wyoming were dispelled today when the parents of L Frederick Freder-ick Pease received a postal card as follows Dubois Wyo July HAm going m through to Yellowstone Park there we arrive Friday and crossing tho Park John Othernan and I return to Chicago via Northern Pacific from CInncbad Mont Wo will arrive homo about the lame time a formerly expected y > ont worry about the Bannock Indian troubles trou-bles They are seventyfive miles from here but are dally leaving them far behind Goodbye till Friday |