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Show ( Sheep Raising. Soil Xoiatura. Kanagment of Bandy Land. Incidental to the prevalent discuaslona of tha various phases of tha Irrigation Question, the subject of saving tha soil moisture is receiving considerable attention. It Is interesting to note tho various sides from which such subjects are approached, and tha various conclusions reached, depending on tha writer's point of view. Such diversities are to bo expected, and graat good ou the whole comes from such exchange of experience and opinions; for although each seos the subject from his own side, this interchange of views makes each somewhat conversant with tho subject as a whole. This fuller acquaintance he would nevor get by his own unaided experience It Is Irom earnest, Intelligent observation and discussion that the advauciiicnt of farming Interests must. come, bo we may expect only good from the discussion now occupying so much space In agricultural and country papers upon the subjects of Irrigation, conservation of moisture and etc. While the subject of how to supply plants with the proper amount of molst-ur- o la one as a whole, lakes as many phases os the different persons liandliug It. 'I here are. In fact, many distinct factors that go to make this one general result. A proper and full treatment of the subject would Include all of them, but It is often convenient to classify and to deal with one at a time. Ono writer thinks only how to get water ou the soil, lie Is Inclined to say that all we want Is water. Another thinks that the preparation of the soli Is the all important thing, lie would subsoil and plow deep, thus preparing a deep bed of earth to hold the water and the plant food and give the plant roots room to expand and amplyfy, so that tho crop will have a large area from which to draw its supply In time of need. Another would strive by methods of cultivation to retain any water that falls upon the soli of his fields, or that may be put upon It by Irrigation, lie observes the loss of water from throwing up the fresh oarth to drylug winds by deep cultivation, and the evident distress of plants from this cause, aud from having their roots disturbod and broken at a tlino when under the most favora-abl- e opportunities the plant is sorely pressed to sustain Itself. No doubt there Is much in what any of these may say on this favorite themo; but all should be considered togolhor. The question of how to savo moisture In soils, and at the same time, If possible bring the soil to the condition that excess water does no damage. Is far broader In Us application thau that of bringing water upon the soil. There are many sections where Irrigation will not be practiced, where rainfall Is usually sufficient for the needs of crops, but which suffer at times, lluw to economize In the use, or rather waste, of the water In tho toll whon such tlmus come ola an Important cosldcration. Methods of preparing soil and of tillago that will serve to keep the soil In the best condition are then of great value in all sections in those where rainfall Is generally sufficient, and In those whero Irrigation must be resorted to. Hut It would seem to bo of greater Importance where water In soil stands for an outlay of money or labor, or both. Whore water hat cost nothing, but has fallen from the clouds, one may be excused for letting it escape In wasteful ways, perhaps, but certainly so such waste can be afforded where water costs something. The water In either case should be msde to go as far as possible In growDeep atd thorough opening ing crop of the soil Is a first requisite In many soils Hut here discrimination must bo used. Close, compact soils will repay opening up, by the subsoil plan if ucod bo. On tome soils green manuring or of well rotted barnyard applications manure would bo usoful In Improving the texture, to say noihlag of their effects as a fertilizer. In soasons like this the harrow should closely follow tho plow. Soil throwu up roughly dries out rapidly and becomes cloddy. The harrow or the roller and leveler should be used at the close of each days plowing. The difference In tho loss of water from soil thrown up roughly by the plow and from that which has been harrowed and plauked Is certainly conslderabe, although I hsro uo figures upon tho sub jeet. Surface tillage at the time when crops are suffering most fur water will serve to reduce loss by evaporation. These siuthods are all being urged for adoption by men who would Improve their farm practice, They havo heen abundantly justified hy experience In We may confpractical experiment identially expect that as greater study Is given to soil physics because of ihu prominence It is assuming In Irrigation Investigations, our knowledge of how to savo the water of our soils will be greatly Increased, and that the linportancn of such measures will bo so fully demonstrated that none will question it. lrof. (!. II. Flalycr. Thore Is a very wide difference In tha agricultural capabilities of soils, says tho Field aud Farm. But all auch Mills have one chief characteristic they are This all deficient In vegetable matter. la because the porous character of sandy soil allows water to drain through It readily. When tha water goea out air from the surface follows, lienee, when there Is a heavy rain the soil receives an Sheep, mors than many animal crave a variety of food, and they will often go hungry ralher than oat food upon which their appetites have been cloyed. They turn In pastures of sweet, nutritious grass ofteulliues to the rag weed. We always hear a great deal about fat mutton, but It Is a fact that the sheep Is tho host producer of lean meat that we have. One of the best sheep foods Is clover, but It should not stand till the stocks are woody, as In that condition the sheep know enough not to oat tho stems For sheep fodder sow clover thick, the stems will grow fluo. Cut when It guts Into full bloom and cure It well, and the sheep will eat every part of It. loas and alfalfa, whon cut at the right time, make an excullunt sheep fodder. The haulm or stems of beans and tbe pods of the same should bo fod with caution, as tbe sheep like them, but they are apt to causa troublu In the sometimes bladders of the animal bursting them. Timothy bay that has been allowed to stand until nearly ripe before cutting Is unfit to food to sheep, Yoarlsngp will almost starve to death before they will eat it. Urown thick and lino and cut just when coming into blossom, older sbeep will do fairly well ou It. Too many farmers leave their hay to gel hard and woody before cutting. In which coudlilon It loses fully 50 per cent of Its feeding value. Where sheep are fed on very much of tho carbonacaons furago they should have a portiou of grain to balance up tbe ration. Wheu swamp bay, meadow bay, timothy hay, corn fodder or straw Is being fad, wheat bran, gluten meal or oil meal should be fed with them and never corn to any great extent, aud never except In connection with ouo of the Rural World. above, MORGAN. R0AS1S CARLISLE. Kng-lun- io I T HAS NO RIVAL in your HEALTH. TAKE IT and in 6 DAYS you will bs CURED of the TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will be lengthened. Bend $5 for one bottle to Eagle Pharmacy, Ex-Unit- ed - er fruit-arowiu- to-da-y. E. Cor. Ssoond South and Went Tempi r home-seeke- rs d, nl Street, Balt Lake City. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Before buying gee that the bottlns are sealed with the slgntturo. Dean Lee Dia U broken. Nous genuine without this seal or when st.-u-l E. N, JENKINS Temple of Music. Utah Agent tor the best Piano sad Organ la the market 208 South West Temple, POST OFFICE BLOCK, ASTONISHING TYPE FOR SALE,Kflp-- w": Cylluje, roltar sad chans. Tyn Is fair condition, aud Ineaaea. A compluta country outfit. Write ins tud ava money, MATT. K. ED8ALL, Ogden. ph;t8 Block. Salt Luk. Watchmaker, Jeweler RESULTS Prom The EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAFEST, MOST bL'U'ESSKLL. AMD MOST PERMANENT REMEDY YET DISCOVERED. Farm Loans M cCornick S Optician ALEX. I. WYATT. 90S Main Street. MET WITHOUT THEPRESIDENT. Cmm heretofore huiKknui, now cured and brought to newness of life and happiness. Read tbs trst luonisl in this iisue of a physician once skeptical on liquor cures, but now a convert to tlm Eng e Heuirdy, Relapse from other cure and victims of tlm terrible lluuor should not delay. Writ for further particular or call st EAGLE rilAltMACY, E. Cor. 3d and IVmple fit. & OLNEY CALLS THE CABINET TOGETHER. SECRETARY Declined to State What Subject Waa Under Discussion, but There Waa an Air of Gravity. So. V, bait Lake Oily, Utah. OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF SALT LAKE AND OODEN MERCHANT Wheu sniwering advertisement kindly mention tld aewrupuiier. Washington, D. C., July 19. For the Cottage Cafe (dta Walker's store.' A r first time In many years there waa a Clan I with win. Striwbarrie and Cream .r Ice Cream hr 20 CENTS. Also furnished room. midsummer Cabinet meeting In Washington this afternoon, in the absence ARCHITECT and Room 35 A 36 of the President. Secretary of State Umershlk. SW.il South Olney apparently cam. to Washington from Falmouth express rUUDUCE, GKALX,. SEE- Dnoon and C. A. SMtfin'Hif AITlt FKuD. COgUguuu, bt. purpose,1 for IIS SMVEoV will leave the city HLt Lit bA.NDKIW dt CAMPHKLL,-RooSIT, Whllinghu Hide, 6446 Secretary Olney calico at the War W, F I rat couth M. P. O, Hot last. Department soon after his arrival at the State Department to talk with Sec- 1UIOOM retary Lamont. The latter was absent pnivemwnt. Rotes Reasonable. at the time, and he failed to attend the Cabinet meeting, which was held later, PAPER! LaMHKUT PAPER CO.. Kelt Lake although an enort was made to summon him by telephone. Secretary HerKH. UFMCEkmCU ACQAVCDC Secbert next received a visit from the Sample by mall or axprsaa floofl I LllUi receive prompt attention; retary of State, and about 4 oclock the over State to walked the Departpair us Mam ment and were closeted In the office of J. W. CURRIE, assayer. hi., nail Lake. Prompt Secretary Olney. Here they were Joined attention given all order by malt or expren lu the course of half an hour by Secbuppllu und Grinding. SALT retary Carlisle and Attorney-Gener- al lake UAKUEKbeiui'PLYco. Harmon, who had been called by tele181 W. Sad South St phone Into the conference. This lasted mj roved farm for fully two hour and from time to J'Z.Ja.oa OKA VESA VI.Vs UN CO.. Mg. time Assistant Secretary Adee, who has Comtek lildg., Kelt Lake City. been acting as Secretary of State durSought and mid. J. ing the absence of Secretary Olney, waa called into the room to advlae the A, Pollock, 1(M Mala Salt Lake City. bt., Cabinet as to some point under discussion. Whatever was the subject considered R. R. TICKETS. M-Mss- i: could not be learned, and apparently Ticket 0cSait u, It waa resolved to keep the proceedings of flaw candle MB"faiturer secret, for each of the persona present, uJdbJvrln confectioners' as they emerged from the office, de8? b, Main, Salt Lak City clined courteously but positively to anUtah Optical Co. swer a single question touching their W EXAMt.VAllf.XH FRKR deliberations. AH that could be gathered was to the effect that nothing had happened at Gray Gables to give LAWYERS SitctiLLJUumofi rise to any apprehension. Still there Opera Ilmisu hlk.a-liLawas an air of gravity In the demeunor I household word In ul of the Cabinet officers as they emerged REMINGTON 'r,rrwsoiUwi. S.J. from the conference that would IndiiruHNnia I'l ' cate that some weighty and Important mscluue iu .Northern TYPEWRITERS. questions had been under discussion. Ltiih. lie makes all The impression Is very strong tonight that the Cabinet meeting was for kuoaofKllpiiirmg a speelanv. the purpose of discussing the neutralBest in the Market. ity features of the Cuban question, and it Is believed that some public state"At and SIOO ment will be made in regard thereto in miid lo for oaUhlitfiin. $40,550,875 11 kind bicvrle buik a few day pliifN writ by mail. Addn U. C HttklNGKrt. fthe HOTELTS1 MrnPP s. ke propT Ogden Cycle hium, DEMOCRACY IN CHAOS. BLAND GIVES AN OPINION. EXPERT MUSIC P. AM ttt'n L, OKden,Ut - PIANOS - ORGANS. COALTER & SNELGROVE CO. liox D. 74 Mu,, Blw,t a TRY THE WALKER HOUSE well-matur- SALT LAKE CITY UTAH its successful ie ed PUREST ANI) REST. Thing. Work. Read the TESTIMONIALS of well known men. Works no INJURIES on tha system, but improves ay Use Three Crown Baking Powder HEWLETT k a Wonderful or Griffin, Gl, July 18. The streets of this little city were thronged at an early hour to-dby crowds from the country and surrounding towns, while the hotel boarding-house- s and public places contained an unwonted number of visitors from a distance, all come to attend the bimetallic 8tate convention, called by the Spalding County Bilver League, and to hear Benator John L. Morgan of Alabama speak. A caucus of the leaders of the free silver forces was held last night, at which a plan of procedure waa mapped out. In accordance with the programme, the convention was called to order at 11 m. by Professor John G. Hunt of this city, president of the local Silver States Senator PatLeague. rick Walsh of Augusta was made permanent chairman of the convention, and also president of the State Bimetallic League. In assuming the chair, Senator Walsh made a brief speech defining the purpose of the gathering and criticising the financial policy of the Administration. The displeasure of some of the Democratic delegates at the presence of a large number of Populists showed itself early, when Delegate Gardiner of Pike arose and protested against Populists being allowed a voice In the proceedHla remarks were greeted with ing applause. Congressman Moses of the Fourth district moved that all resolutions be referred to the resolutions committee without reading. This was hotly opposed by Delegate James Barrett of Augusta, a Populist, who was supported by the other Populist delegates present. The motion was adopted, however, while Barrett denounced the procedure as a gag law. Chairman Walsh then read a list of of the State Silver From a Prominent Physician. League. Balt Lake City, Juno 15, 1805. MORGAN ROASTS CARLISLE. The principal event of the convention Tho Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a genuine I have had the opportunity the past was the speech of Senator Morgan of fow weeks of seeing the Eagle Liquor reality; It la safe and sure. Alabama. He said he came to the ud Tobacco cure administered to one meeting as a Democrat, in Democratic 1 harnes and by the authority of a setalcoholism esses of that of the worst tled creed, to advocate Democratic SHOT EVERYONE IN SIGHT. have ever seen. The patient Is an ax principle as old and sound as the In was Keelsy graduate (so called) and great National party." Shermans law of 1873 was such a an extremely bad condition both physi- ASSASSINATED AN ITALIAN deathblow to silver as money metal, cally and mentally. I have always been HOUSEHOLD. that it seemed marvelous silver had cures liqfor of the life left to take up Its bed and skeptical enough walk. But, he said, it is moving to uor and other habits, but must acknowlDeliberate Wholesale Slaughter of a the front with uplifted head and vigoredge that In this esse Us success has Louisiana Family Used a Double-Barrell- ous step, again in union, if not in full When a man harmony with gold, and the parade Is surprised mo very much. 0 so Inspiring that even Great Britain Is Shotgun. who has been In the habit of drinking a keeping step to the music of the union. quart of whisky a day and amoklng Of Secretary Carlisle, the Senator from three to live packages of cigarettes New Orleans, July 2L Last Friday on the Terre Haute plantation, in said he was not chosen as a Cabinet under ten days treatment absolutely re- night St. Johns parish, while ltosarlo Giordano officer until he had changed front on fuses althsr, and when at tho same time and hla family were seated at the supper-table- , the Oliver question. His conversion Joe Noska walked up to the door was not like that ofbh--Zlftul, who espoused also returns to healthy appetite and a error, was made and then saw and. leveling a dou d, regular amount of sleep without any fired. Mrs. Giordano fell to theshotgun, noor a the truth and embraced It; but like tha bullets that did not go that of Aaron, who saw truth, became other medicine or remedy except that of corpse, and went her through both legs ol a blinded to It,- and espoused the darkthe Eagle Liquor cure. I am willing to through infant she held in her ness of Egypt typified in the golden arm that the tender Giordano, am Tearing Is I success a and It that acknowloge babe was killed In' the fall, sprang for- calf. recent contract for said the Morgan ward to clasp It, and the assassin then willing to endorse the samo. fired again. The buckshot entered the sale of bonds was without a precedent or Justification. Morgan combated groin of alary Glordanu. The Fruit-Growin- g Aa A Business. little girl, on seeing her mother tall, what he termed the false Issue Inran and received a portion of the vented by Sherman and adopted by There has never been a tlmo whon load forward of buckshot that struck hy father. Cleveland, that It Is the duty ef the tho outlook for horticulture as a busi- Tbe shot entered her abdomen, literally Government to preserve the parity betearing it to pieces. At the same time tween the metals by adjusting ness was better than It Is at present little their Nlcolina fell to tne floor, wounded coinage to meet the fluctuations In The people of this country aro rapidly through the head. The assassin, Joe Noska, did not move commercial value. Of the (100,000,300' ftold reserve, he appreciating the fact thst frnlt as a from the spot, but when he saw Ueneditto It is a sort cif Jack pot put food Is not only wholosomo but nutriti- Giordano, a nephew of tho dead woman, said: and Charlie Columbano toward up by Sherman, that has kept up gamous, and It has become an Indispenss-abl- e him, he coolly placed two coming fresh shells In bling in our money. It was never gun and waited until they got very needed to give strength to the United adjunct to almost every table in the his lose to him. Then he raised the gun and State The country that had paid In laud. This Is well, for the consumption fired both barrel the two men falling to and Interest more than $3,000,000,-00- 0 dead. Then the murderer, debts of fruit Is to be encouraged in every the ground In thirty years, could not need the throwing his gun over hie shoulder, made When the cltl-se- support of $100,009,000 deposited In the way as being beneficial to the health of his escape to the wood ascertained the extent of the deed Treasury to support Its credit tho people. they organised a posse and, led by the PLATFORM ADOPTED. fruit-growiIn Tha man who engages Sheriff, attempted to capture the assassin. At the conclusion of Benator Morbrought to the Charnow Is sure of a market price that The woundedInwere this city. They are: ity Hospital speech, the convention took a reKosarlo Giordano, the unfortunate head gans will pay him well for the time devoted cess until $ when it reconof the family, aged M year shot in the vened. Evan o'clock, P. Howell, chairman of to It. There has never been a time left thigh. the committee on resolution read the when a crop of fruit did not pay well for Mary Giordan aged 10 year shot In platform, which was Identical with that the abdomen, the bullets perforating the all It cost, and now that science has bladder adopted by the recent free silver conand Intestine Nlcolanl Giordan aged 7 year shot In vention In Memphl come to the aid of the fruit-growand the corner of ey the bullet penetrating J. M. McBride offered a resolution dehim how combat disease and to his skull. taught claring that the act of 187$, surrepti4 month shot Giordan and Joseph tho ravagea of Insects ha Is more certain In both tiously passed at midnight, was s legs and the head. and had created more suffering of a crop than ever bofore. The two little Giordano girls at the hos- crime to the human family than all the wars die. will and The father pital Tho old way of setting trees and lotpestilence and famines since the baby will recover. The as- and foundation of the world. The resoluhas not yet been captured. ting thorn care for themselves Is a thing sassin Mr. says he does not know tion concluded with the denunciation of the past, aud progressiva man realize how heGiordano had offended Noska, who was a of the present Administration for havon laborer the place, except that on one ing deserted the Democratic platthat fruit trees require attention as well occasion overseer, who is a friend of form. Wild applause followed the as any other crop. Orchards are to be hi told the man to do some chore tho but some disof the resolution, however, had nothing to do reading furolshod with tho proper plant food Olordan thought best with this. Giordano had been living on cussion arose as It wasAdministration. and the soil kept under cultivation the the plantation with hie family for the by some to ignore the few year Last October Noska (or Under a point of order the resolution same as if It were In a crop that can be past Genaste) came from New York to work was tabled, as it had not been to the on the lu a orplantation. He la a married man resolutions committee. grown year. Th day of large and lived with his wife and two children The convention ended with speeches chards Is passing, except where large on the place. The assassin and the woundLivingston, Clark by Congressman man never whated had had trouble any companies have them, and tho day of ever, and no 111 Howell and other as as the far feeling, g Is at hand. extensivo wounded man knew, existed between Mrs. Ronan Bischarged. Tha small orchard which Is giveu the Cham. A Iloloc special under dele of July SOenyi: IDAHO. Is best be care to the very preferred by The mysterious Ronan murder ease In Garleck was found dead In average former rather than tho large anMrold Anna county took another turn house In Boise. After the ex- Canyon 51 r Itonan, who had been arrested on a ono which caunot be given proper atten- amination of several witnesses a verof having killed her huubaud, wan charge tion. Let the man who sets an orchard dict that deceased came to her death released, and Matt Crum the principal against her, waa at once placed now attend to the location and select from natural causes, due to the exces- witness arrest for the crime. sive use of alcoholic stimulant was under At the preliminary hearing. Crump waa tlioao variotlua that have proven beat In rendered. placed on the stand. Instead, however, 8. P. Worthington, at Oakley, haa an of his section and success will crown hla witness for the State, tree bearing its fruit as though he proving a good efforts every lime. There is no need to orange surprised the prosecution It were planted In a tropical clime, and by apparently disclaiming any knowledge of the experiment on a large scale as thers this year will give forth two large and murder. Ha claimed to have spent the while at the night of the murder at Russell 8uilths. orange unco was wIhmi no man knew just what Is bearing blossoms and near Caldwell. His attention waa called same It time tu to the confession made at Payette, In Thu expuriumet station other fruit growing. he declared he saw Mr lionau havo all been doing work along this The scalp vouchers presented and al- which kill her husband with the ax. lowed a at late session ft-the of County line, and tha results are open Crump admitted having made and siit of Boise amounted to signed the statement, but denied having one who Inquires, and there Is no excuse Commissioners $2529.35. This sum was for rabbit and sworn to It, and also declared It was for not bnowlng Just what to plant In gopher scalps deposited at the County made under duress and while he was in fear of death at the hands of Kldridge. almost any statu and what the lay of tho Clerk's office during the past three the He persisted in month which aggregate over 80,000 at this alleged detective. land should bn for the best result explanation of his confession. 1 cents each. anil denials of After repeated questions Those Lave good orchards are Payette Independent: A party of thir- a similar character, Mr. Smith, for the teen caused arose Illinois and a sensation arrived from Ion, rcaplug great profit front them, and the first of this week. We understand Iirosecul that tho defendant bo disthose who sot olhora In tho near future these people first stopped In the vicin- charged and that Crump lie held until a Balfour Is In appearance one of the may rest assurod that the demand will ity of Idaho Fall where they remained complaint could lie lodged against him for the murder and a warrant Issued. Thu most indolent men in public lire in about two weeks, finally concluding to Court granted the motion, and Crump though In reality one of the most keep ahead of tbo supply for a good come to Payette valley and locate per- was Immediately arrested and tho date active mentally. A writer describes him many year Farm News. manently In the great fruit belt. for his examination fixed for Monday, as sitting on the Treasury bench with his Times: said are The enh. Indians backbone ao curved as to bring hla head July Tho Cigarette must go, Ulvo the toHalley be playing havoc with the game up where his back should have been, with Neeroes Dynamited. hla feet in air, his heels resting on the Eagle Tobacco Cure a chance and It on the head of East Fork. They should desk before him. be kept on the reservation, because the will conquer every tlm Wac Tex., July S'. At Mart, a small whites here are liable to shoot them borough twenty miles from here, five Uncle Sam had better negroes were Instantly killed this morning accidentally. care for his pet or there will be good amt one seriously Injured, as the result Indians lying around loose on East of a dispute which began several months ago, when Alie Phillips, a negro, amt Fork. Ilill Arnold, white, both farmers, were llnw pleasant It Is for brethren to killed. Since the feeling lie tween dwell together In concord ! The Payette the friends of then both men has been very Independent sweetly saya: The Inde- hitter, mid the negroes have pendent sent a printer over to Ontario been 2threatened with destruction. At oclock this morning the rntlre last week to help the News out of a rut. This week Brother Bowen re- town was awakened hy a loud report. YOUR showed that the house occu-pturned the favor by coming over and Mrs. JlillKps, widow r.f the negro stacking lead for us. Thats the way killedhy by Arnold, was in Haines. for brethren to dwell together in unity. house hud been blown up with a stickThe GROCER of Into thrown It, and fire finished dynamite Mr. Honncr is now extensively en- the work. SELLS IT. gaged In fattening hogs on the Hornet Of tho six negroes In the house nt the time five were killed by the explosion or creek range. The feed used Is cricket burned to death. One person who esof which there are abundance. The caped Is so badly Injured that he will die. only trouble is that hogs are too scarce Officers have been sent to Mart to to stop their ravage BEOS. accession of oxygon which rapidly destroys whatever vegetable matter It contains. If tha subsoil Is sandy It becomes exceedingly difficult to fertilize It. While the thin surface covering of vegetable matter remains even the soils that are sand, down to and Including the subsoil, will produce good crops. But unless care Is taken to grow alfalfaor so mo other green manure such soils drifting sands, entirely worthless for farming purposes. But there is very little sandy soil that does not overlay a stratum of clay. Such soil has great ad vantage In easo of cultivation and In Its quick rorponso to manure. If land of this character Is plowed shallow and sowed to alfalfa It will not be difficult to make It fairly productive for an period. It Is so easy to work sandy soli, and It can be worked se much earlier In the spring, that many farmers who havo learned the secret of its management prefer It to all others. It Is free from stones and in plowing much loss labor Is required than in turning a heavier soil. There Is nothing to gain but much to loose by deep plowing of sandy soil. If only three or four Inches of the surface la mixed with vegetable matter that should be the limit of depth for the plow until the growing of alfalfa has extended vegetable matter to a greater depth. T obacco Cure Eagle Says Ha Was Not Given a Cabinet Place Until He Changed Front on the Silver Question and His Conversion Was Like That of Aaron Walsh Presided Memphis Besolutions Adopted. Says the Party Will Be Wiped Off the Map if It Dodges the Free Coinage Issue Any Longer. St. Lon: July 21. Blood la In the city. Speaking of the silver question he said There la no use trying to dodge this Issue any lunker. If the Democratic party does not declare for the free colmige of silver it will In- - wiped off the map. The in the large r I ilea likn Cl. newspaper Louis talk aliout the silver sentiment (lying out. but they are not Ruing to fool anybody. There may he a few Democrats in the cities who will follow the Admin- - Salt T.akr, oust trip. Gr.U K. JOHNSON, . ... iiurift, lriLi Proprietor. is K In u ft. Iltrycic ball, lawn or eriekat mip- iHmuiiiiiritiri' iU'. 4iid for our iJiiio Illiud MM, irw p( Hn. Wi Main lido. .. Suit i .w. material, heat SPRAY PUMPS, Spraying mnli. Elegant Jo. und up Man tela, ('. torrcuonriili'iii Hiliciinl, UT4H STOVE a HARDWARE COMPANY. Reed Hotel, ocg istratlon. but there are practically none Rooms, 9 eler.'itors, tieclria lights. Ktrlctl the country. This coming convention Iv 137 lirsl class la all it appoint mauls. Makes a will show how the Democrat In Missouri stand. In order to win In the next cam- tS tale to in lermouutuiii trade. paign we have got to take a bold stniul for silver, and we must be getting in T- - N. U. 18,1898, Salt LaYa. line. Do you think that (lie next Democratic National Convention will declare for independent free silver?1 I do not know whether it will or not. but if It does not the will not stand a ghost of a show. party The people are not learned thatBtii-tv-Frank J. Hart, a nutnrl-n- u bunko who broke going to follow a id.it form which Is luat Murrh with (he dcxpi i Tom Jail meaningless or intended to deceive. FedDlanrk. eral ollli (holders und wlilsky-gaugemade liln tuinlly gMd by Indnc sent lit a Imx to 1asen,excape nisy succeed In controlling conventions, on i Northlike they did In Kentucky, but tho people ern I 'acute. Traveling Auditor will not follow them." discovered how the scheme had Weir 'Would not a for free coinbeen worked. There was nothing in the luxe us the the vote of age largo elites? It would dfiquratlonaldy huu votes in box but a few Kunnysacks r.nd a la.t- some cities, but we would g.iln in other" " "l,,n thl ,ln vrsirt deliv"Your namo has frequently liccn menered the hour wns midnight, and cschuo tioned a a candidate for tho lrcsldi-nc; from the londy freight l.oiiw y. what can I say ubout that?" It Is all foolishness to talk about candidate Thera Is no Demucratla party. Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlhat Mads asd There Is nothing but chaos and disorder, Diploma. In ra-li- rs |