Show m BLOCKED BY PROSPERITY English and Germans Believe the Apparent Return of Better Times nnd tho Increased Output of Gold Will Retard the International Movement Capitalists Regain Confidence in Investments Denver Colo July 21 Special to Tribune President n T Jeffery of tho Denver Rio Grande Railroad returned re-turned homo this morning from London Lon-don whore he attended the International Internation-al congress of railway officials While abroad Mr Jeffery carefully Interested himself In the financial situation and for most apparent reasons since his line depends entirely upon ore shipments ship-ments and the abandonment of sliver If not fatal Is I at least disastrous to his company He comes back with a sorry view of affairs and while he would not say so In so many words gives views of Influential English and German capitalists which clearly predict for bimetallism l bi-metallism no Immediate progress He had this to say on the silver question lr met a number of gentlemen In London who are blmetalllsts and very strong ones The general thought expressed ex-pressed by them Is that the largely increased In-creased output of gold In South Africa and the largely Increased output of the same metal In Colorado and other parts ot the United States together with the Indications of a returning prosperity in Great Britain a well as the United Slates will retard the advance of bimetallism bi-metallism These gentlemen whose names I withhold for obvious reasons are all known over here and they are authorities authori-ties They seemed to express their views as I have just given them with great reluctance They were quite strong In the belief that the two condl llorls to which reference has been made would be very strong factors In the settlement set-tlement of the question of bimetallism Time belief abroad Is that Lord Sails burys Government will not be at all disposed to take the Initiative In regard to bimetallism even though some mem bern of the Cabinet are outspoken friends of the cause I made some Inquiries as to tho probable effect In Germany that Is regarding re-garding the Increased output of goldfields gold-fields and the apparent return ot prosperity pros-perity I endeavoring to ascertain the possime action ot time uerman Govern ment I was quite the same there German blmotalllsls thought that the two conditions mentioned would go tar towards retarding early action upon the part of the Government In favor of bimetallism The gentlemen who expressed these views unhesllatlngly staled that they were wedded to thp opinion that tho world at large would be the better for bimetallism and that It would come sooner or later But the early advent of It which they were expecting Is In their opinion hardly 4 to be expected now < A In stating these views I but express the views of those with whom I talked f and who have devoted years to a careful care-ful study of bimetallism and the best means of promoting that monetary policy Regarding the condition of the commercial com-mercial world Mr Jeffery continued I 1 From what I could learn In England fIt f-It Is conceded there that there Is a return re-turn of prosperity in the United States This In the opinion entertained by financiers and business men there So real Is this opinion lhat they all told me there would be much less reluctance re-luctance In making Investments In our country than during the past two or three years English capital must sock Investment outsldfe of Great Britain and the field for It Is not very extensive beyond our own qountry and South Africa English which money absorbs Q great deal of J |