Show From a Prominent Physician Salt Lake City Juno 15 1805 I have had the opportunity tho past few weeks of seeing the Eagle Liquor and Tobacco euro administered to ono of the worst cases of alcoholism that I have ever seen Tho patient Is an ox ICocloy graduate so called and was In an extremely bad condition both physically physi-cally and mentally I havo always boon skeptical of tho socalled cures for liquor liq-uor and othor habits but must acknowledge acknowl-edge that In this case Its success has surprised mo very much When a man who has boon In tho habit of drinking a quart of whisky a day and smoking from three to live packages of cigarettes under ten days treatment absolutely refuses re-fuses either and when at tho same time also returns to healthy appetite and a regular amount of sloop without any othor medicine or romody except that of tho Eagle Liquor cure I am willing to acknowlego that It I Is a success and I am willing to endorse the game |